GOTY 2016 - the real one
  • Bollockoff
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    @Muzeh I wasn't particularly satisfied with Oxen's ending. I don't think Temps was either. Canon opinion.
  • Has to be overwatch for me. met some great badgers who allowed me on their teams despite being just about a competent Dva. Played it exclusively for 5 months every feckin night. Great fun and stopped me playing uncharted 4 in a heartbeat. Battlefield 1 is my number 2. This is my first year of online gaming so....
  • 1. Stardew Valley - This goes to number one as no one has voted for it at all and it's a great game. Only played it for a week or two at the start of the year but it was so lovely and addictive I got a lot of hours in over that time. Just been released on consoles, you should check it out!

    2. Fantastic Contraption - Not my most played VR game but one of the most unique, didn't think i'd enjoy it before trying it but there's something about it that makes it stick out from the rest. The puzzles aren't particularily difficult but fun to solve and the weirdness of the world stands out.

    3. The Last Guardian - This would probably be number one but for its issues (controls, camera, annoying hints, framerate). Really lovely world building and story telling by not story telling a la Souls. (I know the narrator technically tells the story but that's not the story i'm talking about).

    4. FFXV - Didn't have much interest in this one based on previews but find myself enjoying it quite a lot at times. Not finished yet but it does seem to have some problems which I won't go into to avoid any spoilers. Could end up higher depending on how it turns out.

    5. Dark Souls 3 - I'm not far enough into this yet to put it higher but it's Souls so it goes on the list.
  • Very little game time thanks to having a young child but..
    1. Dark Souls 3 - Quiet possibly my favourite game of all time, quite astonishingly good.
    2. Monster Hunter Generations - Finally MoHo gave a bit to accessibility and provided a wonderful tour of old and new enemies.  The playing solo on the way to work and then online at night may be an early feel for how switch will work
    3. Titanfall 2 - The most inventive FPS since HL2.  Effect / Cause level will live long in the memory banks
    4. Xcom 2 - took everying from the first time round, polished, refined and aced again 
    5. Enter the Gungeon - bullet hell with wonderful game mechanics
    Switch Friend Code: SW-5407-6034-9226

    PSN: derekg
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Raiziel
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    Raiziel wrote:
    1. No Man's Sky
    Flawed? Yes. But an unforgettable experience. Taking off from my starter planet for the first time and flying directly to a local moon and getting out to a explore a new world will stay with me as a favourite gaming experience forever.

    2. Ratchet and Clank
    It's Rachet and Clank! I love those guys and they always come packing an awesome game. This one, their first outing on the current generation, is polished to the highest of sheens. Oodles of fun, and that's all it takes to keep me happy. No more list padding from me.

    I need to amend my nominations.

    1. The Last Guardian 

    Because it's the finest game of the generation and the most beautiful thing I've ever played.  I'm still reeling from its awesomeness.

    2. No Man's Sky
    3. Ratchet & Clank

    Not a bad year at all.
    Get schwifty.
  • Good man. I'll update next time. Doubt there'll be about votes for it to overtake Dark Souls 3, but it'll come high. 

    Having said that, Souls will probably go lower in my list once I've finished Dishonored 2. That's been awesome so far.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Oh, I've played enough games that came out this year now. I can do an actual list. I think it's all pretty self explanatory.

    1. The Witness
    2. The Last Guardian
    3. Doom

    Well, three fifths of a list, anyway.
  • Hope Last Guardian gets played by enough people to get fair representation. Seems like people really love it.

    I might have a few days to play it at the end of Jan if I grab it from England.
  • I sincerely hope everyone that had/has FH3 in their list gets a shot of the Blizzard Mountain expansion. As poprock said, they've made the best driving game in years look and play even better. Astonishing to play.

    Could make a few folk rethink their positions!
  • Still got a a few games to play, including TLG and Deus Ex.

    Mine so far...

    1) Inside
    2) Ratchet & Clank
    3) The Witness
    4) Uncharted 4
  • If I play more stuff this could change, but this is the list right now.

    1. The Last Guardian

    As Cinty said, it's the best media thing. If you can play it, play it now. Only word I can use to describe it is magical, and that doesn't quite do it justice.

    2.Ratchet and Clank

    Brilliant, charming, and god damn it above all fun. Brilliant platforming, fantastic weapons. Loved every minute.

    3. Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom

    I can't play this for hours on end, but in short bursts, this is top notch. The swinging mechanic is so satisfying, it's really like playing the show.

    4. Amplitude

    A great chillout experiance. When you get in the zone, you just go.

    5. Carmageddon: Max Damage

    Clunky as hell, and bugged up the arse, but it's a riot nonetheless.
  • Raiziel
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    Dante on fire with his top two.  o/

    EDIT: Magical is a word I used early on (after just one hour of play) to describe The Last Guardian and it still stands as the best single word to describe the game.
    Get schwifty.
  • Last Guardian leaps into 3rd, I think.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Reckon I could do a list of games that would certainly be in my list if I played them. Ds3 and LG come to mind. Reckon we could do a secondary vote count like that that would bump a few things.

    Not sure if it would be more or less accurate, or that interesting, but mayber.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Raiziel
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    No, not really.
    Get schwifty.
  • regmcfly
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    More people really need to play hitman :(
  • Dark Soldier
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    I didn't like any of the others :(
  • Glad to see TLG getting the reps - and what praise it is getting! Know g and Skerret love it too.
  • My list is all over the fucking place at the minute. Total Warhammer, Thumper, Titanfall 2 are all late entries in the 'T' section. Will maybe need to add THE LAST GUARDIAN to that, but it's gonna be a game to play in the thin wedge between New Year and New Uni as well call the start of term* lads! 

    * we do not
  • Tempy. I feel like I know you. And I can safely say that, for you, TLG will be a spiritual experience.

    And monkey loves it too.
  • Tempy wrote:
    ... all late entries in the 'T' section. Will maybe need to add THE LAST GUARDIAN to that,

    The Last Guardian most certainly does not belong in the 'T' section. It goes in the 'L' section.
  • Dark Soldier
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    I think you will find its the T section. You'd freak at my movie collection.
  • I havent voted yet and won't be until Ive finished TLG so probably next week.

    If it were a 2016 game I would probably have put Steamworld Heist in as 1st but I know its a 2015 game. I havent played many games this year but the main ones include stuff like FE Fates, Deus Ex MD, Star Fox Zero, PES 2017, and lots of games from previous years.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
  • regmcfly wrote:
    More people really need to play hitman :(

    Yes yes reg but TIME!!! MONEYYYYY!!! OTHER GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll be getting the collection on disc maybe. At some point.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Going to revise my list....
    1 overwatch
    2 bf 1
    Titanfall 2 silky smooth fun
    Have ratchet and doom unopened but I'm sure they'd both appear.....come on xmas hols
  • For my own amusement as much as anything, but may be of interest - here's exactly 100 words on each of my picks:

    1. The Witness

    Pretty much a perfect game. Every element has been arranged with precision and works exactly as it should. The concept is amazingly pure, with one simple idea pushed to the limit in every plausible direction, without going too far. I love the way it teaches its rules without uttering a word, but by letting you play and discover, the way it uses visual cues to help you navigate, and the way its frozen-in-time setting provides a perfect video game environment. Then there’s the puzzles themselves, which are expertly designed, constantly build on your expectations, and often simply make you smile.

    2. XCom 2

    My first XCom, so no real expectations going in. The turn-based strategy is versatile and nuanced, and the aliens vicious enough to make each move count. I played through the whole thing with restarts first and loved it (despite technical issues), but my subsequent run on Hard in Ironman mode was the truly memorable event. It’s actually quite stressful, as mistakes can cost your favourite characters their lives, and the more you grow attached to them, the higher the stakes become. The final mission especially was an unforgettable gaming experience, and the moment of victory as sweet as they come.

    3. PES 2017

    Over 10 years since my last PES, or any footy game, which might help explain why I was so impressed, but it’s a remarkably deep, subtle and well-implemented simulation. It shows a real understanding of how the game should feel and move, and encourages exactly the kind of play it should. Most importantly, it gives you just enough control that it’s always satisfying to score. In Master League, the management side of things still needs better balancing, but otherwise I can’t really see what else a football sim can do. It’ll probably be another 10 years before I buy another.

    4. Dark Souls 3

    I definitely had some Souls fatigue and wasn’t especially hyped about this, but it quickly exceeded expectations. The world design is superb, and gains a real sense of coherence through some stunning panoramic vistas. I also like how, for much of the game, bosses are used sparingly, so the labyrinthine level design takes centre stage, and some of the individual locations are the best in the series. But the final quarter feels rushed, as it resorts to a procession of uninspired and drawn-out boss encounters. Plus the linear structure undermines the replayability factor that was so important in previous games.

    5. Salt & Sanctuary

    Often described as 2D Dark Souls, and with good reason. It ‘borrows’ pretty much the entire structure of From’s games, with little attempt to hide it. Fortunately, it’s also very well assembled in its own right, with its smart, interconnected level design, foreboding atmosphere and neat combat mechanics. And, because it’s 2D, it’s a more compact and fast-paced experience than Souls, with a focus on platform navigation that gives it more of a Metroidvania flavour. Ultimately, it should have been more adventurous in its level and boss design, especially towards the end, but it’s a fascinating world to explore nonetheless.
  • Firewatch. It's the only thing that's stayed with me and hence my only vote, so tally it reg.
  • regmcfly
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    I would if it was me

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