Game of Thrones TV show with massive spoilers everywhere.
  • That finale episode was fucking brilliant, as was the one before. Top telly.

    Only issue I have is that the visions of the past showing Jon Snow’s parentage were a bit hard to parse for anyone but alpha geeks. A handy conversational reminder of what it actually meant would have been wise. Nothing fancy, just a chat between a couple of characters earlier in the episode to bring viewers up to speed again.

    They managed to explain it on Thronecast in less than a minute, proving it didn’t need much.

    Minor niggle.

    Sidenote: First time I’ve watched Thronecast since realising that one of the annoying twats on it is an old mate from my uni days. Always weird to see someone so far out of context.
  • It does feel like they should have dived into the flashbacks in the previous season instead of having Bran and Hodor take a year off.
  • Okay, if it helps at all:

    History. Lyanna Stark was Ned Stark’s sister. Robert Baratheon (Ned’s best pal) was in love with her. Rhaegar Targaryan (Deanerys’ oldest brother, not the middle brother we saw in early seasons) also fancied her, despite being married to someone else. Rumour is he kidnapped and raped her – though they may have actually eloped together – and she died. Robert Baratheon mourned his lost love and in revenge kicked off the rebellion that started with killing Rhaegar and ended with Jamie Lannister slaying the mad Targaryan father/king, exiling the Targaryan kids, and Robert becoming king instead, marrying Cersei.

    Sideplot. Ned Stark went away to fight beside Robert in his rebellion. He came back with ‘another woman’s baby’. That was Jon Snow.

    Flashback. This showed us that the baby wasn’t Ned’s at all. It was his sister Lyanna’s, and she died during childbirth. The inference being that Jon Snow is actually the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryan. This would make him the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne, ahead of his Auntie Deanerys, and the legitimate King in the North, if one were to exist. It might also mean he can survive fire and ride dragons.

    See? Told you it was too bloody complicated and should have been better explained.
  • I might have mis-spelled a lot of those names. Never read the books, no idea how they’re meant to be written down.
  • It doesn't automatically make Jon the Targaryen heir - Rhaegar was still married. Roose Bolton has to get a dispensation for Ramsay to be heir. Gendry is never considered as a Baratheon at all, he's just a bastard. Might is right seems to be the basic rule that's let Jon be King in the North, Daenerys looks mightier at the moment though.
  • I hope we see Jamie slaying the mad king in a Brann flashback.
    Would be good to see Jamie in a proper sword fight again.
  • b0r1s
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    @poprock haven't read any of the books or geeked out on forums, apart from this one. I found it easy enough to follow the flashbacks.
  • poprock wrote:
    I might have mis-spelled a lot of those names. Never read the books, no idea how they’re meant to be written down.

    You did excellently, you non-book reading peon.

  • I hope we see Jamie slaying the mad king in a Brann flashback.
    Would be good to see Jamie in a proper sword fight again.

    Proper fight? I was under the impression he just done a cheap/coward attack & stuck the blade in the mad kings back when he was on a mad rage etc. I may be wrong tho...

  • Yeah he stabbed him in the back when they were alone.
  • Basically, Jaime killed the Mad King to avoid what Cersei did.
  • Ah, I thought Jamie, Ned and Robert battled through defences and killed him.
  • He had also witnessed. the mad king using wildfire as a tyrant eg cooking Ned Starks dad in his armor.

    @poprock, you did a good job but barratheon did not start the war after lyanna died. After she was "abducted". She died at the tower of joy in those flashbacks, which take place after the trident (Robert barratheon's big set piece battle)
  • Ah, I thought Jamie, Ned and Robert battled through defences and killed him.

    Jaime was part of the Kingsguard, Ned discovered him sitting on the Iron Throne above the body of the fallen King.
  • Ringing bell now.

    Would still be good to see again in a flashback, break up the war action a bit.

    Edit: fucksake, we have already seen it haven't we?
  • legaldinho wrote:
    @poprock, you did a good job but …

    Damn. Swung for and missed. Think I scored a flesh wound though.
  • I think we have, I was just going by the books ofc.
  • I gave it a google. Looks like it was season 6 ep 6.
    To be fair at that point I was easily distracted while watching as it was largely dull as fuck.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Caught up on the last two episodes in a back to back double header last night.

    Great stuff. I could pick a million holes in the battle alone, but why bother when it was so entertaining? Cersei was on top form, Tommen dive was a surprise, dragon attack was a bit lol but still great. Bran and Benjen seems rushed, especially after the time devoted to Arya. They've had like two scenes, and now they're going their separate ways.

    The teleporting is taking the piss somewhat, Varys especially. Why would he go back to Mereen only to set off for Westeros again? Fucking daft, I know who's side he's on, I don't need to see them on a ship as a reminder. I don't know what exactly he was doing there either, I think Houses Martell and Tyrell were given enough motivation to march against the Lannisters without him having to make it happen.
  • poprock wrote:
    Okay, if it helps at all:

    History. Lyanna Stark was Ned Stark’s sister. Robert Baratheon (Ned’s best pal) was in love with her. Rhaegar Targaryan (Deanerys’ oldest brother, not the middle brother we saw in early seasons) also fancied her, despite being married to someone else. Rumour is he kidnapped and raped her – though they may have actually eloped together – and she died. Robert Baratheon mourned his lost love and in revenge kicked off the rebellion that started with killing Rhaegar and ended with Jamie Lannister slaying the mad Targaryan father/king, exiling the Targaryan kids, and Robert becoming king instead, marrying Cersei.

    Sideplot. Ned Stark went away to fight beside Robert in his rebellion. He came back with ‘another woman’s baby’. That was Jon Snow.

    Flashback. This showed us that the baby wasn’t Ned’s at all. It was his sister Lyanna’s, and she died during childbirth. The inference being that Jon Snow is actually the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryan. This would make him the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne, ahead of his Auntie Deanerys, and the legitimate King in the North, if one were to exist. It might also mean he can survive fire and ride dragons.

    See? Told you it was too bloody complicated and should have been better explained.

    Isn't there a thought that Tyrion might also be Targaryon? There's 3 dragons after all...

  • There are rumours but I don’t believe ’em myself.
  • Seems like a real stretch even in the books, counters the whole theme of Tyrion actually being very like Tywin - smart, efficient etc.
  • Kow
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    I hope we see Jamie slaying the mad king in a Brann flashback.

    We did see that in a Bran flashback, didn't we?
  • Kow
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    Who are you anyway?
  • You'd know if you read the books.
  • Plinky plonky piano music aside during Cersei's return to form, this was a pretty good end to series six.  Can't believe the gulf in quality between this and the last wretched series.  Fast travel ftw!  Hope this actress stays with the series and matures her performances in the same way Ayra has.  She was kick ass:

    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map

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