The British Politics Thread
  • davyK wrote:
    The problem with urban cycling (setting the arseholes aside - every group has them) is that cities simply weren't designed with it in mind. So it isn't safe for them on the road and they are a hazard on pavements. Belfast is filled with ludicrous short patches of cycle paths that make no-one happy and if anything are hazardous to all - there's one in particular that is 2 way cycle lane on a one way street intersecting with a one way main road and a pedestrian crossing. It's an accident waiting to happen. I know a lady in work who was hospitalised by some dickhead cycling on the pavement. There is no way I'd cycle into work - I'd be taking my life in my hands. Car drivers behaviour adds to the problem.

    Dublin has this issue all over. I'm not a fan of the OTT cyclist who insists on driving on roads where there are cycle lines or flies through pedestrian crossings regardless of traffic lights but I think most are not this - bit like tarring all drivers with the bad driver tag. There's been a push to add more cycle lanes but they are taking space from cars which on the surface isnt a big issue but it seems random where they do it. It is part of an initivae not only to provide more space for cyclists but also to actively make driving more off putting. Kinda feel that misses the point when you make access for emergency vehicles tricky on roads which had no record of accidents, cyclist or motor. But I think overall it would be good to have clear cycle lanes which dont break into normal vehicle traffic every 100 meteres.
    SFV - reddave360
  • I have issues with big boy cyclists zooming along the pavement cycle lane doing well over 20mph. Get on the main road with that bullshit. Pavement cycle lanes as designed for kids and slower pace. Not these Tour de France muppets.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • davyK wrote:
    Fuck cyclists on pavements.

    You'd have to be quick and agile
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Aah, you seem to speak with the wisdom of experience.
  • alwayssunyexercisebike.gif
  • Was it not South Park?
  • In Waltham Forest they have put in loads of LTNs which are great for cyclists and pedestrians. On the main roads they are also installing a lot of separated cycle lanes - apart from the odd bus stop issue and cars turning left without looking at the cycle paths, they also work great. Safe enough for my kids. More please
  • A big plus is Kid Safety. Hate seeing Kids having to mingle with road traffic on their bikes so it is a definite plus for the cycle lanes when done well. Great seeing the kids cycling in safety.
    SFV - reddave360
  • Was it not South Park?
    That's was the uni wheel thing, same principle

  • Funkstain wrote:
    In Waltham Forest they have put in loads of LTNs which are great for cyclists and pedestrians. On the main roads they are also installing a lot of separated cycle lanes - apart from the odd bus stop issue and cars turning left without looking at the cycle paths, they also work great. Safe enough for my kids. More please

  • Yeah the local FB groups are full of anti ltn weirdos with easily falsifiable claims about emergency access restrictions etc. The latest thing is to parrot that “not everyone is able bodied enough to ride a bike / walk, you wokies are so heartless”. The thing they don’t seem to get is that LTNs are long term strategies to get more people to get out of their cars more often, especially for local journeys, thus reducing traffic and enabling disabled people to travel more freely

    It’s working for us: my Saturdays are now a fairly constant series of bike rides to various activities and friends’ houses whereas it used to be a lot of short car journeys
  • It's great.
    It's a mindset that Milton Keynes was originally built on, cars away from people and families. I enjoyed that ability to easily and safely go on bike rides and the like throughout my childhood, didn't really realise what I had until I moved elsewhere.
  • Funkstain wrote:
    Yeah the local FB groups are full of anti ltn weirdos with easily falsifiable claims about emergency access restrictions etc. The latest thing is to parrot that “not everyone is able bodied enough to ride a bike / walk, you wokies are so heartless”. The thing they don’t seem to get is that LTNs are long term strategies to get more people to get out of their cars more often, especially for local journeys, thus reducing traffic and enabling disabled people to travel more freely It’s working for us: my Saturdays are now a fairly constant series of bike rides to various activities and friends’ houses whereas it used to be a lot of short car journeys

    We genuinely had a major issue 2 weeks ago with the Emergency vehicle getting stuck because the new divider that was installed did not allow for any type of vehicle bar Big Foot being able to go up on the kerb. Not saying that experience is a reflection of everywhere (could just be a bad job on that road) but it does happen. Also the first accident on the road happended at a corner where the new "traffic calming" corners that were clearer too sharp created a bit of a turning hazard for larger vehicles. 

    remember its just as problematic to lump some legit issues in with the "anti ltn weirdos" as it is to lump genuine progressives in with the "mad wokes"

    But I take the overall point that this type of thing is better for communities overall - I think most genuine folk who object are objecting more at the loss of one facility over another instead of not trying to have the best of both. And dismissing those who arent as able bodied is a bit unfair if whats done is actually making things harder for them. I say this is someone who rarely drives and walks everywhere I can - my experience is not everyones.
    SFV - reddave360
  • davyK
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    I would like to do a bit of cycling. My bike is forlorn in my shed. Belfast just isn't suitable for it - for me wobbling along anyhow. When I was a teenager I lived on my bike - went everywhere on it.

    There is a greenway near me but there's several road crossings which break up the rhythm.

    There was a time when work was going to buy my parking space off me and I was considering putting it toward an e-bike but my journey into work is hazardous despite it being partially covered by bus lanes which cycles can use.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Gremill wrote:
    Tory ghoul on the news this morning claiming that they have 'evidence' that children are being taught that there are 72 genders.
    I don't think my daughter even knows what gender means.
  • Neither does Rishi Sunak to be fair.

    The water firm at the centre of a pollution row at England's largest lake has announced a jump in profits for its last financial year.

    Earlier this week, United Utilities was engulfed in a scandal over news of a massive sewage spill at Windermere in the Lake District in February.

    The company has now reported a 17.5% rise in underlying operating profits to £517.8m in the year to 31 March.

    It claimed it has "a sector-leading track record on minimising pollution for over a decade".

    But on Wednesday, a fresh row broke out over the state of England's waters after reports that millions of litres of raw sewage had been pumped into Windermere.
    The system working as intended. Money for old rope shite.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
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    Only millions of liters? Might actually be sector-leading tbf.
  • At what point do we just turn to violence on these people? Imagine waking up, going into work knowing the decisions you're making will literally hurt people, but you're making money so it doesn't matter. You must be a grade one sociopath to do so.  At what point to we stop playing life within their designated sandbox and actually hold these fuckers to account?
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • davyK
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    This particular gravy train needs to stop. The argument is over. Private sector can't do this.

    Unless a significant portion of those operating profits go into investment this is ethically bankrupt.  It's likely not illegal but they are actually damaging or at best neglecting national infrastructure and the very tangible fabric of our society.

    Operating licences should have conditions specifying parameters around investment and profit margins.  Profit margins are baked into many government procurement frameworks so it isn't as if they don't know how to control this sort of behaviour.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • Just wait until we get into Freeports and the likes. Sunak is delaying the election so he can sign these deals so that they can't be removed for 25 years. The Tories are selling the country down the river.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • davyK
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    There's a Freeport scandal story that's been running in Private Eye for ages now.  Maybe we need a TV drama about it - sons of certain torychum-arseholes with their snouts in the trough driving around the town in Rolls Royces* etc.   The Mayor (Houchen?) up to his armpits in it.

    * this is actually happening btw
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • Apparently it is the real reason for Brexit and the charge to leave the ECHR. We need to leave the EU in order to allow the kind of Freeports and SEZ that Sunak and his chums want, but we also need to allow them to operate outside Human Rights protections which is why the charge to leave the ECHR is about. It's not about stopping the boats, it's about carving up the UK in saleable plots of land that allow tax avoidance and employers to do what ever they like with employees. And the best part is if Starmer tries to shut them down, the private companies that run them can sue the UK Government for billions. It was part of what the corrupt TRansatlantic Treaty was all about. The Tories are quite literally selling the UK to the highest bidder and it's why we need them out asap.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Wouldn't it be lovely if there were a proper place for cyclists to go?
    Did you mean Amsterdam?
  • poprock wrote:
    Wouldn't it be lovely if there were a proper place for cyclists to go?
    Did you mean Amsterdam?

    Or Salzburg?

    Gamertag: gremill
  • Yep, Amsterdam started their transformation decades ago after making the decision that people were more important than cars. I know nothing about Salzburg but it sounds nice.
  • Amsterdam is terrifying as a pedestrian. Those cyclists have no mercy.
  • davyK
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    Crossing the street there is fun..... Trams and bikes follow their own rules. Add in the right hand side thing, a few beers on board and it's a gamble getting across.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • I've been ignoring political news for a while but I've just found out this Natalie Elphicke person has defected to Labour. Then I looked into her political history and wtaf is Starmer meant to representing these days? Maybe Mogg can be home secretary and he can bring Truss on as chancellor. Might as fucking well.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob

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