Twitter twa...I mean, chatter (And various social media guff)
  • From the guardian?
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Dark Soldier
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    I can't follow such people. Just makes me way angry (likewise Laurie Penny who I admire for writing style but dislike inherently and I can't put my finger on it). I think I have about 60 from here and a load of fluff and football shit, keeps the timeline nice and chill.
  • Sorry to be chasing you up on this. Read your post, did search expecting a train wreck, and I dunno, it all seems pretty innocuous.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Escape
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    I can't put my finger on it

    Not in this day and age.
  • I mean, she seems to be a shit read.
  • My Twitter thing is @statenature BTW. It's not a personal account, it's attached to our blog, and mostly just publicises our stuff and retweets similar things. I sometimes try to do more on Twitter but quickly lose the will to live.
  • Oh, will add.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • … (likewise Laurie Penny who I admire for writing style but dislike inherently and I can't put my finger on it)

    Same here. I’ve never met Laurie but we’ve got friends/acquaintances in common … and every one of them says she’s a dick. I think our gut instincts there are spot on, DS.
  • Penny’s a good writer. For sure. I have her down as only a halfway decent journalist though, and an irritating as fuck person. I’m happy to separate the art from the artist though, if you know what I mean.
  • I've only had exposure to her through her articles, so I think she's great.
  • Facewon wrote:
    Sorry to be chasing you up on this. Read your post, did search expecting a train wreck, and I dunno, it all seems pretty innocuous.

    The final tweet that put me off was one where she basically expects all of her audience to be fully-versed in everything she’s ever written. Otherwise, she’s too important to engage with you.

    Recently, she tweeted about the importance of sometimes saying ‘no’ when friends ask for help. That’s fine, in principle, but the thing was, she suggested doing it in a way that involved unnecessary rudeness. When people politely pointed that out, she doubled down on the rudeness. It was a mix of apparently wilfully misunderstanding their point, or being pissed off that people would disagree with her. She then followed up with general tweets, again misrepresenting people’s replies. The equivalent would be if I now created a thread implying that people are claiming that Leigh Alexander is like Mother Theresa reincarnate, and criticising her is evil.

    I’m all for feminism, but she’s also a fairly relentless man-basher. It gets pretty tiring reading what an arsehole you are all the time.
  • I did wonder if there was some context I was missing to that tweet.
  • Gonzo trigger warning.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • I meant figuratively, but yeah.
  • Cheers for answer Andy. Sad thing is, that's pretty much twitter in a nutshell for a lot of public figures.

    Her ratio of innocuous tweets to rudeness is way better than talib kweli. Lol. He's a champ, but I guarantee you hit him calling someone a nazi within 7 tweets.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • I'm still great and you still love it.
  • This H&M Twitterstorm, oh my.
  • Dark Soldier
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    I love people getting offended on behalf of others its good good shit
  • I had to Google it, but the image in question is hilarious. How that made it through an editorial meeting is beyond belief.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • It is amazing how naive people are.
    I once stopped Maybelene releasing a product called "Jungle Fever".

    Truth is it is pretty much never deliberately offensive, rarely is it that they don't care. They are normally just too thick or culturally unaware, or too busy blowing smoke up each other's arses to notice.
  • This H&M Twitterstorm, oh my.

    I have a story to tell.

    A few years ago, I ran a local 10k. After the race, my friend and I were walking back to my car, and I was shouting encouragement to people running the race, including comments about the fancy dress costumes people were wearing.

    I shouted to one guy, “Look out, there’s a bear chasing you!” as a runner came around the corner wearing what looked to me like a bear suit. My friend said to me, “I think he’s dressed as a monkey, actually.” The guy in the costume was making good ground, so I shouted to the first lad, “The monkey’s catching up! You don’t want to be beaten by a monkey, do you?”

    With that, a group of runners in between the two separated slightly, revealing a black guy who was now glaring at me and, I think, in two minds about leaving the race to thump me.

    I still wake up in a cold sweat about that one.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Oh, that's an awful cringe moment. I love it when that happens to other people. It's lucky you didn't have the opportunity to dig yourself a deeper hole by trying to explain it.
  • There is a wrestler called CJ Banks, who looks like this:


    His image is that of a 'hard man', sort of a Vinny Jones type. So we used to wind him up by chanting "Carlton Banks" at him, because his last name is Banks, and Carlton is not exactly a hard man. Then he was in a tag match on the opposite side of Jonathan Gresham. He looks like this:


    During the match, there was a double tag where both men came in at the same time, so we proceeded to wind up the bad guy with our chant. Only the other guy, who looks like that is American, and has never been to Preston before. So it now appears there is a crowd of racists who think all black men look the same.

    I don't know if you've ever seen a couple of hundred people trying at once to explain to a black man that actually they were calling a white man who bears no resemblance to Alfonso Ribero Carlton Banks, and that we are not actually massive racists, but it's not a place I want to be again.
  • Andy wrote:
    This H&M Twitterstorm, oh my.

    I have a story to tell.

    A few years ago, I ran a local 10k. After the race, my friend and I were walking back to my car, and I was shouting encouragement to people running the race, including comments about the fancy dress costumes people were wearing.

    I shouted to one guy, “Look out, there’s a bear chasing you!” as a runner came around the corner wearing what looked to me like a bear suit. My friend said to me, “I think he’s dressed as a monkey, actually.” The guy in the costume was making good ground, so I shouted to the first lad, “The monkey’s catching up! You don’t want to be beaten by a monkey, do you?”

    With that, a group of runners in between the two separated slightly, revealing a black guy who was now glaring at me and, I think, in two minds about leaving the race to thump me.

    I still wake up in a cold sweat about that one.

    Now I understand why you don’t like Curb Your Enthusiasm - it’s just too close to home for you.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • davyK
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    A local MP tweeted a video of himself on Friday.

    Made a joke in a filling station. Balanced a loaf of bread on his head and asked the guy behind the counter where the bread was. Weak joke. This was then retweeted by a senior member of the party.

    Problem is the brand of the bread is Kingsmill. And on the day of the tweet it was the anniversary of an IRA atrocity carried out in a town called Kingsmill.   The IRA shot 10 protestant factory workers returning home from work using over 100 rounds fired in under a minute. Understandably the local people are outraged.

    The MP is a member for Sinn Fein. So obviously there has been some uproar about this.

    He has been suspended for 3 months but given Sinn Feinn's abstentionist stance on attending Westminster the overall opinion is that this is nowhere near enough.

    If they chucked the guy out of the party (which I really think they should have done - and the senior member who retweeted should be dealt with too) it would have forced a by-election which Sinn fein could well do without after their member's performance. I'll be very surprised if we see this guy standing again.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Fuckin hell they gonna kneecap him?

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