Gears thread
  • Two more Vids from today, but I'll stop. If I posted every awesome moment from this game, every post would be an ozno merk vid.


    Aggro shotgun against a full party. Unfortunately they beat us.
  • bad_hair_day
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    TBF some mad skillz there.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • oh god it's wonderful to see. But i guess people will always feel newly released titles are more deserving of attention. It's a shame because original Gears really is the golden formula. I'm sure if you somehow got 8 forum members into a game people would quickly realise this.
  • Wouldn't be the first time a great piece of work got left in the margins. I hope it lasts even there so I can tap in months hence. Still a pretty unique proposition as multiplayer shooters go simply for not being another perkofuck FPS, so perhaps it will. There's a Gears 4 due but one always figures the community gravitates to whichever version is the realest deal. Has certainly happened elsewhere.

    Sadly Splitfish haven't yet made nunchuck/mouse for Bones yet, so that's a setback. Could never get the hang of stick aiming.
  • Oh ppl will be playing it, it'll just be hard to get a game of execution not against full parties. But we now have gears OG, it will be cheap to acquire v soon, and has private games with fully customisable map cycles etc. It'll just be hard for the og's who haven't really played gears 3 and GowJ to compete in ranked play, the movement mainly. But if you have a shuffle and shoot correct you will do good.
  • I haven't held a controller for years. I expect my aiming would be less than sharp too. That said, the beauty of Gears is that the sharpest aim doesn't always win the duel, and brains can often triumph over reflexes. You can really manipulate the way opponents will engage. I think this is particularly true of the original, where each life was precious and rounds would often climax with a battle of wits, rather than a hail of bullets (as per GoW2 etc).
  • First vid - no enemy mirroring you for the boom. Scrubs.

    Second Vid - not bad.

    (I'm just jealous).

    Good to see OG mansion. Map is fucking beast.
  • Gears 3 was great, don't slide too easily into the 'I only like OG cause I'm OG' camp.
  • @Nozy I had a super moment like that yesterday. Four opponents made their way into the ring... I was by myself except for a new player. I got the boom out and patiently, openly aimed in front of them while they rushed. They started jumping and weaving. Unfortunately my teammates couldn't take advantage, but I delayed an onslought by 20secs just by aiming an empty boomshot, it was fab.
  • And that's the other thing. Original Gears maps were top. There was only a couple i disliked (the tiny shotgun fests, and 1 other i forget), and i can't remember another multiplayer game having so many class arenas.

    Then again, i didn't play later Gears games. Gears 2 put me off. Plus i might actually enjoy shotgun levels with a decent connection.
  • I wish they'd had that upload video feature back when i had access to this game. Had that been the case, I'd probably have my own range of branded merchandise by now. Global tours, book signing events, figurines etc etc.
  • Yeah maps were wicked in gears 1.

    Judgement had far, far too many verticality maps. It was like any FPS shooter at times. Oil rigs with multiple floors, or favela type maps. Shite. Small, symmetrical maps are the best. Judgement didnt even have gridlock ffs.
  • Yeah it did. I think...

    Best maps, going back are: War Machine, Mansion, Raven Down, Canals. Stand out merkfests. I am fed up of gridlock, personally, and I don't like fuel depot or escalation except for nostalgia. My guilty pleasure is the train one.
  • I wish they'd had that upload video feature back when i had access to this game. Had that been the case, I'd probably have my own range of branded merchandise by now. Global tours, book signing events, figurines etc etc.

    You'd be a streamer with loadsa subscribers mate.
  • Gridlock should be in all games. Even racing games. Even football. Every major city should have a scale replica Gridlock Park where people can play paintball or watch virtual reconstructions of my most famous killstreaks. And if i had my way, every child born since November 2006 would be called Gridlock Gridlock, and the only word they would be allowed to learn is gridlock.
  • Oh i forgot about so many of the great levels. For some reason i can't match names to layouts in my mind.
  • Mausoleum
    War Machine
    Fuel Depot
    Raven Down
    Tyro Station

    Start the rotation.
  • I can get down with that.
  • Also, where's nexx? Playing some shitty card trading game or summat. Pfff
  • Yeah I'm legit tempted at bone + gears, but I need SFV also and it kinda trumps it atm. Missus will go full mental if I get 2 consoles.
  • legaldinho wrote:
    Also, where's nexx? Playing some shitty card trading game or summat. Pfff

    Too busy being good at games released this decade.
  • That's like burnjng someone for reading Tolstoy instead of Jo Nesbo
  • legaldinho wrote:
    That's like burnjng someone for reading Tolstoy instead of Jo Nesbo

    You got something to say about Jo Nesbo BRUV?
  • I actually do own this but haven't had a chance to play it yet.  May be on tonight if anyone is around.
  • Might be able to get on some games tonight.
  • Speedhaak
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    If I had the money I'd be all over this. Looking at those videos above gets the nostalgia flowing. Gears really was / is a triumph in multiplayer design.
  • Let me know if you're going on Gonz and time.
  • I could be on late this evening assuming my xbox has been smart enough to download it.

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