Agents of Mayhem
  • Other reviews have been less kind. Bit of a mixed bag.
  • Where is it standing on the Chalice-o-meter.
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  • As some have said, this is out tomorrow. I've updated the OP with all of the official trailers. If it's not your cup of tea, so be it. If you're vaguely interested, this is a good video from PlayStation Access looking at agent types, skill trees and so on.

  • Hey Andy. Hope you are doing well mate.

    Reckon this might be one I would put some hours into if I pick it up dirt cheap.
  • I've had a chance to play ~4 hours on PC - Think it's been a bit of a mixed bag so far.  Just a few thoughts

    The shooting and swapping between your three agents is a lot of fun, more intuitive than I expected too.  Swapping agents is essentially akin to swapping guns in a regular shooting game, with some complications (ie: keeping an eye on each agent's health, remembering what each agent's special moves do, etc).  I like it!

    Generally getting around the city is fine on foot (you have a triple jump and wall climbing mechanic so getting up high hasn't been a hassle.  Also no damage is taken from falls).  I've read some complaints that movement is a bit 'floaty' and that's fair, I think it's fine though.  I DO miss SR4's superhero powers, though.  Driving is pretty ordinary - doesn't feel any different to SR3, from memory.

    It's true there haven't been too many zingers.  the RPS review posited that it could be, thanks to the hot swapping of Agents, that Voliton have had to effectively write 12 punchlines for many of the jokes.  This sounds likely.  In any case even though I've not been laughing, it DOES have a light hearted/good natured kind of vibe to it.  So while it could do with some better jokes, I'm having fun, enjoying the dialogue and characters.  BTW - I've read a lot of complaints about the out of place coarse language, I've not really come across much so far.  Maybe that ramps up later.

    Think it's a nice, clean looking game, though the environment has been very samey so far.

    Main issue so far has been how the missions are set out - it's just been -> drive to hot spot to activate mission -> follow GPS while mission is explained to you -> have a shoot out -> drive elsewhere with more dialogue -> another shootout, hack a terminal etc etc.  It does feel a little repetitive already.  Also the plot seems only very vaguely related to the missions you undertake.  Sorry I'm not really sure how to describe what I mean by that, need to think about it a bit more.

    Best of all though I've been at work all day and have been looking forward to playing it tonight and over the weekend.  The shooting's fun in and of itself and I guess games have levelling and doling out of new powers and equipment down to a science now.  Anyway, guess it's probably not gonna be a classic or anything but it certainly has its charms!
    When you got movies like Tom Cruise in them, you can't lose
  • Charts at 4. Behind the unstoppable Bandicoot and GTA and FO4.
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  • Owing to a combination of postie delivering to the wrong door / neighbours not getting around to posting through my door / nieces being up to visit / work, I've only managed an hour or so of this last night, and an hour or so tonight.

    So far it's been good fun. My personal niggles are that the first two hours have been a little too stop/start for my liking; short section of gameplay, one second loading screen, cut-scene, one second loading screen, cut scene, short section of gameplay, and so on and so forth. However, the mission that I've just completed has seen everything open up; I've got a list of available side missions, tasks etc, and one story mission, so I think the first couple of hours was just teeing up getting into the meat of it.

    My other niggle is that the HUD customisation is non-existent. The only things I really want are health - which I'd like to make a lot more prominent - and when specials are available. I don't see the point in character selection info (because I can clearly see which character I'm playing as) or XP levels (that really only matters at the end of each mission) but I'm stuck with them cluttering the screen.

    Mostly, though, it's just good-natured nonsense.  Thumbs up so far.

    Hey Andy. Hope you are doing well mate. Reckon this might be one I would put some hours into if I pick it up dirt cheap.
    I'm grand, cheers, hope you're the same. I got it half-price because I had clubcard vouchers I'd forgotten about. Maybe that helps the enjoyment.
  • Man alive, there is so much going on in this game. It's upgrade-mental.

    As each agent gains XP, they get upgrade points, to be spent on that agent. Each has four categories, and each upgrade category is unique to that agent. At any time, you can redistribute those points among that agent's categories. Then you get upgrade crystals which you may find whole, but you're more likely to find as shards (10 shards = 1 crystal) dotted around the map like Crackdown orbs, reachable via agility, exploration and vehicle jumps. Those crystals also unlock abilities (3 per agent) and can be used to unlock an ability for any agent, regardless of who collects them; so there's both individual and shared progress between agents. That's before you factor in the various mods/gadgets that you unlock, again character specific, modifying either the special, primary weapon, or passive buffs. You unlock them, seemingly at random, through missions or finding them in crates. Mods often buff one thing at the expense of another (e.g. increased power, longer reload) so you pick according to your play-style.

    As your agents gain XP, they also raise the level of the agency. Your agency level affects what abilities you can unlock elsewhere. For example, you can reclaim businesses points (my first was a vending machine) across the map that generate income for the agency. This money can be spent on agency-wide buffs (increased income, wider loot collection radius, and so on). Unfortunately it looks like they plan to allow you to supplement this with micro transactions, but that should be ignorable.

    There's also a global map, where you can sent agents abroad to carry out missions. Certain agents may be able to complete a mission in less time or using less resources, but for the duration you can't pick them for your squad. Again, those missions will unlock yet more tech.

    There are all these things going on, and it's a real hook, as you can generally see where the upgrade path is taking you, what else will be available when you reach that next level or unlock that ability.

    @Wariospeedwagon nailed it when he said that there's a disconnect between the story and the action; I'm often unsure what the current gun-battle has to do with the bit of dialogue that game before it, but it doesn't matter; the battles are great fun. And, as you utilise the mods and buffs, it encourages you to use new tactics; I was often ignoring the dash, but then one agent unlocked the ability to effectively stun opponents she dashed near, and it introduced a new tactic to my skirmishing.

    And, if anyone is counting, I've experienced one jarring swear-word. There may be more as I progress the story, but so far it hasn't been a significant issue.
  • Glad you're enjoying it. It's not my bag, but I don't begrudge anyone having fun with it. Keep the updates coming.
  • You are doing a decent job selling it to me Andy (although I will still wait for a low price point).
    What is the difficulty like? I can't be fucked with anything difficult these days.
  • There are about sixteen (maybe more) difficulty levels; it starts you off down at the bottom and - I think - moves you up as it sees fit, but you can whack it back down to whatever you want, pretty much whenever you want.
  • That's a pretty good summation of its hooks @Andy!  I love checking into the arc after an hour long session, seeing what's been unlocked, always wanting to try out a new buff, etc.  There's always something new.

    Agree re the combat.  I've found it's start really coming into its own now that I have a pair of characters I love using (Daisy/Ninja) that complement each other really well.  I don't have a set 3rd member of the party; just drop in whoever needs a level up/whoever I feel like playing as.

    Any favourites?
    When you got movies like Tom Cruise in them, you can't lose
  • To be honest, I haven't unlocked enough of them to comment, and with how busy work has been, I haven't played it in a while.

    Anyway, came in to post this, for balance:

  • Ah fair enough.

    Finished it the other day; my opinion didn't really change on the game either way - stayed a very moreish kind of game and I had a really good time with it, though it didn't reach any great heights.  I can't even really think of any standout moments/missions.  

    Don't think its sold terribly well and there's not much of a buzz about it - that's a shame but understandable.  Would love to see a sequel with some more ideas/unique levels, maybe we won't get that though.
    When you got movies like Tom Cruise in them, you can't lose
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