Random Artist Sampler - Wolf People
  • The Tobe offensive stuck with a couple of badgers, good work.  

    I'm going to stick Wolf People in as I've been all over them again this week and I'd like some similar recs if poss.  Wiki lists them as psychedelic rock.  Tight four-piece band, they know their way around a noodle but don't mind going into full attack mode either.  They're also far better than the Sabbath pastiche label they're often dismissed with imo.  Closest I have in the old CD collection is Arboretum, whose The Gathering album is pretty neat, and also a bit folk metally.  

    Not actually as good as the hard-hitting album version but a great performance:

    Bit of an off day for the vocals here, but this is a good summation of their sound and also their first bona fide banger:

    One more (someone put this on a curated by badger list a few years ago, so there is/was at least one more fan here somewhere):

    They're on the bucket list to see live at some point.
  • Here to cosign all that Tobe stuff. Outstanding.
  • Here to cosign all that Tobe stuff. Outstanding.

    Live from the swat will blow you away. Listen to it all.

    Will tick multiple genre loves of yours.
    I'm still great and you still love it.

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