Lucasarts. Gone.
  • @Mod

    Absolutely, whether Disney will care enough though, is another matter.
    360 - optimark prime PSN - optimark_prime twitter - @optimark_prime
  • Jedi Knight was also an outsourced game and it was ace.

    The problem with kotor 2 was that it was released before it was finished.
  • Who else makes their own computer games based on their own IP? Dreamworks don't. FIFA don't.

    I can't think of anyone who does.

    Leave the games making to the games makers. Let Disney get on with making films and running theme parks and flogging toys. Seems sensible to me.
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    There's long been a hit and run approach to licenced games, especially films ones.

    Who gives a shit about the quality, if it's pile of wank then so what, you aren't worried about selling them the sequel game. It's just shovelware for kids.

    I dunno, it seems a shame to flush one of the oldest surviving studios because there's no financial benefit in making good games. Doesn't say much for our hobby.
  • It's more of a business problem. The studios know how to make a billion from a couple of hundred million when they invest in a summer blockbuster. Spend a hundred million on a game and the chances are you won't get that back, irrespective of quality. There aren't enough people willing to spend £40 on a new game every year on top of COD/FIFA/Madden/Mario.
  • There are lots of good licensed games. The Lego ones spring immediately to mind. They obviously care about their IP and their product, and TT do a wonderful job bringing it to life.
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    The Lego games aren't licenced games in the same way film tie ins are.

    But fair play to them for finding a winning formula and wringing every last drop out of it. Let's hope people don't get bored of the same thing over and over and over again.
  • Tie fighter was the best game they made, after that, dott and grim fandango

    Sad to see them go but as said theyve been rubbish for so long i just cant sense any justification in funding them. Whatever twatbag who has been pulling the strings for the last 5 years has hopefully lost his/her job at least
  • Mod74 wrote:
    The Lego games aren't licenced games in the same way film tie ins are. But fair play to them for finding a winning formula and wringing every last drop out of it. Let's hope people don't get bored of the same thing over and over and over again.

    Lego aside, to be fair a lot of the Disney games are pretty decent. The Batman games too. Some people rather liked The Walking Dead.

    Licensed games can be made with love and care.
  • davyK
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    There was huge opportunity missed with motion plus and Sony's lightbulb....pity. A generation of people would pay just to hear that sound as you move the controller about. Wii Sports Resort had a workable fencing game and it wouldn't have been too big a step to enhance it.

    The 16bit platformers on the SNES were shit - too hard, too repetitive, too cheap, levels too long.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • Super Star Wars reminds me of when I thought Mode 7 was one of the most exciting things I'd ever seen - a glimpse of the polygon future. Now I'm jaded with age I really admire the artistry that went into the sprites of that era. 

    When I'm really old I'll be telling the kids that shagging a perfectly realized virtual creation of the their ideal woman, however real it seems, is no substitute for seeing three layers of parallax running smoothly in 16 bit colour for the first time. I'll be completely wrong of course, but this is the kind of thing old people do.
  • Skerret
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    get tae

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    davyK wrote:
    There was huge opportunity missed with motion plus and Sony's lightbulb....pity. A generation of people would pay just to hear that sound as you move the controller about. Wii Sports Resort had a workable fencing game and it wouldn't have been too big a step to enhance it. The 16bit platformers on the SNES were shit - too hard, too repetitive, too cheap, levels too long.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
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    Not Wii - 3DS: 0146-8922-2426

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    WorKid wrote:
    Some people rather liked The Walking Dead. Licensed games can be made with love and care.

  • And some licensed games can be shite. Hurray!
    The other one (the Telltale one) is 92% on metacritic.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    And, more importantly, GotY on the Bear and Badger.
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    Not Wii - 3DS: 0146-8922-2426

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    I'd argue they're mostly shite. Telltale's TWD got at least some attention simply because it wasn't the expected shite.

    I enjoyed it but I still don't personally think it's that good a game.
  • davyK
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    The only licenced game I can remember enjoying in Addams Family on SNES that had some effort put into its production raising it slightly out of the mire of 90's platformers.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • The way I saw it was that Lucasarts often had too much money. Games would be developed for ages with fancy physics engines and what not but the core gameplay would be rushed at the end.

    A third party dev has more invested in getting it right as they will potentially fold if they make a turd and will want to retain the use of the license or build some cash to go out on their own and build a new IP (like Bioware did with Mass Effect). Lucasarts will just make another turd.

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