Tiger King *Full series spoilers*
  • Matt_82 wrote:
    The whole thing was a rollercoaster.   I do wish the producers had focused a bit more on the treatment of the animals but I can see why they got distracted by the lunacy around them. Did any of you watch the Louis Theroux doc that's also on Netflix?

    Which doc?  Do you mean the one he did on dangerous pets?  The chimp was fucking horrible.

    Whilst we’re on the subject - and I know it’s old and you’re all hip kids who see everything straight away - Blackfish should be watched as the main part of any animals in captivity documentary splurge.  It’s horrible but needs watching at least once.
  • Sorry just saw the reply.  Yep it's kinda hidden in the Netflix menus atm but it's this series, episode 14.  His was only an hour long so nowhere near as in depth (and a lot of the shit hadn't happened by that point) but he does look a bit more at the treatment of the animals.

    Also, 60 year old skater boi Jeff Lowe has an AMA on Reddit, for those interested.
  • Yeah I saw that AMA on Reddit, someone called him a walking monster energy drink or something, I chuckled.
  • Is this thread about Tiger carrying Nexx on the way to another Apex Legends win?
    Hah! Pretty much.

    I'm the true Tiger King.
  • There is an extra episode up on Netflix.
    Its just an interview type show where a presenter (think it is the guy that did the Breaking Bad after show thing) asks a few of the people from the doc various questions.

    Includes Jeff and Lauren, head zoo keeper guy, no legs, no arm, no teeth and the documentary film maker guy.
  • I was underwhelmed apart from the campaign man confirming it was accidental
    The Forum Herald™
  • That extra catch up episode was pure shit. That presenter guy was more concerned about pulling Zoolander faces and making shit jokes than anything.

    But fuck me what a bunch of crazy motherfuckers.

    Doc Antle was probably the creepiest. Uuugh. Just booking yer woman in for implant surgery and banging all and sundry.

    Really sad about that Travis kid. When it showed Joe best Ng all sad and then cut to him going on a date I assumed it was like a year or two later. I proper lolled when it turned out to be a couple of months.

    Joe is like Papa Lazarou collecting wives!!

    And Carol fucking Baskin lol. Just as bad as Antle or Joe.
    http://horganphoto.com My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • Next Monday 9pm is a new Louis Theroux revisiting Tiger King.
  • The King is back.
    Haven't watched any yet and expectations are pretty low but I'll watch another round of Joe Exotic's madness.

    I'm mainly hoping for more archive footage from the mad years rather than new footage.
  • Yeah started the first ten minutes and it has cash in vibes.. along with everyone in the first one whose now famous and cashing in like fuck.
    The Forum Herald™
  • The opening is really shit.
    The rest of the first ep I quite liked. It was a window into another time that was less than a year ago yet feels surreal to see now. Trump, the insurrection all that shit.

    Subsequent episodes are a bit like basing an hour in each straw they can grasp. Its ok.

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