Game of Thrones TV show with massive spoilers everywhere.
  • Bollockoff
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    Every time I see the face trick I think of Mission Impossible.

  • Bollockoff
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    So logically following the numbers [error] that's the bulk of the entire Lannister army + Tarly allies incinerated or run down by screaming Hunnic cosplayers. Somehow this will not matter in the next episode.
  • Wasn't it just the arse end of the army (the stragglers)? The gold had made it to kings landing.
    SFV - reddave360
  • That was the most fun episode yet - the battle was great. Not sure about the spawn point for the mongol horde though, fast travel seems stupidly OP in this game.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • halfgone wrote:
    Not sure about them cave drawings though, thought the elf/woodland people made whitewalkers/night king out of humans?

    This is what I thought too.

    Thought they explained last season, that the children betrayed one of the first men, turning him in to the Night King.
  • GooberTheHat
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    RedDave2 wrote:
    Wasn't it just the arse end of the army (the stragglers)? The gold had made it to kings landing.

    Yeah, it was only the back end. They were talking about how dangerous being strung out was.
  • GooberTheHat
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    halfgone wrote:
    Not sure about them cave drawings though, thought the elf/woodland people made whitewalkers/night king out of humans?

    This is what I thought too.

    Thought they explained last season, that the children betrayed one of the first men, turning him in to the Night King.

    I'm hoping in the next episode, as john snow and the onion knight trot off back north you see john snow tossing his unused coloured chalks into the see.
  • Bollockoff
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    RedDave2 wrote:
    Wasn't it just the arse end of the army (the stragglers)? The gold had made it to kings landing.
    RedDave2 wrote:
    Wasn't it just the arse end of the army (the stragglers)? The gold had made it to kings landing.

    Yeah, it was only the back end. They were talking about how dangerous being strung out was.

    Fair play. Hearing failure.

  • wrote:
    But to be fair, this being GoT, anything could happen at the end of an episode where they've started to chuck all the big moments ruining any sense of the unexpected.

  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    halfgone wrote:
    Not sure about them cave drawings though, thought the elf/woodland people made whitewalkers/night king out of humans?

    This is what I thought too.

    Thought they explained last season, that the children betrayed one of the first men, turning him in to the Night King.

    Aye, the first men and the children of the forest were at war, the children stuck a shard of something into a man and created the Night King. The drawings in the cave only showed that the children of the forest and first men had to join forces to fight the white walkers.
  • From some GoT Wiki page:

    Before he became a White Walker, the Night King was a First Man that was captured by the Children of the ForestLeaf among them. Leaf pressed a dragonglass dagger into his chest, causing his eyes to turn blue and turning him into the first of the White Walkers.
  • The implication is that the shard became the catspaw dagger that arya now has. It was pictured in the books Sam was reading in EP 1.

    They had complex magic but their drawing was pre bronze age caveman-like. Because, you know, cave drawings.
  • Don't be knocking Convenience Cave!
  • Gremill wrote:
    That was the most fun episode yet - the battle was great. Not sure about the spawn point for the mongol horde though, fast travel seems stupidly OP in this game.
    I can accept that they're not showing journeys, it's that they stall other plot lines while months of travelling is implied. Littlefinger and the Knights Of The Vale must have been at Winterfell for about a year now, not really doing anything.
  • That's a good point.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Kow
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    I understood that Jon Snow quickly and badly drew some white walkers in the cave to try and convince yer wan. It was a good plan let down by his total lack of artistic ability.
  • Littlefinger just reeeeeeally reeeeeeally wants to bang Sansa
  • I_R wrote:
    Gremill wrote:
    That was the most fun episode yet - the battle was great. Not sure about the spawn point for the mongol horde though, fast travel seems stupidly OP in this game.
    I can accept that they're not showing journeys, it's that they stall other plot lines while months of travelling is implied. Littlefinger and the Knights Of The Vale must have been at Winterfell for about a year now, not really doing anything.

    I'd like some über-geek (Gonz maybe?) to map out a timeline for this new series that includes travel time for all of the armies etc and see how ridiculous the whole thing had become.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Yeah, I'm not feeling this season either. Some nice set pieces, but I feel people are giving it a free pass because:

    1. It's always been trash
    2. The most recent seasons were super shit, so speed is appreciated.

    I disagree with both - the earlier seasons were genuinely interesting and juggled a lot of arcs very successfully.

    Also, the sluggish pace of recent seasons isn't an excuse to just warp people everywhere and resolve plot points in seconds. The characters no longer talk like characters - they're just exposition vessels trying to talk their way through contrivances.

    Pretty stuff, nice battles, otherwise a massive disappointment. Will still watch, FML.
  • Bollockoff
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    Euron seems like he's having fun at least.
  • We're all just here for the closure, and that's fair enough. Moral support is what we do.
  • Brooks fuckin shilling
  • U used to b a contender
  • I'm giving it a free pass because I'm enjoying it. Surely that's enough.
    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • Same.
    Couldnt give two shits about who is doing their travel arrangements.
  • I’m enjoying it getting frantic as shit becomes serious but I can appreciate that it comes with a drop in quality storytelling.

    Looks like the writers are struggling without the books to base it on after all.
  • I don't mind the fast travel in itself. When e.g. the hound and arya spent a whole season travelling through the river lands there was a story attached to it, both characters were developing etc. What's going to be gained by having two or three episodes of Jon and Davos on a boat waiting to get to Dragonstone? Fuck that, at this stage just have him show up. 

    The related thing that I do find irritating, and it might just be me, is that you don't really get a sense of what's happening and why. None of it seems to hang together. Those Northern Lords were in the Winterfell hall for three or four episodes running. Was this all after the bastard battle? Do they just come back every few months for meet ups? In the space of time they were all shown in that room, Euron built a fleet of 1000 ships and Dany sailed around the world. How can Euron be everywhere? How can the Lannisters get the gold from Highgarden to Kings Landing before Dany can intercept it. How can Euron go in and out of Kings Landing with his whole fleet when he has to sail right pass dragon stone to get there? 

    All of that is nitpicking but, for all his faults, Martin did put a lot of time into thinking these things through, geography and pacing were in-built into the stories before now which gave it more realism and coherence. You didn't have to use your brain when watching it but you could and it wouldn't all fall apart at the first inspection if you did. Now it's just a mess. A glorious, incredibly watchable mess.
  • Bollockoff
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    Next book will be a pop-up.
  • poprock wrote:
    I’m enjoying it getting frantic as shit becomes serious but I can appreciate that it comes with a drop in quality storytelling. Looks like the writers are struggling without the books to base it on after all.
    This essentially. The warning signs were there for this well before now. Most of the stuff from previous series that the tv writers have had to come up with by themselves has been hackneyed tosh. They were far better when they were just slimming down Martin's stuff. 

    Whatever. They're telling the story at the pace it needs to be told at, no more meandering character development, and it's still doing some stuff really well.
  • Littlefinger just reeeeeeally reeeeeeally wants to bang Sansa
    He is not alone.....

    So....right. The horsey men and sky lizard fought the tail end of the Lannisters and Tarlys yeah...It looked like quiet a lot of men there. Just how many Lannisters/Tarlys are there? When it showed the army outside HighGarden it didnt seem like that much. My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja

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