Current Affairs
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    "How much?! Five bloody pound, fer shag?!"
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    Got needs? Get to Leeds.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • Get some clout for next-to-nowt!
  • Leeds. It’s dirty.

    Not the most inspiring slogan, but what the hell.
  • Leeds: Come for the whores, stay for the whores.
  • LarryDavid wrote:

    Leeds gets the honour of hosting Britain's first designated red light district.

    Isn't Leeds the capital of drug resistant clap?

    Appears so.

    'Leeds - home of legalised prostitution/super-gonorrhoea'
  • beano
    Show networks
    all the way home.

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    LarryDavid wrote: Leeds gets the honour of hosting Britain's first designated red light district.

    The first approved red light district was in Liverpool on Jamaica Street in the Baltic Triangle over a decade ago.

    Prostitutes have since moved into apartments in the Duke Street area since serviced ones have become more accessible. The sex trade here is booming thanks to stag weekends and we have a regular turnover of foreign sex workers eager to make money and pay for a university education.
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • I'd imagine there's loads of unofficial districts in cities across Britain where the police turn a blind eye/can't be bothered anymore. There was an article I read (forget where) about the nation-wide boom in students turning to prostitution to get themselves through Uni.

    Female students I mean, before Tempy gets any ideas.
  • Lol. One person in a flat getting paid for sex isn't technically illegal, IIRC when adkm was going into the details. I think it's solicitation/kerb crawling and brothels that were the issue.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • beano
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    all the way home.

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    Yes there always are- but this was supported as approved by providing CCTV in the area, discrete police presence and active support workers to help drug users (many sex workers are), provide contraceptives, support, etc...

    Now the industry here has all gone behind closed doors and so no one knows what's happening or if people are being trafficked or not. 

    Know of a docu maker whose trying to get some sex workers to agree to taking part. It's proving incredibly difficult as the workers are just here to save money for uni mostly, some are sending cash back over seas to support family, most if not all families don't know how the cash is being earned so this is what's preventing the docu from getting started. It all came about from a house party in recent times and it turned out the host and her friends all worked in the industry.

    Weird times.
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • I saw some of that on twitter. Fucking genius.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    I wonder if that video will have the desired effect?
  • "Shit he's getting mad. We should stop doing the thing we were doing to make him mad."
    I'm sure that's how trolls think.

    If he said they were selling them all and using the money to buy ammo, that might have worked.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • So serial child murderer Robert Black died in prison the other day. 
    Probably means nothing to a lot of you, but when I was a teenager he was responsible for a series of the most heinous crimes imaginable.
    The abduction and murder of children is always incredibly high profile, and his crimes dominated the news throughout the early 80's.
    Jennifer Cardy, Sarah Harper, Caroline Hogg & Susan Maxwell.

    It took the police about ten years to catch him and another four to convict him. By the time of his arrest it was largely believed that these were crimes that would never be solved, and iirc for many years the police struggled to even connect them to the same killer.

    Anyway, once convicted they locked him up and threw away the key. He's dead now.

    good fucking riddance
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • I heard that on the news and have vague memories from the time. I wish they had got around to more of the cases.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • Yes, in that respect it's a shame the bastard died. The police were five weeks away from charging him with another.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    US lottery prize is $1.5 BILLION

  • Pre tax so they'll probably only actually get a few hundred million.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • acemuzzy wrote:
    US lottery prize is $1.5 BILLION


    They changed how it works back I'm November or something specifically so they would end up with this sort of situation, and I guess create more of a buzz.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • That's what the UK lotto did too.
  • Lottery used to be quite nice. 14million to 1 for top prose, sure, but you stood a comparatively decent chance of a few hundred thousand for next best prize.

    With new euromillions style jackpot focus, you'll get £15K if you get 5 numbers which is fuck all.

    All because people are so goddamn useless at understanding basic probability and seeing bigger picture.
  • I used to think understanding probability was the main factor in lottery purchases, but after a run of terrible events, when everything else seemed completely hopeless, I bought a lottery ticket. That 1/14000000 chance was actually something I looked forward to for that week.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • It's easy to forget but they also have the raffle part which guarantees a millionaire every draw. So if five million people enter then that's a better chance than og lotto.

    five numbers was always less than you think, even five plus bonus barely scraped the 100k line in the past.

    Match 5 in a random 2003 draw was 5 1k (although a pot of 600 k split by 500 people

    First draw the jackpot was split by 7 people so less than a million each!
  • Judging by the extra layers of complication that have been added over the years, I can only guess that they're going after whales. As someone that has bought maybe 5 tickets in the last 20 years, I don't know what's going on.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • I think they are going for headlines, and money in their bank for longer.
  • Oh for the larger, less frequent, massive jackpots, yes. But I mean the increase from one simple Saturday lottery to a whole bunch of them with a bingo and a powerball with rules that aren't immediately obvious from the start.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • Bollockoff
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    Why are people insisting we need an English anthem? God Save the Queen is a shit one but it is essentially England's anthem first and foremost so we don't need to willies Wang compete with Scotland and Wales ffs.

    Fucking historically ignorant fuckwit FUCK DA DRAGON jingo pricks.
  • Isn't the argument that GSTW is the anthem of the Union? If we're going to have one each then I think it's fair to have one each. I personally don't care about anthems though, they're never likely to pick a tune that I feel reflects me.

    But it's a reflection of the argument we're having about devolution. It's great that we've got parliaments in Scotland, Wales and Ireland, but now we're in a position where Scottish MPs can vote on things that only apply to England. Seems fair to have an English parliament then have the Commons as a federal (is that the right word?) chamber.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."

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