Palestine and the Middle East - a thread
  • b0r1s
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    If you want to see how low people in this country can sink, read the DM comments on this story. The basic gist seems to be if it's 10% inaccurate that's better than people deciding who to kill, completely ignoring (because they are a bunch of racist fucks) the 15:1 ratio of innocent deaths to one minor Hamas terrorist.
  • Cameron announcing the continuation of arms sales is a bitter blow. The fuckers should be charged for war crimes.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Yep, hopefully they will all be dragged to the Hague. Fucking heathens. Warmongers. Enemies to peace.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
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    "We won't publish the legal advice, but we checked it, and it said 'crack on lads'"
  • AI never lies and is totally unbiased etc etc.

    Let's hope the war doesn't spread to involve Iran and byproxy Russia and China.
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  • b0r1s
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    Why can’t more people be like this. It’s literally the way anyone who is normal must think surely.

  • The UK government’s continued refusal to suspend arms sales to Israel is inconsistent with previous wars and could make it complicit in war crimes, Oxfam has warned.

    Writing ahead of an open letter that the charity is delivering to ministers, Oxfam said:

    Despite the fact the government of Israel has killed over 33,000 people, forced three quarters of the population to flee their homes and destroyed vital infrastructure in Gaza, the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary have repeatedly defended the UK’s decision to continue arms sales.

    Yet in every previous escalation of violence in Gaza and against Palestinians in the region, the UK has at least revoked some licenses or otherwise suspended arms transfers to Israel.

        In 2014, the UK government reviewed and suspended twelve export licences to Israel following the outbreak of hostilities between Israel and Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza.

        In 2009, licences for naval guns were revoked due to their use against civilians in Gaza in contravention of international humanitarian law.

        During escalations in violence in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and early 2000s the UK imposed complete arms embargoes on Israel, because of violations of international law.

    Aleema Shivji, Oxfam’s chief impact officer, said:

        It is illegal, immoral and inconsistent for the UK to continue to sell arms to Israel, when it is clear that UK-made weapons and components are being used in serious violation of international humanitarian law – and after it imposed restrictions in previous escalations of violence when the scale of death and destruction had been lower.

        The people of Gaza are facing unprecedented levels of bloodshed, schools and hospitals are being deliberately targeted and starvation is being used as a weapon of war. What more suffering must they endure for the UK Government to act? It must immediately suspend all arms exports – including parts and components – or it risks being complicit in war crimes.

    For over 20 years, successive UK governments have sought guarantees from the Israeli government not to use any UK-exported weapons in the occupied Palestinian territory. However, Israel has frequently disregarded these conditions, and rather than enforcing them the UK government has chosen to stop imposing any conditions, Oxfam said.

    Later today, campaigners will hand in an open letter, with nearly 45,000 signatories - and fronted by over 50 high profiles names from celebrities such as Annie Lennox, Brian Cox and Robert Lindsay, to a wide range of CEOs, experts and politicians - urging the foreign secretary, David Cameron, and Business and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch to end arms sales to Israel.

    Oxfam is calling for the UK government to immediately suspend the sale of all weapons, parts and components to Israel and to use every diplomatic and economic lever at its disposal to help secure an immediate and permanent ceasefire, to stop the death and destruction, allow more aid in, and to ensure the safe release of hostages.
    - Guardian

    German police now seen cutting the power for aforementioned Palestinian conference

  • I knew it was bad in Germany for pro Palestinian activism but not this bad, fucking hell
  • The Germans and EU in general feel guilty for the pogroms which eventually resulted in the ww2 holocaust. Combine that with rightwinger populism (keep the jews away from us as long as they make us money!) x the vested business interests in the middle east and you get total non critical support for the zionist state of Israel.
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  • b0r1s wrote:
    Why can’t more people be like this. It’s literally the way anyone who is normal must think surely.
    If the Gaza war stops today, you know what's the worst thing that could happen? People will congratulate and praise Israel for stopping the war now, instead of holding it accountable for the stuff that it's done for the past six months.
  • UAVs launched from Iran bound for Israel: Reports

    We are getting reports that UAVs have been launched from Iran and are headed for Israel.

    Israel’s Channel 12 TV news reports that Iran has launched dozens of pilotless aircraft at targets in Israel and that their flight time was expected to take hours.

    An expert interviewed by the channel, retired general Amos Yadlin, said the drones were equipped with 20 kg of explosives each and that Israel’s air defences were ready to shoot them down.

    Barak Ravid, a political reporter for Axios, posted on X that Iran has launched an attack against Israel using dozens of drones, citing four US and Israeli officials.
    - Al Jazeera
  • Some drones have been sighted over Iraq as they head towards Israel, apparently they look like the same Shahed drones that Russia has used against Ukraine -
  • Fuck, Iran is involved now.
    This shit is escalating beyond control of the west.

    Our idiot governments should've nipped the gaza genocide in the bud but.....capitalism.
    Now like a mad dog, Israel is emboldened and out of control.
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  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
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    But very clear whether any of these Iranian missiles will breach defenses. Send they're saying that even if not this'll constitute revenge fur their embassy getting taken out. So maybe it won't immediately escalate further. But fuck knows really...
  • It's escalating.
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  • b0r1s
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    One and done, according to official release from Iran. Let's see if Netanyahu can keep calm, unlikely with this twat in charge.
  • Whatever Israel decides it's mission accomplished.
    1. It detracts from the last 6 months of genocidal apartheid. 'See? We're the good guys!'. "You NEED us....."
    2. Western military support reaffirmed. The arms can keep flowing and a gaza expulsion and landgrab justified.

    It's still a powderkeg though. If the US, Russia and China get involved directly things could escalate very quickly.
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  • Kow
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    Apparently Israel's Iron Dome caught all of the missiles and drones. Funnily enough, I clearly remember watching the Desert Storm operations on tv at the beginning of the 90s and how the Patriot missiles had intercepted 99% of Iraq's Scud missiles and it was a great success. Years later, it was shown that hardly any of the Patriot missiles, if any at all, had hit their targets. So I'm slow to believe anything at all coming from Israel and its allies.
  • Thought this was quite interesting. 
    TLDR - It can be seen as a success from an Iranian POV as they've now mapped out Israel's defence systems.
    On Iran’s strike: 

    At Stanford, I attended a masterclass on military strategy led by a person with decades of experience, including serving at the highest levels in the military and government. 

    One lesson he thought that I always remember was this:

    He asked us:

    “Say the US decided to attack Iraq with a new stealth jet it hadn’t used before that evaded all radars? The attack was a success. Was it strategic?”

    Many in the class raised their hands to say “yes, it achieved its goal”. But the professor said: “It may not have been”. 


    “Because now your adversaries know your capabilities and it’s a matter of time before they find ways around them. If this attack could be done with conventional weapons, it’s better to keep your top weapons until you need them. Using them creates a disadvantage.” 

    My analysis is that the scale of Iran’s attack, the diversity of locations it targeted, and weapons it used, forced Israel to uncover the majority of anti-missile technologies the US and it have across the region. 

    The Iranians did not use any weapons Israel didn’t know it had, it just used a lot of them. But the Iranians likely now have almost a full map of what Israel’s missile defence system looks like, as well as where in Jordan and the Gulf the US has installations. It also knows how long it takes to prepare them, how Israeli society responds…etc

    This is a huge strategic cost to Israel, while Arab regimes now are being blasted by their peoples, particularly the Jordanian monarchy, for not doing anything to protect Gazans but then going all out to protect Israel. 

    Crucially, Iran can now reverse engineer all the intel gathered from this attack to make a much more deadly one credible. While the US and Israel will have to re-design away from their current model which has been compromised. Its success in stopping this choreographed attack is thus still very costly.

    Moreover, with the threat of a regional war that neither the US nor the Arab regimes want feeling nearer, it’s likely their pressure on Israel to back down will increase, making a ceasefire more feasible. 

    Anyone assuming this is just theatrics is missing the context of how militaries assess strategy versus tactics. Theatre is an important factor, but gathering intelligence of the “enemy’s” posture is more valuable, especially if one believes they’re in a long war of attrition. 

    Netanyahu and the Israel government prefer a quick hot and urgent war where they can pull in America. The Iranians prefer a longer war of attrition that bleeds Israel of its deterrence capabilities and makes it an ally for Arabs and the US that’s too costly to have. 

    Lastly, if you are a person who hates war, if you want peace, the best and only way to get there in the region is to support the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and dignity. 

    There is no sustainable peace possible as long as Palestinians live under an oppressive system of apartheid. 

  • The Iranians have been playing Civ and chucking left over warrior units at cities to see what they're dealing with.
  • I bet israel will use this attack to continue to play the victim and distract us from its genocide. I am quite certain that the mainstream media here will happily oblige.
  • Kow
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    How dare Iran respond to an attack on them. I mean, it's not like Israel would use violence to respond to an attack...
  • Iran's attack did not break international law, as retaliatory self defence against military targets is permissable. israel's attack on Iran, however, was contrary to the Geneva convention unless they can prove it was somehow self-defense. Considering israel's track record in providing "evidence" (remember the UNRWA accusations? What happened there? No evidence at all for the claims), I doubt much proof will be forthcoming!

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