Tekken 7
  • RedDave2 wrote:
    I find tekken has the least interesting character roster. Its not wacky enough to be guilty gear-esq, not normal enough to be like street fighter and not serious enough to be virtua fighter. Just an unlikeable roster of b-characters. Fun game and all.
    Conversely, Tekken is the only fightman that I give the remotest shit about the characters.

    I bet you preferred NWA over WWF back in the day too...
    SFV - reddave360
  • I used to watch WCW, but that's not really the same argument.
  • Blue Swirl
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    Fuck Mugtome
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    RedDave2 wrote:
    I bet you preferred NWA over WWF back in the day too...


    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • I used to watch WCW, but that's not really the same argument.

    I know you are, but what am I?


    SFV - reddave360
  • Blue Swirl wrote:
    RedDave2 wrote:
    I bet you preferred NWA over WWF back in the day too...
    ? N.W.A.StraightOuttaComptonalbumcover.jpg


    SFV - reddave360
  • Blue Swirl
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    Fuck Mugtome
    3DS: 0602-6557-8477, Wii U: BlueSwirl

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    WTF is wrong with that guy's right pec?
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • Steroid abuse.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • He's flexing.

    And steroid abuse.
  • Arcade intro for T7 was released the other day.

    Completely uninspired. Like a lot of the stuff that's been revealed so far for the game. Sad times, Tag 2 was my favouritest fighting game evar until I gave Guilty Gear AC+R a try about 18 months ago. The series looks like it's finally run out of ideas.

    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • i've felt for a while they needed to adjust the controls/inputs a bit. they're unnecessarily complex to do simple things like backdash twice in a row. walking in tekken is more or less pointless as well. having 2 kick and punch buttons for no real good reason (IMO) adds a layer of inaccessibility for most.

    virtua fighter's control scheme is amazingly simple and elegant yet you still have access to complex movement and attacks, with only 3 buttons.
    that said, i'm no pro and have no idea what i'm on about, so good luck tekken, just for the old times with the King of Kings.
  • The left and right punch and kick are okay as an input, but only really come into play as something that matters once you can read which way to sidestep to give you the best chance of dodging something, but that stuff is only really something that matters for the very top 1% of players.

    The backdash cancelling I agree should have been changed to something simpler after it was discovered and then allowed to stay in, but and this is a big but, some players are of the opinion that Tekken is really all about your left hand movement, the right hand button pressing is seen as almost inconsequential given the amount of time you have to dial most of your hits in. Movement is king (rawr) but bizarrely as you pointed out, movement is much better handled in VF.

    VF is deffo a game I wish I could more time into, I really enjoyed my brief fling with VF5.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • i'm thinking of the buttons from purely a combo perspective, but even vf handles left/right side techs simply and elegantly. you just press up or down with your tech - and you don't even have to mash the throw command, just hold it down.

    this makes instant sense to my eyeballs over trying to keep track of my characters left or right side.
  • They both have their pros and cons, though the 2 punch and 2 kicks is hardly complicated as much like vf you cant freeform combos, thryre all pre set.

    Teken 3 and vf2 were my personal faves, ttt was great also but both games seemed to lose a bit of meatiness for me after this and i havent really been back.
  • actually it is - if i see a 3 hit punch combo/chain in tekken i have to know whether its L or R. in vf i know which button it is. and juggles in tekken and vf are fairly open. if you mean the set chains, then yeah its the same in both games.

    tekken essentially hasn't moved on or evolved in any meaningful way since T3 when they added sidesteps (imo).
  • Maybe you're just rubbish, smang :p

    Youre right though neither have evolved past t3/ttt or vf2/3 in a meaningful and engaging way. Prettier gwafix!
  • rubbish or not, arbitrarily having 2 punch buttons is just there to make it more complex to learn. that said, 1 button per limb is one of the things that makes tekken unique. i just wish the movement had changed a bit, mostly in the regard that walking is pointless - everyone dashes and cancels. so why not make dashing just 1 tap of a direction? i would also like to see some sort of auto facing-the opponent ness. i don't even know why the game lets you throw a massive kick/punch in totally the wrong direction given the chance.

    i would also disagree in that vf has evolved, 4 was a huge jump over 3. but if a tree falls in the forest with no one around does it make a sound etc....
  • I dont that it theres just to make it harder, sf has 3 punches and thats easily accessible. Dashing with one push would be an interesting thing, has thst been done anywhere before? Totally with you on the auto facing, dodging then hitting air has to be one of the most annoying things there is. I felt that happened a lot in tekken and most likely due to the hit boxes, though dodging and seeing Pauls unblockable change direction and take me out was equally as annoying.
  • I find it bizarre that you find Tekkens system complicated. If anything it's incredibly simple, there being 4 inputs and 4 limbs. It's the main reason that Tekken is the only fightman I bother with.
  • Roujin wrote:
    Arcade intro for T7 was released the other day. Completely uninspired.
    It's a father and son (possessed, btw) fighting inside a volcano. You have no soul.
  • It is creatively moribund, unfortunately, regardless of how awsum people find the cliche of the Mishimas inter generational daddy issues.

    I guess this is like when you have a dog and you notice he doesn't get up as quickly from his dog bed and doesn't really want to chase sticks in the park anymore.

    Shhh boy, no tears, you're going to a better place.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • To be honest, I'm not too fussed about how inspiring or otherwise the intro movie is. I had Tekken 6 but barely touched it. I really like Tekken, but felt I'd lost touch with the game's complexities. I appreciate there aren't many, but hey ho. If they released the very first game, mechanically untouched but with totes amazeballs graphics, I'd be more likely to spend my money on it.
  • I find it bizarre that you find Tekkens system complicated. If anything it's incredibly simple, there being 4 inputs and 4 limbs. It's the main reason that Tekken is the only fightman I bother with.

    i never said i personally find it complicated, not regarding the button per limb thing at least. i'm talking mostly about movement, like the 'korean backdash' for example and characters auto correcting in certain situations. the whole left/right side thing for teching throws and the like is a bit much though, i do think vfs up or down on the stick is more elegant.

    having left and right for the hands and feet only really bothers me in the more technical moments of the game which mostly pass me by tbh.
  • I would love virtua fighter 2 gameplay with 5s graphic. Get on it Sega.
    SFV - reddave360
  • i dunno, i kinda hate getting ring'd out in a game with no sidesteps. vf3 is probably the peak... dat vanessa
  • I'd like the realism of the UFC games, minus the choresome groundwork, in non-octogon environments, with improvised weapons from the environment. It frustrates me that fighting games are either dominated by ridiculous characters and moves, or are just simulations of real-world sports.
  • Tekken has the best input setup of any of the 3d fighters for me.

    The only thing I'd change would be throw teching.

    Make it a universal command, but shorten the window to tech.
  • As one not well versed in fightman nomenclature, I need confirmation that 'throw teching' means somehow blocking the opponent's attempts to throw you.
  • It's escaping a throw attempt. In Tekken you have to choose which throw tech command to use based on the leading limb used by your opponent.
  • I wish virtua fighter had more appeal. I feel it has as many layers as tekken but the 3 button setup and simpler inputs make it a bit more accessible than the reputation it seems to have. Reckon the different characters have much more varied and defined play-styles too, but that might be because it has half the number of characters...
  • It's escaping a throw attempt. In Tekken you have to choose which throw tech command to use based on the leading limb used by your opponent.

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