Film/Video Discussion Thread
  • Looking at the alternatives to Chicago it's not surprising in hindsight. Gangs Of NY, The Hours, LotR and The Pianist. Safe choice.

    Always worth  remembering that it's vote as well, not a fix. It's just that it's a vote among people in the business who are probably old, male, white, wealthy and may have worked with the people who are up for awards.
  • It’s a vote amongst some eminently bribe-able and persuadable old men. When film industry PR teams talk about how much they have spent on their Oscars campaign, we know what they mean.
  • tin_robot wrote:
    MattyJ wrote:
    Oh also, don't google Split unless you want a massive fucking spoiler for the end of the film. Fucking internet, jesus.

    I was stood in line at the garage last night, and the woman in the queue before me described the entire bloody film to her boyfriend.  Including the ending, which she didn't actually understand but said enough about it that I did.

    (I was going to end this with the line "Fucking random people in garages, jesus" but realised it was somewhat open to misinterpretation.)

    Damn that's annoying. I guess the boyf had no intention of seeing it, because if my other half did that I'd be pissed.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • MattyJ wrote:
    McAvoy was excellent I thought, as was the main girl.

    If you're happy enough to suspend your disbelief (I was) and accept the cinema trope that is split personalities, then McAvoy is indeed excellent. Creepy, intimidating, weird. I also thought the main girl was excellent, although I was a little distracted by trying to remember where I'd seen her before (The VVitch) and even more distracted by the girl in the front row who decided to check her phone, presumably to find out the same thing.

    I was less put off by it being a Shyamalan film; I think I've enjoyed his other output more than most, and The Visit creeped me the fuck out, so I was expecting (and got) something not dissimilar here.
  • wrote:
    I actually watched Argo last night. It was quite good, but if that's what won the best picture Oscar then it must have been a slow year in Hollywood. Fairly pedestrian thriller that plays incredibly fast and loose with the facts of the story it's based on. It did tension quite well, but there's really nothing else to it other than that. not bad, but hardly essential

    Argo fuck yourself.
  • Andy wrote:
    MattyJ wrote:
    McAvoy was excellent I thought, as was the main girl.

    If you're happy enough to suspend your disbelief (I was) and accept the cinema trope that is split personalities, then McAvoy is indeed excellent. Creepy, intimidating, weird. I also thought the main girl was excellent, although I was a little distracted by trying to remember where I'd seen her before (The VVitch) and even more distracted by the girl in the front row who decided to check her phone, presumably to find out the same thing.

    I was less put off by it being a Shyamalan film; I think I've enjoyed his other output more than most, and The Visit creeped me the fuck out, so I was expecting (and got) something not dissimilar here.

    Yeah I just went with it, and enjoyed it. Sure the last part requires even more disbelief but it is all (sort of) explained.

    Did you realise *major spoiler*
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • I'd forgotten that detail until just now. Makes sense, given the ending.
  • I saw La La Land. I liked it. I liked the music.

    I'm officially boycotting one of the cinemas I normally go to. Just a shit place too often. Sound mix is crap (the opening song was quiet and sounded flat) and there's usually some other issue in each cinema (some white noise out of one of the speakers) and for some reason there's always at least one cunt present. This screening had 4 even though there was like 20 of us in the cinema. They just wouldn't be quiet. I ended up moving seats to be away from them instead of having a go at the two pairs of ladies, one of them older than 60. Felt it to be more tactful as I was not in the mood for being polite about it.
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    Shoulda grabbed em by the pussy.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • La La Land was excellent. Enjoyed it far more than I thought I would, given that the first 15 minutes or so really made me think it wouldn't be my cuppa. The final half was exceptional film making IMO, I'll be surprised if it doesn't hoover up most of the Oscars.
  • regmcfly
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    I really like the divisiveness of La La Land- obviously I'm all for it and want it to sweep the oscars, but the dislike for it (and let's be honest, musicals in general, a concept I've never fully understood, it's like hating action movies in general) is great and I'm glad there's something beyond the Marvel 3 1/2-4 star generally this movie is alright stuff being offered
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    My main issue with musicals is usually the music. Not my style at all. Plus the bursting into song thing is pretty ridiculous if you don't like the song. Parker's output gets a pass because it's funny. I enjoyed the Buddy Holly musical back whenever it was that I saw it because the music was good (plus it fitted into the narrative quite naturally, the songs were being recorded or performed).
  • Yeah it definitely comes down to the music, and I really don't  like the typical musical music/show tunes kind of stuff. I enjoyed Moulin Rouge (but not sure if that was due to being on a date), and like Blues Brothers because they're not that.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Blues Brothers is great too, TBF.
  • It's a good comedy film anyway.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Dancer in the Dark is still best musical, give it a go with the family, some cracking songs.
  • jdanielp
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    Entered T2 more excited than I was before seeing La La Land. Left feeling more disappointed. Again, it wasn't that it was anywhere close to being a bad film (I thoroughly enjoyed parts of it), it just wasn't anything like as good as it really should have been.
  • Ey DS I get to see John Wick 2 on Monday, is the first actually legit
  • Hello, I am DS. Yes, the first is legit.
  • This sounds like a ruse
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Hello, I'm here to vouch for DJ AKA DS and his knowledge of what is legit.
  • I also vouch for the one known as djchump who is totally DS and thinks that John Wick is actually legit.
  • I am tempy and I thank you for your help in determining what is legit.
  • Sounds legit.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • none of you are ds
  • I am DS Hammer and I am 2 legit 2 quit.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Tempy wrote:
    none of you are ds

    LIEberal media elite.
  • I am Denis Villeneuve and apparently I have signed up to do the Dune reboot after the Blade Runner one and I am very excited about this.

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