  • Something slightly different.
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    Something slightly different.

    I can't see how he'd think he was going to get that from dlc
    The Forum Herald™
  • Left Behind Dlc was quite different to the main Last of Us game. When you played Bioshock Infinite as Elizabeth in Burial at Sea it became a different game. I was hoping Legacy would be something more than more Uncharted with a Chloe skin.
  • Hmm ... the reviews make it sound like it is EG compare it to mgs5
    The Forum Herald™
  • The review does suggest it becomes more open, so maybe it will get more interesting. Disappointing so far.
  • Dark Soldier
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    How many conveniently placed boxes so far, Skondo?
  • Just two so far DS. When I saw the first one I did say 'Oh FFS!'
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Downloading now.  11pm tonight though for us e-players I think, which means tomorrow for me.  Haven't played an AAA game for a while, nor an Uncharted-alike since its release last year, so looking forward to it!  Might then have a crack at the TLoU DLC which I never actually played through...
  • Is it still available to pre-order? I was hoping to get J&D for the complestionist in me.
    The Forum Herald™
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    I think so
  • I bought this new one today. I'll probably play it at some point.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Make that point now.
    The Forum Herald™
  • I might have...but there's a day one patch nearly a gig in size to download first apparently.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • FranticPea
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    I still can't figure out how to get my PS4 to auto download updates. I've ticked all the relevant boxes, can download to console from the PSN store fine but every other time I turn the console on I have to wait for a system update. It's infuriating.
  • FranticPea wrote:
    I still can't figure out how to get my PS4 to auto download updates. I've ticked all the relevant boxes, can download to console from the PSN store fine but every other time I turn the console on I have to wait for a system update. It's infuriating.

    Weirdly, I had this exact problem with my bone.  Everything that needed to be ticked or done was ticked or done but 8 times out of ten I'd have some form of update to do once I turned the machine on.  Think I may have a Friday afternoon machine tbh as my experience of the machine wasn't matching up to all the positivity in the main Xbox thread.
  • FranticPea
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    I know others that it doesn't work on Bone for too. Its weird. My mate that I console share with for one, and I set his Bone up like mine!
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Looks to all be downloaded for me... Not sure how day 1 patches work with download games, either bundled in or auto patched I've excitingly got as far as the title screen... Just a day at work to get through first :-(

    I've also gone full moran and installed the dynamic theme...
  • Off and running with this.  So far, so Drakey.  Start the clock Elf.
  • So I played (I reckon) over half of this new Uncharted game last night.
    I paid £30 for it. So far it's not worth £30. It's a big slice of sub-par dlc being sold at an inflated price. 

    The leads aren't interesting and have zero chemistry. Which is I guess what happens when you promote supporting characters to headline status. Makes you realise just how important Drake was to these games, because he's a charming fucker, and the heart of the Uncharteds is really his relationships with the supporting cast of brothers, lovers and rogues. Remove that from the equation and you aren't left with much. What we have here is two women with no relationship other than they're teamed together in this here game.

    Now I love Claudia Black, but without any sort of sexual tension to spark her character here against, she just falls flat, despite the quality of the voice work on display.
    Token Black Woman is worse. She's in the game because the Uncharted engine is built to have a companion, but her use here is limited to tedious cutscenes. Her character is badly written and unconvincing in the extreme, and the game would arguably be a better experience without her inclusion.
    She has no agency in the game, and largely just sits in the jeep waiting for you to do stuff.
    The villain is rubbish, and I should probably point out that having played this for over five hours last night, I don't actually know any of the characters names, or why the two leads are working together in the first place.

    All the mechanical failings of U4 are present and correct. It's a game that's designed to prompt you what to do, yet it constantly fails to even do that, leaving you either baffled, lost, or wondering where to run next. This invariably results in an endless death cycle. Fortunately the game reloads you very quickly at roughly the point you've just died at though, or it would have been turned off after about the first couple of hours.

    The setting is generic to the point of tedium. You could be anywhere. It's just not an interesting place to explore. As i mentioned, the fucking jeep is back again, and you have to use it, despite the compact nature of the surrounding valley, or the game will get confused and break.
    At one point, I wandered half a mile from it to check out a temple, only to discover that you need the jeep to get into the temple. Pressing down on the d-pad shows the location of your jeep though, so I sighed and began trudging back to where I'd left it. Half way there I hit the button again to get my bearings, only to realise that the jeep was no longer where I'd left it. Turned out that Token Black Woman had now parked it in the middle of a shallow lake (god forbid she would just follow me in the jeep, or there would be something like a radio command I could use to signal her to come to me). Problem here was that when I approached the jeep I could no longer get in it. Token Black Woman was just sat there, in the middle of a lake, in the passenger seat of a jeep, going nowhere.
    So rather than reload and lose a tonne of progress, I went off and did some side quest stuff in the hope that it would force the game to progress. For the next ten minutes Claudia had a conversation with her absent partner as I ran around doing other stuff, and TBW even popped up in cutscenes only to vanish into thin air when they were over. Eventually the game respawned TBW and the jeep nearby to where I'd ended up and I was able to progress.
    Claudia has also got stuck in the open a couple of times for no apparent reason, with copious amounts of forward rolling being the only way to move her from the spot.
    Bugs like these are disappointing in such a high profile, big budget title.

    There are puzzles. They are the sort of godawful pushy-pully-jumpy-wumpy puzzles that Tomb Raider stopped doing about twenty years ago. They are frustrating, and criminally, you don't seem to be able to re-set them once you've started, made an arse of it, then worked out what you're meant to be doing. Not disastrous, but an annoying oversight.

    There is climbing. I like the "climbing" in these games, but there is only ever one path, there is no sense of "how do I get up there?" and there is no sense of challenge to it.

    There is shooting. It's the same as U4, and despite this being 2017, you still have to push a button to pick up ammo for your gun.

    There is physical violence against woman at one point that I found quite distasteful given the quality of the avatars. It's one thing to have Drake punched to death as you lose a QTE for the umpteenth time, but when it's a woman being beaten to death by a man, that opens up a whole other argument. Others will disagree. The world continues to spin.

    Now this is all obviously very negative, but it's not actually a bad game per se. It's just barely a game at all. It's very much a cinema simulator, and the absence of compelling leads, sexual tension, witty banter, and locations that are jaw-droppingly pretty and fun to explore, really just drives home how devoid of interesting gameplay this series is at it's core.
    Hopefully it gets better in the second half, but so far it's the gaming equivalent of a supermodel turning up at your dinner party with a bottle of Blue Nun.

    could do better

    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Sounds like Uncharted to me.
  • It's the straight to VHS sequel you never knew they'd made, then find in the bargain bin at the video store.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Reads like a 7
    The Forum Herald™
  • I like 'cinema simulator' for Uncharted.
  • *Protip*
    Save yourself thirty quid by watching Raiders of the Lost Ark on the telly while holding a playstation controller and pressing X every time Indy does something.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • FranticPea
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    Press up to raid Ark.
  • Remove willy from Willie.
  • Remove disc from console.
  • Pretty much agree with everything g says.

    I have played it for about two hours and am monumentally bored. The thought of progressing further really doesn't interest me. Oh good, another unconvincing stealth section.

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