Uncanny Valley Part 2. I'm in the world, but I have no arms.

  • So The Works of Mercy and Identity look like IRL sims. But you have no arms.

    Physics and animations lagging behind fidelity. Tech demo vapourware mayber, but photorealism is coming. Surely someone needs to bring arms and physics and better interaction to the table?
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    It's all very impressive until we see humans. Photorealism has a ways to go yet.
  • You are right.
    Too much emphasis on the screenshot and not on the gameplay video.

    I do a lot of "fly through" animations for work.
    I hate them, always have, because they never feel right. Movement isn't real.
    A big issue is the field of view, our eyes aren't a 16:9 flat rectangle so anything outside of VR or possibly AR will always look gamey.
    The way our eyes, head and body move is also very different, these things always look jerky. Works for action, not so much for elsewhere.

    I think the possibilities are there, the tech certainly is. I feel it will need a film director, tech developer and probably Andy Serkis, working on a VR experience to come up with something interesting.

    The end game is that everything is tracked. Full mocap, sound recording of yourself. Then put that through a filter to place the player in a game. Then have that feedback physically again through some form of HD rumble along with visual, audio, even scent data. Then cycle it again.

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