101 Things that get on our tits but don't actually matter in the slightest.
  • Was he a cool free spirit? I know a cunt like that. Has dreads and everything, super chill dude who just wants to hit bongos and strum his acoustic guitar during social gatherings.
  • May as well throw in those cunts who get out an acoustic guitar at a party.
    A nice social event ruined by someone playing wonderwall and singing it with enough false emotion to make X Factor look gritty.
    Doing that thing where they close their eyes and do a weird head nod/wobble/shake.

    Some "Indie-Chick" (likes The Kaiser Chiefs) moistening herself to the sounds.
  • Aye, he was super chill.

    When you're struggling to have a conversation over the sound of bongos, it's time to leave.
  • Kow
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    It's acceptable to punch bongo players. It's the only instrument people will buy and go straight from the shop to playing it in public. Utter cunts. They can all burn in hell.
  • Yossarian wrote:
    the optimum speed of 140
    And you've lost me.

    Beat It gets taxed, but Feel Again by One Republic is fine under Noxy Law.
  • cockbeard
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    Unless it's one of our open mic or jam nights and he's been invited by whoever's performing that cunt get's kicked the fuck out of the door
    "I spent years thinking Yorke was legit Downs-ish disabled and could only achieve lucidity through song" - Mr B
  •  Bongo Cunt. I love that.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Anytime I see one of those goons I think of David.

    Surprising the number of people that fall for that shite.
    http://horganphoto.com My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
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    Tax rate of over 100% may offer my route to riches
  • +30% for sounding like the backing track to a Vodafone advert
    That's the sort of thing I was thinking of more specifically. Usually with lyrics about living free like the wind or some shit. There was a lot of that on adverts last time I really saw any a few years ago.
  • Never listen to Rodrigo y Gabriela Noxy!!
    [quote=Skerret]Unless someone very obviously insults your loved ones with intent, take nothing here seriously.[/quote]
  • Escape
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    140 +1 taps per minute?
  • Rodrigo Y Gabriela are like the opposite of twinkly twat music, they're virtuoso. They'd get done for the tapping but that's just because Noxy is a mark.
  • Like current tax law, we can always make exceptions. Both bongo cunt and twat music tax are absolute classics. I'm voting for the next candidate to put them forward.
  • Hodge360 wrote:
    Never listen to Rodrigo y Gabriela Noxy!!
    They are awesome!!! Their earlier stuff at least. They are amazing live! So good!
    http://horganphoto.com My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • Oh I know but apply Noxy''s tax rules to them....
    [quote=Skerret]Unless someone very obviously insults your loved ones with intent, take nothing here seriously.[/quote]
  • Some cunt from HGS is running a training session in the canteen, on the 2 tables next to the TV. They have turned the sound off on the TV and won't let me turn it back on.

    The room is basically empty, which I pointed out to him, but he still won't fuck off and let me put the sound back on.
  • cockbeard
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    I can't have been the only one that when on a free period would fire this through a window at a Yr8 class watching some documentary and switch it to neighbours
    "I spent years thinking Yorke was legit Downs-ish disabled and could only achieve lucidity through song" - Mr B
  • Big man sits where he wants,when he wants. Don't no one tell him where to sit.
    http://horganphoto.com My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja

    So I finish uni in perhaps 80-odd days, and if we put aside for a few minutes more my dissertation (which I have been avoiding for weeks) I feel like i'm heading face first into a car crash.

    As of today I've basically given up on the Glasgow Guardian because of bureaucratic mismanagement meaning that I have been hamstrung in my efforts to organist coverage for the Glasgow Film Festival by a petty superior.

    My writing is going approximately buttfuck nowhere, with my pitches left hanging until they're useless, whilst the sites I pitch at (at least in my eyes) run total dross in their place. Now I am not suggesting I'm owed fuck all, but heck, it's such a gated industry right now that I have no idea where to go.

    Elsewhere I am seemingly writing and recording things for an audience of perhaps two or three. I'm tapped out of praise right now, I pour hours into the stuff I do and I get jack all back. I am not asking for praise from the roof tops, but fuck it, just a like on facebook might at least let me know that there's any point to this. I don't even care particularly that I don't get paid for 99% of the stuff I do, despite constantly facing blue-ticked wankers on facebook telling me not to accept 0 payment, all I am really asking for is some kind of support, some kind of suggestion that - hey, maybe I can do this and I have not wasted 2 years on this shit. Fuck, I'd even take a "pack it in 2bob, it's wank, as it would at least save me from myself."

    In the flat it seems like all I do is clean up everyone's mess, buy in stuff that gets used up, call the landlord for every problem, ensure all the bills and so on are paid. I'm living with perpetual children and that, at least, will come to an end.

    But yeah, I feel like I am rushing headlong into the end of a four year stint that, outside my degree, has earned me nothing. I seem to get nowhere, whilst watching clowns walk into jobs they can't do. 

    There are far worse things that could be happening, and I am grateful that my Dad's situation has improved immeasurably in the last 12 months, but fuck me I just feel done in.

    T, out.

    Edit: I'll make clear I'm not after a pity party, you guys don't owe me jack.
  • Your miniatures are really good though.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • Haha, thanks. It's nice to have at least one hobby that feels rewarding in and of itself.
  • First off. The unpaid work thing.
    I totally understand why people say not ot do this, however, from my experience, many who are really strongly opinionated on it got their careers going before 2008. Back then people would get payed with no experience, creative industries had the money to do so and anyone not paying really was taking this piss.
    Now, I don't think that is true, companies don't always have the budget to gamble on an unknown entity.

    My advice would be to take unpaid work where you feel the experience will be advantageous and be a bit street wise about where you are perhaps being tested and where you are being taken advantage of. I wouldn't have got my first 3D job without the fortnight of work experience I did unpaid.

    Secondly. You are heading for a very frustrating point in your career that most creatives hit. While at uni you have been making tangible forward momentum in your chosen career. Unless you are one of the lucky few there is a high chance you are about to hit a brick wall in that progress, it sounds like you have already noticed the start of this. It is the easiest point to give up and is a strong filter for people who really want it and those that don't. You have to keep pushing, trying different angles, but most importantly keep practicing your craft.
    I finished uni May 2008, I didnt get that work experience until May 2009 and started my first 3D job March 2010. In between I worked in retail and spent a fair bit of free time learning and improving my portfolio. At times I was incredibly down, I cried more than a few times, had sleepless nights, questioned why I bothered with Uni at all.
    It is hard. There is no beating around the bush.
    All the things you said about not getting feedback resonates.

    You have to stick to it. Believe in yourself, believe that you can do it. Keep pressing on, keep writing, take opportunities, explore all avenues, learn from peers.
    You will have shit days when you doubt yourself and even worse with a creative block but as long as you come back to it the next day it will happen.

    If you are writing you are a writer.
  • cockbeard
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    What sort of gig are you looking for, a friend had just made woman's editor at a paper, only about two three years in the industry, would a pep talk, q and a with her help you do you think?
    "I spent years thinking Yorke was legit Downs-ish disabled and could only achieve lucidity through song" - Mr B
  • Tempy, take from this what you will, it's neither intended to blow smoke up your arse or be overly critical, just saying it how I see it.

    I was a journo for 5/6 years and what you're describing now is similar as to how it was then. It's a fairly incestuous world and the cream doesn't rise to the top. You're a very talented writer. Whilst your output isn't being rewarded now, you're building up a superb written portfolio. Journalism is a hugely solitary existence; moreso when you reflect on the fact you're often reporting on wider society and others' existence. You'll get a break; I was too bitter and juvenile to truly take mine but you have a maturity beyond your years.

    The feedback thing is highly annoying; I get the same on here when I've made a long post but no one responds to it. You just think what is the point. I think part of that can be explained by readers not knowing you as a person; it might just be a question of branding yourself and getting people to buy into your schtick.

    You strike me as someone who 'does the right thing' and that as this an expectation of you, often people abuse this. I've had similar. Eventually, despite your best intentions, this builds up and becomes extremely galling. My advice is to be open and honest with people and tell them how you feel like they are taking the piss. In most cases they would already know this and be relieved that it's all out in the open and they can do something to rectify it.

  • Takes me back this.
    There have probably been two or three (maybe more) times in my life when I've felt exactly the same as you do currently Luke. 
    Always as a great period of change loomed on the horizon.
    Leaving school.
    Leaving the shipyards.
    Leaving University.
    That sort of thing
    It's the feeling of absolute helplessness, because your destiny feels like it's being taken out of your own hands, and in some ways it is.
    What it takes a long time to accept is that this is actually a good thing. Otherwise we'd all just coast through life, travelling down that one highway without ever taking that left turn to Interestingville. It's these turn-offs that ultimately tend to define our lives. Generally takes the benefit of hind sight to appreciate that though.
    My old dad was a wise man. Used to say to me, "Son, decide roughly what you want to do with your life, after that it's all about being in the right place at the right time. Where the right place is should be fairly easy to work out. After that, you just have to hang around that right place until it's the right time. That's when you grab on with both hands and don't let go."
    And that's more or less what I did.

    Me? I worked out that I wanted to work in television, but I never had any ambition to be a cameraman. I was interested in editing.
    Never had any ambition to work in outside broadcast, I hate the weather.
    Never had any ambition to cover sport. You'd find me behind the sports hall smoking fags during games periods.
    And yet...
    These are the opportunities that presented themselves, so I grabbed on with both hands and worked my ass off.
    Turned out alright really. I've travelled all over the world pointing cameras at the biggest sporting events on the planet. Not bad for a kid who left school with next to no qualifications.

    So yeah, what you're currently feeling is perfectly natural. It happens to virtually everyone, and it's an absolute fucker of a feeling, make no mistake. 
    Only piece of advice I can offer you is that if there is something you want to do with your life, prepare to be a bit flexible, but never give up

    you'll get there

    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Escape
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    Stopharage wrote:
    My advice is to be open and honest with people and tell them how you feel like they are taking the piss.

    Relatedly, you've the patience of a saint if you're living with 20-year-old student gamers, Temps. The horror.

    Unfortunately, I think you're guilty of chasing a rapidly shrinking market. You could dumb yourself down, using your intelligence to target certain demographics, or perhaps try and get a group effort going. I'm thinking of a UK version of Red Letter Media, mixing videos with a 21st-century fanzine for smart devices. I think you need to find readers who game rather than gamers who read, 'cause you're on a hiding to nothing against the Eurogamers of this world.
  • I don't have any real advice T. I've just been fumbling through life and have been lucky to stumble upon a career that has interesting work and pays well. I wouldn't say I'm following any kind of dream though.

    I just want to say that I really like your stuff. For whatever little that's worth. I think you have a really strong voice, both in actual voice for YouTube/video essays and in your written voice. I hope you keep doing what you're doing as I'm always interested in what you have to say (same with you Stoph just FYI).

    I like g's advice of taking what is presented to you. I think I shunned opportunity a lot when I was younger and probably missed some chances because I thought it might not have been "right". I feel like I've changed my tack since and am finding things a bit better now. At least it means I'm giving things a shot.

    Good luck! If all else fails you can always run away to Australia. We'll look after you.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Temps I'd offer life advice but mine is more of a mess so there's zero point, just know anything of yours I've read, or reviewed, I've truly enjoyed mate. Chase that dream, chase it hard, but be prepared to give leeway, take something else in the meantime if needs be. You're very, very good at it.

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