Je Suis Charlie
  • GooberTheHat
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    Bollockoff wrote:
    Cunts discoursing with cunts, then.

    Not all the Native civilisations were warmongering cunts surely?
  • Bollockoff wrote:
    The holocaust was a genocide. Kosovo was a genocide. Euro colonization of the Americas was conquest.

    Please, this is a ridiculous. Conquerors? Do you really think the Europeans wanted to rule a population of natives? I find that very difficult to swallow. Get rid of 'em.

    And again, your view of them as utter cunts is a) largely informed (I'd wager) by the picture painted by Europeans ever since they were first encountered, to dehumanise, and b) well, so what if they were? I'd be an utter cunt (I'm already one as it happens - this post a fine example) were my homeland invaded and my people killed.

    Anyway, what is this cuntery you're referring to? John Wayne films? What exactly is cuntish about them, so much so that it sets them apart?

    Let's forget the whole thanksgiving thing where the natives brought food to the settlers, what an utter, utter cuntish thing to do. They were probably just waiting for a chance to eat the still-beating heart out of a white woman whilst dancing around a fire circle going, "wowowowow", fucking cunts.

    You've convinced me. And anyway, tit-for-tat, as you say.

    You also mention Kosovo; that's a can of worms right there. After digging into the Herman-Peterson book a little (a very, very little, as it happens, much more reading required) I find myself more and more confused what to think on the subject. I mean, I'm not denying ethnic cleansing was taking place, and I'd be reluctant not to use the G word, but nevertheless the subject fascinates me. Almost certainly (undeniably, I'd say) there were atrocities by both sides, including compelling evidence of forces bombing their own people / marketplaces to incite more outrage. It's a clustrefuck of the highest order and one which I'm not really able to come to a conclusion on.

    Anyway, I'm rambling now, my point re. Kosovo was that it's funny how it's become so engrained in the consciousness as a heroic deed (intervention), precisely because of the use of the G word, which can be applied to other conflicts in the world but we choose not to. Such as the genocide of the Native Americans.
  • "Genocide" seems to strongly imply intent, and I think that interpretation is flawed, coloured by recent historical instances where intent was blatant and even self-documented. If a bunch of people of a distinct ethnic group got squashed, well.

    I don't think a broader application diminishes the strength of the term here because what it refers to is always pretty grotesque.
  • Yes, quite.

    Anyway, I'm fairly sure North America had both, intentional and unintentional - intent to clear the indigenous people out through violence, unintentional bringing of disease.
  • I wonder what would happen on twitter if terrorists damaged buildings of the Sun in protest of page 3.

    Would the guardian promote the hashtags #wearepage3?!
  • Bollockoff
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    nick_md wrote:
    Please, this is a ridiculous. Conquerors? Do you really think the Europeans wanted to rule a population of natives? I find that very difficult to swallow. Get rid of 'em.

    Which of us is the bigger cynic in this banter?

    Natives were always allowed to integrate. But as second class citizens. So, yes, life was pretty shit for them. Especially on the frontier when life was shit for most white folks anyway in white settlements. It's not like they were enslaved like those on another continent.

    I'm not saying every Indian is a cunt, nick. As much as every white settler was a cunt. But it's usually the cuntish things that have the biggest effect throughout history and I'm pretty bitter about that fact. Neither the settlers nor natives could come to an agreement before it became pointless to argue.

    This article gets points across better than I can.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Wasn't it a deliberate policy to issue smallpox infected blankets? Seems pretty genocidal to me.
  • Bollockoff wrote:
    nick_md wrote:
    Which of us is the bigger cynic in this banter? Natives were always allowed to integrate. But as second class citizens. So, yes, life was pretty shit for them. Especially on the frontier when life was shit for most white folks anyway in white settlements. It's not like they were enslaved like those on another continent. I'm not saying every Indian is a cunt, nick. As much as every white settler was a cunt. But it's usually the cuntish things that have the biggest effect throughout history and I'm pretty bitter about that fact. Neither the settlers nor natives could come to an agreement before it became pointless to argue. This article gets points across better than I can.

    Yeah I did kinda go off on one there, apologies. I stand by my general points though, that it can and should be considered a genocide, and that the popular perception of native americans from the time is in part borne from their depiction in popular culture.

    I'll check the link out at lunchtime, ta.
  • Bollockoff
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    I have to disagree. I need a specific word for the calculated and industrialised terror that happened during World War 2. Also see the Armenian genocide that the Nazi's used as a template.

    @Goobs allegedly there's only two recorded instances of that happening. And by then, smallpox and other diseases were running rampant among native populations anyway due to unintentional but natural spreading of the disease they had no immunity to. During the 1800's the US Government actually started free inoculation for the tribes but it was slow going due to them understandably being considered suspicious.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Ah, I have to admit I've done no research into the topic.
  • To go back to Yoss's post, what the fuck is France playing at?
  • Being fucking idiot cunts.
  • nick_md wrote:
    Bollockoff wrote:
    Let's forget the whole thanksgiving thing where the natives brought food to the settlers, what an utter, utter cuntish thing to do. They were probably just waiting for a chance to eat the still-beating heart out of a white woman whilst dancing around a fire circle going, "wowowowow", fucking cunts.

    To be honest, most of my knowledge of thanksgiving is based on the 1989 WWF Survivor Series.

    And as for the French. Viva la resistance

    SFV - reddave360
  • I've met Rene. He has a firm handshake.
  • I think that's more about tring to blame other people for it.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • I dislike when the reported crime is different to the actual crime.
  • I saw a good one recently. It was something like "man jailed for killing mice" but he was actually jailed because the women he was getting to stand on the mice were trafficked slaves.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • The danger would be to say that all Muslims are like that, but I’m convinced that 90% of Muslims feel very uncomfortable today and are ashamed of what’s happened. It’s important not to say, that a Muslim, is “moderate”, if he’s just a citizen like you or me. What does “moderate” mean anyway? Does it mean that Islam is an extremist religion? This is a latent provocation, you see? And it’s very dangerous. We don’t have to paint everybody with the same brush. That’s the danger I think.

       It seems to me that all this is linked to the economic crisis. It seems to me that if there hadn’t been a crisis in 1929 then Hitler would never have obtained power. And unfortunately, during crises, people fall into despair, they don’t know anymore what to hang on to and all this gives birth to extremism. What is dangerous, once again, is to take advantage of the despair of some people, to spread crazy ideas. Those who do it, create and develop hate for political purposes, for power purposes. And I think it’s sad and reprehensible.
  • The rise of extreme politics and the credit crunch are totally connected.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."

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