General Games News
  • djchump wrote:
    Morning's going fine, and yourself?

    Not too bad, had to get up a little early, which is always a shitter, but I should avoid the stinky guy on the bus, so that's a bonus.
  • Page turn of the century.
  • djchump wrote:
    But, yeah, no doubt there'll be a bunch of nasty racist sexist hateful type stuff in the initial blush of this, but then it'll settle down.
    djchump wrote:
    Sure, there'll be some crap at the bottom of the swamp, and no doubt 4chan goons will attempt to game the charts at points to get "nazi sniper game XXX" to the top of the charts for the lulz, but it'll still be tiny fish in a huge pond.
    djchump wrote:
    There'll be a small rush, like I said, then it'll settle down I reckon, like I said. Because it takes longer to make a game than it does to spaff out a tweet, so most dullards don't have the patience for it, like I said.
    djchump wrote:
    I said there'll be a small rush of hateful crap dumped on there as some alt-right nazis look to use the news for some extra exposure, but then it'll settle down to the usual level of not much crap at all when it doesn't sell and most people shrug and carry on with their lives.
    djchump wrote:
    Well, yeah. And my prediction is that there'll be a bit of a kerfuffle with a few games like Hatred pop up, then it'll settle down to business as usual.
    I'm nearly there. Perhaps if you could just explain this a few more times...
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    djchump wrote:
    Yossarian wrote:
    How many problematic games would there have been if Valve had made a statement saying that they won’t be policing content and hadn’t removed the most high-profile offenders? I guess we’re about to find out.
    Well, yeah. And my prediction is that there'll be a bit of a kerfuffle with a few games like Hatred pop up, then it'll settle down to business as usual. Your prediction seems to be that there will be a never-ending stream of nazi stuff and everything will be terrible?

    I think that the amount of Nazi stuff that comes through because of this will be decided by the wider culture, a culture which is becoming more polarised with certain parts of it certainly becoming more accepting of hate. Suggesting that the increasing prevalence of these sorts of intolerant attitudes won’t be encouraged by the availability of new platforms (beyond your handful of games) seems both naive and complacent.
  • Whilst the XBLA model is indeed stupid, there is a middle ground between that and letting any old shit out. Curation is a good thing, just make it looser than Microsoft had it. By all accounts Sony and Nintendo are quite good to work with for digital releases, with some companies sacking Steam off entirely in favour of the Switch because they won't be bumped off the front page after 30 mins.
    I mean, that's totally understandable from a dev POV - you want the highest profile possible for your release, so *if* you can get into a popular walled garden then there's less competition.

    But as a consumer, for PC especially I prefer open marketplace. Console and handheld are a bit different as browsing has tended to be a faff so it's not been easy to filter content to jsut the stuff I am interested in (lack of a keyboard for search fields being a big one I guess).
  • JonB wrote:
    I'm nearly there. Perhaps if you could just explain this a few more times...
    Would be nice if I didn't have to, eh?
  • djchump wrote:
    JonB wrote:
    I'm nearly there. Perhaps if you could just explain this a few more times...
    Would be nice if I didn't have to, eh?
    You didn't.
  • Yossarian wrote:
    How many problematic games would there have been if Valve had made a statement saying that they won’t be policing content and hadn’t removed the most high-profile offenders? I guess we’re about to find out.
    Well, yeah. And my prediction is that there'll be a bit of a kerfuffle with a few games like Hatred pop up, then it'll settle down to business as usual. Your prediction seems to be that there will be a never-ending stream of nazi stuff and everything will be terrible?
    I think that the amount of Nazi stuff that comes through because of this will be decided by the wider culture, a culture which is becoming more polarised with certain parts of it certainly becoming more accepting of hate.
    Well, yeah, there's a lot of worrying stuff going on in the world - I just don't see Steam as something I should be concerned about. YMMV, natch.
    Yossarian wrote:
    Suggesting that the increasing prevalence of these sorts of intolerant attitudes won’t be encouraged by the availability of new platforms (beyond your handful of games) seems both naive and complacent.
    So your concern is that Steam letting some shitty games on is going to embolden nazis? I mean, I guess it will, a tiny bit, but compared to Trump etc... I really don't see this Steam policy as moving the needle in any significant manner. As such, I don't believe this is requires some kind of urgent call to arms that I need to not be naive or complacent about.
  • JonB wrote:
    djchump wrote:
    JonB wrote:
    I'm nearly there. Perhaps if you could just explain this a few more times...
    Would be nice if I didn't have to, eh?
    You didn't.
    And yet...
  • Switch is good but is also baaaaaaaad because the store itself is so badly designed and there's been such a gold rush surrounding it with smaller publishers punting out quick ports of shit, what you have now is a game coming out and disappearing without trace (unless it's on sale) after a week. Its hard to keep up.

    They recently added a Spotlight tab but its not enough. I really really hope they do something for the online service launching cos right now, as much as I love them/it, it really isn't good enough.
  • The point Chump was originally making, for anyone who missed it, was the same as the one I alluded to: loads of people will put out the most offensive shit they can in order to make money from sales resulting in the additional promotion that being able to put anything on three brings. Since this additional promotion will disappear after Steam allowing anything is the norm, the amount of cash-in horrible shit will drop.

    Carry on with the curated Vs open marketplace discussion, though. That's totally valid.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    I’m not saying it is an urgent call to arms, nor am I saying that it’s somehow as or more important than all of the other crap going on at the moment, I’m just saying that it’s worth not dismissing this stuff out of hand.

    I mean, it’s now generally believed that gamergate was pretty much a test run for the types of tactics employed by the right in support of Trump, clearly gamers are considered a fertile recruiting ground for right wingers attempting to reach out to young men. This move from Valve provides another potential avenue to do so.
  • /shrug

    I don't see it as Valve's job to combat the rise of fascism, but sure, I'll start to get worried if there's a never-ending flood of alt-right propaganda games on there. I just don't see that as likely to happen (and presumably the worst offenders will fall under the "illegal" or "straight up trolling" caveats and get the boot just as before). We'll see if it does as this plays out.
  • One thing we do know, the next Sterling vid is gonna be worth a watch.
  • Well, that'll be a first.

    (I've only ever watched two, to be fair)
  • One thing we do know, the next Sterling vid is gonna be worth a watch.

    He is gonna lose his mind.
  • Serves him right for getting such a silly tattoo.
  • Rumoured that MS is buying Playground Games. Some real big hitters buying into Leamington over the past few years.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Seems like a logical move.
  • Honestly surprised they didn't already own them.
  • They've been "2nd party" since inception with FH really. I guess announcing their open-world action rpg last year (which IIRC was to be multiplatform) was a prod to MS. Will be interesting to see if MS acquires the whole lot or if the other team gets spun off into their own studio to carry on as multiplat. No flies on Raeburn and Wheelwright, so I'd figure on the latter - might as well spin off a second studio, cos then they can build that one up for a fat acquisition down the line as well :-)
  • Isn't the open world RPG going to be a Fable game anyway?

    I'm a bit disappointed by this to be honest, I'm still not convinced MS know how to run studios or IP. The arms length relationship seemed to work fine. I can see why Playground want to cash in, but it all seems a bit risky.
  • It is unsurprising people have a skewed view of the female role in WW2.
    Not to justify the gamergate morons but what we are taught in schools and through media about ww2 is often a very narrow slice of it.

    They should go with an Indian soldier for BF6 and watch them really flip out.
  • That looks great. Not my kind of game, but great.
  • I'm the right thread your go, post I accidentally put in gadgets/tech...

    Might be just the overreaction of the fans, but this amused me:

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