The No Subject Thread
  • You never know. Maybe the next place you find will allow the dog.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Fingers crossed! They've pissed me off so much at this point thay even if they agree to my counter offer of the 15th I'm contemplating saying fuck off. I'm not in a rush, luckily, so have that ability lol
  • I'm sure there must be some good ones left but it's a shit show atm. Expect frustrations ahead.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Dark Soldier
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    I'm sure there must be some good ones left but it's a shit show atm. Expect frustrations ahead.

    Already found a house, 2 bedroom, part furnished, just listed, 10 mins away for 200 a month less. Enquired.
  • Part furnished really is the rental sweet spot. Expensive white goods that break down are the landlord’s problem, but you still get to pick your own comfy chairs. Winner.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Actually optimistic about this. Just recently listed and they rang back within 10 minutes. Viewing Monday.

    The other annoying cunts said 'we can let you know by Monday' about moving in on 15th so hoping I get this one and I can tell em to go fuck themselves.

    Anyway hope you're having a good day all you legends.
  • Does part furnished mean you need to put in your own sex dungeon?
  • Dark Soldier
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    I've already got all the gear so that's set mate.
  • b0r1s
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    It’s probably the bit you don’t want to share.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Original place now bowed to my insane demands of stuff, I did push it. So dependent on agreement when it's sent and I've read it, sorted!
  • Wooooooo!
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • b0r1s
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  • Original place now bowed to my insane demands of stuff, I did push it. So dependent on agreement when it's sent and I've read it, sorted!

    Landlord has handed over the deed, and is now paying DS to live there.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Original place now bowed to my insane demands of stuff, I did push it. So dependent on agreement when it's sent and I've read it, sorted!

    Landlord has handed over the deed, and is now paying DS to live there.

  • I expect nothing less than full capitulation.
  • "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • The company I used to do the supermarket research crap for was doing eye tracking 10 years ago.
    It's shite, tells you absolutely nothing of use.

    Definitely not the harbinger of the apocalypse.
  • I will say that the moment you enter a supermarket you are being manipulated to fuck and in ways you likely don't realise, beyond the stuff that fills a Watchdog episode once every few years.

    If this stuff worries you and you can afford to, don't shop in supermarkets. Go to farm shops or order online.
  • Yeah. Everything people worry about with smart cities and surveillance, supermarkets are waaaay ahead on.
  • I’ve been amused by all the marketing think pieces this week about Amazon ditching a lot of the automation in its ‘grab and go’ physical stores. Lots of waffling on about it being serious brand experience decisions based on user behaviour and proof that people need a bit of friction in their shopping experience …

    It’s actually because the ‘automation’ hasn’t been working. They’ve been running it through cheap outsourced human labour online. That camera recognising every item you pick up and walk out with? It’s not AI. It’s some underpaid kid in a cubicle in Pakistan watching the live feed and pressing buttons. And Amazon have realised it’s too expensive to run shops that way.
  • Should say actually, shopping in Aldi/Lidl is better for it. They still use a lot of the tricks but are well behind the bigger supermarkets on them, mainly because it's all funded by the brands and Aldi/Lidl aren't as close to them.

    Edit: yeah that Amazon thing was hilarious
  • It’s the AI tech startup model - mech-Turk it and try to get traction and “figure out the tech/scaling/income model later”.
  • The AI startups are a bit much. It's like the wild west out there with so much funding for every crazy idea and most are going to fold. Again this is the short term hype train, which we overestimate. We underestimate the long term applications though.

    This is different to what supermarkets used to do, which I'm presuming was basically spend a shitload on market research and psychologists. I'm surprised to hear they used to use eye-tracking 10yrs ago as the tech was not great so I'm presuming it was very basic at best. Maybe have key products at the head of isles and so on, but it's not how they're going to be doing in the future.

    Now insta facial recognition is a thing they can probably auto-buy all your Google data for the price of setting you up with a clubcard. That's everything you've ever bought or looked at on the internet, your geo locations and all your emails and contacts. Once they build their own AI models they can do all sorts of nefarious shit with that.

    AI has mainly been an area of research so far and big tech is hovering up all the talent for a big bucks. This has started to shift as industry is pulling these folk away with an even bigger wage once they've 'graduated' from learning AI at these big tech firms. This has yet to filter through to good business product because there's a shortage of decent chips and available talent, but it's starting. AI has yet to move away from research for larks because they could to a mature industry, but capitalism will swiftly take care of that.

    We can only hope legislation steers us away from this rather frightening AR glasses bullshit but given what's happened to mobiles I'm not optimistic.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Let's face it SG, any legislation put in place won't be there to protect us, the public. It'll be to protect the interests of industry and make it easier to make money from it
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Yeah, ultimately we won't see any legislation that puts a country behind when others are certainly doing it so it's a bit of a race to the bottom. It's not unlike the nuclear arms build up we saw.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • I think most people underestimate how much people tracking, identification and cross-referencing goes on. Out in public spaces, at sports venues, in shopping malls, and definitely in supermarkets. It’s way more than you think. And it’s far easier to do than you think.

    A lot of the stuff you see in TV cop shows and assume is a bit unrealistic and sci-fi is actually far, far behind the things we can do right now thanks to basic networked surveillance and shit-hot analytics software.

    The AI layer on top is just about better cross-referencing really. Making the data more useful.

    It’s not all about selling you things, although most of it is. It’s also for safety and security. And health. And to improve your experience of places.
  • I have zero faith in our governments ability to put anyone but themselves and profit first.
    In our society, money is power and power corrupts
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • poprock wrote:
    Making the data more useful.

    But way, way more useful and in ways we won't understand but can use. Supermarkets aside, what happens when AI can predict what you're going to do before you know yourself? If this does happen. and I suspect one day it will, AR glasses might be the reason it could accomplish such a feat. That's a hell of a dataset with pupil tracking combined with brain interfaces, which are already a thing.

    I'm not overly concerned with supermarkets but AR glasses scare the shit out of me.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • You don't have to wear them.
  • No but you never used to need a mobile either. It's going to happen.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob

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