The Witness - Jonathan Blow's Tracy Island Mashup
  • acemuzzy wrote:
    Whoop, finally managed it too.  A smidge quicker than Jon's, mainly due to me knowing about the R2 button I think :-).  You must have been worried when you fucked one up, and your pair at the end looked rather tougher than mine.  Thoughts pending in the Just Completed thread...
    The R2 button does that? Oops.

    Those two
  • I do not like these Tetris puzzles
  • Yeah they were the toughest for me
  • I thought i would be better at this game. Struggling to find a puzzle which will teach me what some of these symbols mean. I think i may have misunderstood some of the earlier lessons. 

    I just managed to guess a puzzle correctly by drawing in random directions. Cant figure out why my solution is correct.
  • Generally, if you can't figure out a symbol, go and do something else and you'll find the place that explains it eventually.
  • Yeah after the first little sequences of puzzles it just opens up and the "later in the game" puzzles can be found early. Best to keep looking around for a puzzle that you know or that has a learning section.
  • I found this stage a bit difficult too. Was just wandering around and not finding anything I could do. I've been avoiding using guides much on this, but I did find it quite helpful early on just to point me roughly in the right direction.
  • I just kept wandering about until I found something I could do.
  • I started this today. Got three lasers firing 

    and also explored some mazes. Had to look up two puzzles because they just did not seem to make any sense to me whatsoever - those were Hedge Maze 3 (which was so simple on reflection) and one of the last few shadow puzzles. Still not sure how it worked, but it did. Not bad out of 118 puzzles, but I am going to try not to use any more hints.

    My favourite bit so far has been the Sun Temple, the reflection stuff there was very clever and made me happy.
  • im sturggling to progress, but i have resisted the urge to look up at any solutions. Also having some trouble with a hedge, a shadow, and a couple of others i forget.
  • Sometimes you need to think with your feet
  • Hedge 3 was one of my favourite puzzles - as you say it's simple once you work it out, impossible until you do.

    My daughter found it legitimately impossible though as...
  • The hedge mazes were the first major thing that I did. Loved the way it progressed and then came together at the end. Probably the first point I realised just how good it was going to be.
  • I wouldn't look up any solutions or seek any hints personally. If you're stuck there's always something else to find, and often if you just come back to something later the solution becomes clear.

    There are places I visited 3 or 4 times before I managed to do anything, then suddenly you just notice a little detail and the whole thing unravels. Those are great moments.
  • Yeah I am going to clamp down on it, but I just felt like these two particular puzzles were a little too lateral. Nearly did it for the the up/down water room too because finding the sweet spots was a real chore.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    SPOILERS in the proper sense
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    I'm a puzzle geek but ended up looking up instructions to the secret final area which accidentally gave away how one set of puzzles worked, despite me having bluffed past them thus far. The "eureka" moments where wtf became enlightenment were definitely the highlights.
  • I've been back on this again after a bit of a break. Still stuck on Tetris area but have solved a few more of them. Did a bit of wandering yesterday and did the

    That was pretty satisfying!

    Now in a treehouse bit, did a few easily but then got stuck on one. Hopefully will be able to do it when I take another look later.
  • What's the deal with the black pillars?
  • Spoiler:
  • Yeah that's what I meant cheers. Are they not called that? Maybe I just imagined that.
  • They might be, I've just never heard it before. It's certainly a less spoilery name for them.
  • Black pillars (very spoilery i.e. explicitly says what they're for):
  • Also
  • This game makes my head spin. I do not understand why the Left works but the Right doesn't

    I solved it now but I am not 100% sure why the solution I got worked but that one didn't

    OK, think i have it
  • You're trying to do something you can't there.

    Or your spatial awareness and/or counting ability is fucked.
  • I figured it out, which is why I edited to say 'I think I have it'

    For some reason my brain had decided that I was able to rotate them, prior to the more logical solution of moving them around
  • Still stuck on the treehouse stuff mind
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Spoiler in the post above, temps, might be worth hiding. Always fun reading people pain and then triumph here.
  • Are you saying my puzzle mechanics thing is a spoiler or the location treehouse, because people have used location names loads in this thread, and I've not said what puzzles involve moving rather than rotating so???

    Anyway I got another +1 in the treehouse area I think, but there are some things I can't do. I am not sure if I like these puzzles that much. When I got onto the stars/cubes I had to look up the logic behind them to confirm that I was on the right lines, because after 30 or so puzzles it thew in something that didn't seem to fit - I solved it, but wasn't sure why. Having it actually written down for me confirmed that I knew what I was doing, but I can't visualise that kind of thing in my head very well. Am dumb.

    I think that it's an interesting game, in that it is trying to universally teach people its rules, despite the fact that people learn differently. Sometimes I can see the logic, and it's amazing, but because I am not very mechanically or logically minded (I failed A level electronics) I think some of the leaps are beyond my personal level of skill, and they aren't as seamlessly explained to me as maybe they are to others. I also disliked in one area how the panels that taught you the rules then became locked off, and the game made me do a few other panels, and then the exit required me to remember how to do something I hadn't done in like 8 panels and I absolutely couldn't remember it. That's partly because I am an idiot, but also why did the bridge move?

    Also I had to literally cut out shapes and hold them against my monitor last night. Is that cheating? I dunno, but it's how I did it.

    If any bits of that need spoiler covers let me know

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