Science, it definitely still works bitches.
  • He could've just said 'cos it's there'.
  • Saw this on Twitter described as sunrise on Mars.  I'm guessing it's a new photo but dunno.

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    It's a nice letter, but he's on shaky ground suggesting space exploration might lead to a more harmonious war free mankind. Seems strange he'd forget how and why NASA went into space in the first place.

    (or why satellites and the internet exist)
  • There is porn in space question mark ha ha
  • Kirk suggests yes, but it's green chicks
  • cockbeard
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    Pretty pictures woo, any and all talk of "saving the human race/planet" is nothing but ego, I'm highly unlikely to form a meaningful bond with my great (let alone great-great) grandchildren, so why bother? The only reason is an urge to immortalised yourself through genetics. As a species we massively overestimate our effect on this planet (universe by extension)
    "I spent years thinking Yorke was legit Downs-ish disabled and could only achieve lucidity through song" - Mr B
  • That's a sad perspective.
  • Evolution = Ego, The two are one in the same.
  • What are you erring about, make a point or don't.
  • I don't know what he's erring about but you appear to be saying that a process of biological change is the same as a human psychological phenomena. 

    whatchutalkingabout dive?
  • I totally made my point in five ASCII characters which is HARMONIOUS, DIPSHIT.
  • I'm going to have to assume the "Evolution = Ego" thing was a little spazzout and so should be ignored and carry on.
  • monkey wrote:
    I don't know what he's erring about but you appear to be saying that a process of biological change is the same as a human psychological phenomena.  whatchutalkingabout dive?

    Yeah I could have been more specific, or accurate. What I was trying to say is that an ego can be a strength in the same way any other evolutionary mutation can be strength. In western society egotistical people generally do well (unfortunately) therefore it could be considered evolutionary.

    I appreciate it is a thought open to criticism though.

    I will also assume one day Unlikely will actually put together an opinion rather than just producing cutting remarks, carry on.
  • Well now that you've actually put your thoughts into words I might. 

    It is a terrible argument without any substance so I won't on this occasion though, if that's OK with you and whatever you're defining your ego as.
  • In western society egotistical people generally do well (unfortunately) therefore it could be considered evolutionary.
    Ok that's actually quite interesting. 

    But flawed I think. Although its only a gut instinct. 

    There's people with an ego who genuinely merit it. (edit: not merit it exactly, Unlikely was right that the word needs to be defined). It's not necessarily egotistical for a genius to consider themselves better than many people, and to be very focused on themselves. They'll often be the most capable of the people they know, best at work etc. They're actually doing humanity a favour by worrying about themselves a lot, because they're optimising their chances of making an positive impact. Maybe.

    But I've met enough dicks to consider egotism as basically a flaw and nothing to do with inherent ability. Its rare to find it accompanied by actual talent.
  • I mean shit, chap, you'd have to 1) define "western society" then 2) define "ego" then 3) define "strength" then etc.
  • Arse on you, stop posting while I'm going to the fridge.
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    That doesn't leave him much of a posting window.
  • I agree with both your points Monkey.

    The thing is, the type of person you describe in your first point, the intellectual, would be who we want to reproduce. However, as you rightly say , they doubt themselves and often aren't the most confident or egotistical.

    The dicks, are the egotistical ones and unfortunately they will probably reproduce in higher numbers.

    Again I realise this is an argument with more holes that swiss cheese but it does have some legs. Either that or I have been watching too much Idiocracy.
  • The dicks, are the egotistical ones and unfortunately they will probably reproduce in higher numbers.
    In Britain, the most successful reproducers (the most kids) are poor (bad providers) and badly educated (worst adaptation to environment). The richer you are the less kids you have. 
    Its a bit like a strategy where they (the rich) concentrate more resources on fewer offspring, thereby giving them the best chance for success. 
    If the poor matched this strategy they would produce 'worse' offspring comparatively due to lack of resources. Their best chance of success is to outnumber the rich. 

    This is mostly drunken bollocks rambling but what I'm basically saying is that reproducing in numbers isn't necessarily a sign that you've got the best strategy. 
    What's my point? Who knows.
  • I mean essentially the rich kids are competing for resources with other rich kids so comparing these strategies across socio-economic boundaries is probably pointless.
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    Is that really the case that the poorest families have the most kids or just a lazy stereotype?

    Regardless, up until what, 50 years ago you did need to be successful/affluent to have more than the average amount of offspring. Then the state started picking up the tab.

    If there's any legs in this theory at all I'd be surprised if 50 years of socialist governments would reverse it.
  • I think we are roughly on the same wave length Monkey. I generally see people with large egos as typically stupid and in that poorer, heavily reproducing segment of society you describe.

    Have you seen Idiocracy? It's not a great film but does have a message I think you will relate to.

    And yes this is mostly drunken ramblings on this end too.

    Going off purely what I see in society. Yeah poor people do tend to have more kids, and the current benefits allowances in this country only encourage it.
  • Mod74 wrote:
    Is that really the case that the poorest families have the most kids or just a lazy stereotype?
    Pretty well-sourced article seems to support it here.
  • Have you seen Idiocracy?
    No. I shall investigate.
  • monkey wrote:
    Have you seen Idiocracy?
    No. I shall investigate.

    Don't expect a good film, just an interesting idea.
  • FWIW - Some proof, stats or, you know, science, would be appreciated in this here SCIENCE thread.

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