META QUEST - Stand Alone VR
  • All it takes is a couple of great experiences. Pistol Whip is one. Star Wars was another. Beat Saber too.

    Alyx has given me a VR boner that will last for life.
  • bad_hair_day
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    FranticPea wrote:
    Getting into it, and beating Hair in the process. Yours will take longer to beat. But i will beat them, oh yes. I will beat them...

    I turn the scores off because it's all about total immersion, same with Beat Saber. Haven't a clue about the numbers until the end, just enjoying the experience. Some say it's the default for a reason, to which I whisper, so is the option to remove them. x

    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • FranticPea wrote:
    I love this thing so much. Gone from VR skeptic to full blown convert since I played on one then bought one.

    Yeah it's great, and this is just the start. It's going to be fucking nuts in 20 years.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • I've had more fun and genuinely new experiences in less than 12 months of Quest ownership than I've had the whole of this current gen and bit of last gen consoles.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • bad_hair_day
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    It's replaced the Bone as my go-to gaming and media console. Probably 85/15 split and increasing as it just gets better with new features and games.

    Badgers reading all this gushing post after post please forgive us, just spreading the message of our love bruvs.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • FranticPea
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    Like the Switch its great for when Mrs Pea is watching shite on TV. It might end up being my fave console of the gen too at this rate.
  • Got so fed up and desperate for a treat today that I found myself trawling the internet looking for available stock
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Got so fed up and desperate for a treat today that I found myself trawling the internet looking for available stock
    Cause of a last minute mix up I had no birthday present, bizarrely a big supermarket near our apartment (Switzerland) had a heap of stock.
    Switch Friend Code: SW-5407-6034-9226

    PSN: derekg
  • Bit of a drive for me though
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • FranticPea
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    Sign up to stock informer Wooks.

    Having so much fun with the thing. Its frigging ace.
  • I've done that mate
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Any news on the Quest 2? It was due out this year but I can't see that happening now.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Yeah just had a look and it's not going to be for a while it seems.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Any news on the Quest 2? It was due out this year but I can't see that happening now.
    There’s a industry rumour of a Quest Slim this year . But the only rumours of a Quest 2 were from users.
    Caveat - that I saw.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • A Quest slim? I suppose it's all a tricky balancing act with the battery. If they could make it comfier/lighter and get a good sound solution that'd be a reasonable upgrade for now. 

    A proper Quest 2 would need to balance a fine line. They could increase the Hz and resolution but that'd hit the battery pretty hard as you'd need a faster processor. Snapdragon 2? They could make the battery bigger I guess but that'd add to the weight, and increasing the fov would be a great upgrade but all this will add to the cost. And you still have to keep Quest 1 owners happy when releasing exclusives. 

    The Quest is probably the most exciting hmd because we should see an upgrade every year or so and they'll keep throwing FB monies at it like crazy. There's no doubt they see it as FB's future, and you can see why when you've played enough multiplayer stuff. I wish Carmack was still there (even though I hate FB).
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Carmack is a genius, I've said it before but I have coder colleagues who still talk about the Doom engine, black magic for its time.
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    The Quest is just getting into it's stride. Oculus can't make them fast enough and the devs are seeing stellar ROI, so talk about a next gen headset seems just wishful. Any 'S' version planned would be more expensive and doubt FB would drop the price of the standard headset as there's literally no competition.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • Just a wee shout for Wander. It's Google maps but you are standing in the middle of it. I love visiting large cities around the world and getting up close to giant skyscrapers. I was in Macau on Friday and its just a stunning city to see from street level with crazy buildings around every corner.

    There's a random button that will teleport you around the world in the blink of an eye.

    Recommended as essential VR app and a good one for showing off VR. Except you can't do that anymore.
    Xbox - Boozy The Clown
  • Boozy wrote:
    Just a wee shout for Wander. It's Google maps but you are standing in the middle of it. I love visiting large cities around the world and getting up close to giant skyscrapers. I was in Macau on Friday and its just a stunning city to see from street level with crazy buildings around every corner. There's a random button that will teleport you around the world in the blink of an eye. Recommended as essential VR app and a good one for showing off VR. Except you can't do that anymore.
    Oh that sounds good - is it a free one?
    Switch Friend Code: SW-5407-6034-9226

    PSN: derekg
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    It's £7.99 and one of the first Apps purchased. Wanted to revisit old houses and holidays, so bookmarked them to wow the family.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • FranticPea
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    Looks shit.
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    It's no Google earth.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • The Quest is just getting into it's stride. Oculus can't make them fast enough and the devs are seeing stellar ROI, so talk about a next gen headset seems just wishful. Any 'S' version planned would be more expensive and doubt FB would drop the price of the standard headset as there's literally no competition.

    It isn't about VR competition though, it's about Facebook. They're not interested in becoming the next Nintendo or MS, they're looking to get FB VR into as many hands as possible because they can see which way the wind in blowing and they know VR is the perfect vehicle for social media and interaction. 

    This is basically one hugely expensive push to take it to the next terrifying level. They bought a small start up for $2 billion and have been throwing money at it ever since, knowing that if the're not in the game they're fucked. They won't pause because there's no competition, they'll keep pushing to make sure there's no competition.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Small start up :frynotsureif:
  • nick_md wrote:
    Carmack is a genius, I've said it before but I have coder colleagues who still talk about the Doom engine, black magic for its time.

    Yeah, Oculus certainly started to up their game when he jumped on board. Doom was my first WTAF gaming moment.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • nick_md wrote:
    Small start up :frynotsureif:

    They hadn't officially released a thing when FB took over, just a few dev kits, and they only got as far as they did from the goodwill of Valve. Admittedly it had $2 million in kickstarter funding, but it wasn't anything like a big company. I think they had 20 employees or something, kids mainly.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Although I see it did have a series B funding round just before aquisition, led by some entrepreneur guy, so it was about to expand quite a bit.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    SG, there's no competitive reason to cut the price at this time or if an incremental version drops was my take. FB see VR as the next computing platform, but you can be sure Apple will want a slice at some point.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    Time for some fun, saw this on Reddit.


    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.

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