Politics of the Free - It’s because Democrats, stupid.
  • Dinostar77 wrote:
    The rioters really need some black leaders, to tell them to go home, get educated, use your vote to try to change things for the better. Dont like the chief of police? Dont like the guvnir of your state? Dont like the president? Well you live in a democracy, so use your vote.

    I think you'll find plenty of black "leaders" are speaking out about the violence, are telling people to go home and get educated. What are they supposed to do when there are now multiple documented instances of the police instigating the violence? Peaceful protest already happened, repeatedly, and nothing changed, so what should people do? Continue to watch people being murdered by authorities and doing nothing?

    As for the vote, who should in this instance, the black community vote for? The Democrats have done almost as little as the GOP to combat this problem during their time in office as well. More people voted for Clinton than Trump last time, but thanks to gerrymandering and the fucking around with electoral colleges Trump still won.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • b0r1s
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    Dinostar77 wrote:
    he still appeals to the blue collar workers and vast swathes of the bible belt.

    So exactly like Hitler then, man of the “people”. The rest of the world sits and watches and people will pay for this not just in America but everywhere if he gets in again.
    Dinostar77 wrote:
    The rioters really need some black leaders, to tell them to go home, get educated, use your vote to try to change things for the better. Dont like the chief of police? Dont like the guvnir of your state? Dont like the president? Well you live in a democracy, so use your vote.

    A few issues with this. Black leaders? Those that gain power are compromised or killed in America. If you think white America will allow real black power you are being hopeful in the extreme.

    We have already seen in previous elections how state by state there is so much corruption and vote rigging against Black people I can understand why a lot of them do not vote. What’s the point if your vote isn’t counted, or worse, you can’t even vote because some bullshit made up law is designed to suppress the black vote.

    Get educated. Do you really think the level of education afforded to the poor black community is on a level with white society?

    And this comes back to rioting. If everything is so heavily stacked against you what other outlet do you have? I’m not saying the response is right. In an ideal world the outlet would be the black community coming together and doing something more positive but none of them are living in an ideal world.
  • Telling people who have consistently been targeted to reduce the power of their vote, had obstacles put in front of them to be able to vote or even have it removed it from them entirely is probably not the most productive thing to say right now to be honest.

    Quoted for page turn.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
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    The US, like the UK, probably need an actual left wing party...
  • They do but it's even more difficult for a third party to emerge there. They do have a route not open to the UK though. What they need is people like AOC to challenge establishment figures for their seats.

    You won't get a third party to overtake the Dems, but you can overtake the Dems from within.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
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    Yeah probably true. Bernie shows there's some hope I suppose, but also that those within will push back hard. Rather like Corbyn stuff here really...
  • A third party is a terrible idea.
    Just hand all the houses to the Reps and be done with it. Splitting the vote would be disastrous in hte American sy
  • They will push back hard for sure, but we've had several examples of outside candidates winning despite a concerted push from the DNC to defend incumbents.

    Like third parties though, I do think one of the best places to start is locally. City councils and Mayoralties and state legislatures will often be able to make a more meaningful difference to peoples lives than Congress, and it's these downballot races the DNC frequently ignores in favour of national politics.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
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    Yeah probably both right. I dunno. Hard, and certainly folk there have my sympathy in terms of getting they don't have a voice, and reacting against it
  • The number of cases of the police striking first, of using force against peaceful protests, is just staggering. Time and again it's been captured on camera, even during live broadcasts.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Dinostar77 wrote:
    No doubt, on a daily basis he makes obama look more and more presidential in retrospect. The benchmark for the presidency. However even though it would be better for the country and the world to have biden as president. I can see teump getting re-elected in November. As much as intellectuals in the Washington press loathe him, he still appeals to the blue collar workers and vast swathes of the bible belt. Politically he is in a rock and a hard place. He has to show strength so he can reassure his fanbase. He has tonshow sympathy to black community. But he also has to appeal to the vast number of people who voted for him, to get re-elected. The rioters really need some black leaders, to tell them to go home, get educated, use your vote to try to change things for the better. Dont like the chief of police? Dont like the guvnir of your state? Dont like the president? Well you live in a democracy, so use your vote.

    That's the thing no? Their (the democrat/black vote) arguably does not matter any more due to the loophole of the EC. Trump only needs a few key redneck states in the mid west to win the presidential vote and thus continue his rule by minority. And that is his actual current strategy. Will it work like it did in 2016?

    Lord knows. Covid2019 and the following economic recession are the Xfactor. Can Trump survive it unscathed and win the 2020 election? Perhaps with a little help from Russia if they want to keep him on. China definitely wants to see him go. The Republicans will (probably) try every dodgy trick in the book to keep him on.
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  • b0r1s wrote:
    Dinostar77 wrote:
    he still appeals to the blue collar workers and vast swathes of the bible belt.

    So exactly like Hitler then, man of the “people”. The rest of the world sits and watches and people will pay for this not just in America but everywhere if he gets in again.
    Dinostar77 wrote:
    The rioters really need some black leaders, to tell them to go home, get educated, use your vote to try to change things for the better. Dont like the chief of police? Dont like the guvnir of your state? Dont like the president? Well you live in a democracy, so use your vote.

    A few issues with this. Black leaders? Those that gain power are compromised or killed in America. If you think white America will allow real black power you are being hopeful in the extreme.

    We have already seen in previous elections how state by state there is so much corruption and vote rigging against Black people I can understand why a lot of them do not vote. What’s the point if your vote isn’t counted, or worse, you can’t even vote because some bullshit made up law is designed to suppress the black vote.

    Get educated. Do you really think the level of education afforded to the poor black community is on a level with white society?

    And this comes back to rioting. If everything is so heavily stacked against you what other outlet do you have? I’m not saying the response is right. In an ideal world the outlet would be the black community coming together and doing something more positive but none of them are living in an ideal world.

    Yeh, i think we can all safety say, the world would be better off with a statesman like president.

    If you cant beat the system then join it and change it from within. What i said above is what Killer Mike said in the youtube post a few pages back, when he was addressing America's black community. Educate yourself, use your vote, kill the system by changing it.

    You can self educate, go to a library, get a book. Or use your phone and read or watch stuff that educates you. I'm not saying you have to become a senator or a guvnor or president. Become the local mayor or counsellor, or chief of whatever. Take small bites of the elephant.

    People have to have hope and belief that you can change the system, you can better yourself and make a better future for your children.
  • I wonder how willing the police would be to attack a high profile politician, and if they did whether they would get off scot free?
  • Dinostar77 wrote:
    I'm not saying you have to become a senator or a guvnor or president. Become the local mayor or counsellor, or chief of whatever. Take small bites of the elephant. People have to have hope and belief that you can change the system, you can better yourself and make a better future for your children.

    But what if you in fact, can't change the system?
  • Well in the 60's they did kill JFK no? And his brother. And MalcolmX. And MLK. They mysteriously got away with it too.
    Lot's of progressive leaders dead in a relatively short timeframe.
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  • Oooof. I'm out. If I read one more take on the riots that focuses on them over everything else in the situation and ignores the reaction to "black" resistance vs the reaction to white violence, ro ignores what happened to kapernick etc, also see voting shit already posted, then I dunno, maybe stfu and sit this one out.

    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Fenton nailed a tweet earlier today. Gotta find it again.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • It is hilarious (no wait the other thing, tragic) to see twats like Mike Pence telling people they should protest peacefully. Like, dickhead, you set up a stunt to leave a NFL game where there was a peaceful protest.

    It's almost as if no form of protest is actually accepable to these people.
  • b0r1s
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    Dinostar77 wrote:
    I'm not saying you have to become a senator or a guvnor or president. Become the local mayor or counsellor, or chief of whatever. Take small bites of the elephant. People have to have hope and belief that you can change the system, you can better yourself and make a better future for your children.
    But what if you in fact, can't change the system?

    Spot on with this link Dante.
  • Dinostar77 wrote:
    Yeh, i think we can all safety say, the world would be better off with a statesman like president. If you cant beat the system then join it and change it from within. What i said above is what Killer Mike said in the youtube post a few pages back, when he was addressing America's black community. Educate yourself, use your vote, kill the system by changing it. You can self educate, go to a library, get a book. Or use your phone and read or watch stuff that educates you. I'm not saying you have to become a senator or a guvnor or president. Become the local mayor or counsellor, or chief of whatever. Take small bites of the elephant. People have to have hope and belief that you can change the system, you can better yourself and make a better future for your children.
    Not sure what makes you qualified to tell people living in a different country how to protest their own system. You talk about education, but you don't seem to know a great deal yourself. You're just coming across as ill-informed and patronising.
  • It is hilarious (no wait the other thing, tragic) to see twats like Mike Pence telling people they should protest peacefully. Like, dickhead, you set up a stunt to leave a NFL game where there was a peaceful protest.

    It's almost as if no form of protest is actually accepable to these people.

    Yup. NFL displaying such hypocrisy with their tweets about the protests.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • JonB wrote:
    Dinostar77 wrote:
    Yeh, i think we can all safety say, the world would be better off with a statesman like president. If you cant beat the system then join it and change it from within. What i said above is what Killer Mike said in the youtube post a few pages back, when he was addressing America's black community. Educate yourself, use your vote, kill the system by changing it. You can self educate, go to a library, get a book. Or use your phone and read or watch stuff that educates you. I'm not saying you have to become a senator or a guvnor or president. Become the local mayor or counsellor, or chief of whatever. Take small bites of the elephant. People have to have hope and belief that you can change the system, you can better yourself and make a better future for your children.
    Not sure what makes you qualified to tell people living in a different country how to protest their own system. You talk about education, but you don't seem to know a great deal yourself. You're just coming across as ill-informed and patronising.

    I am contributing to a discussion on an internet forum. Just because im not a published author like yourself doesnt mean you have to be a twat about it. Its a discussion forum. Dont like my posts? Then ignore them.

    Btw, if you did read my post you will see i was echoing the comments of killer mikes press conference a few pages back. But as a white dude you probably know better than me (bame) or a black community leader (killer mike).
  • b0r1s wrote:
    Dinostar77 wrote:
    I'm not saying you have to become a senator or a guvnor or president. Become the local mayor or counsellor, or chief of whatever. Take small bites of the elephant. People have to have hope and belief that you can change the system, you can better yourself and make a better future for your children.
    But what if you in fact, can't change the system?

    Spot on with this link Dante.

    Thats terrible, stuff like that needs to change. You'd hope it can.
  • Facewon wrote:
    Oooof. I'm out. If I read one more take on the riots that focuses on them over everything else in the situation and ignores the reaction to "black" resistance vs the reaction to white violence, ro ignores what happened to kapernick etc, also see voting shit already posted, then I dunno, maybe stfu and sit this one out.

    There was a good article on kap published a few days ago. If i can find it again i will post the link.
  • Dinostar77 wrote:
    Its a discussion forum. Dont like my posts? Then ignore them.

    It's a discussion forum, just don't discuss the content of my posts lol.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • b0r1s
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    Dinostar77 wrote:
    b0r1s wrote:
    Dinostar77 wrote:
    I'm not saying you have to become a senator or a guvnor or president. Become the local mayor or counsellor, or chief of whatever. Take small bites of the elephant. People have to have hope and belief that you can change the system, you can better yourself and make a better future for your children.
    But what if you in fact, can't change the system?

    Spot on with this link Dante.

    Thats terrible, stuff like that needs to change. You'd hope it can.

    This is one of many systems in the USA that work like this.

    There’s the system of minor infractions leading to serious jail time which helps fund states because they get paid from the federal government for incarcerated individuals. And you can guess which individuals they target. There’s are doc in Netflix about it, can’t remember what it’s called.

    There’s this: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/02/texas-polling-sites-closures-voting

    There’s the voter suppression in Texas during the last election. Google it.

    Stuff like this won’t change without revolution. White powerful people aren’t doing what they do in a nice way why should black people just sit and protest peacefully?
  • b01rs, i dont disagree with you, i just dont see any other way out. what do you think the solution is? Or is that the impossible question? How does change happen?
  • Dinostar77 wrote:
    Yeh, i think we can all safety say, the world would be better off with a statesman like president. If you cant beat the system then join it and change it from within. What i said above is what Killer Mike said in the youtube post a few pages back, when he was addressing America's black community. Educate yourself, use your vote, kill the system by changing it. You can self educate, go to a library, get a book. Or use your phone and read or watch stuff that educates you. I'm not saying you have to become a senator or a guvnor or president. Become the local mayor or counsellor, or chief of whatever. Take small bites of the elephant. People have to have hope and belief that you can change the system, you can better yourself and make a better future for your children.
    Not sure what makes you qualified to tell people living in a different country how to protest their own system. You talk about education, but you don't seem to know a great deal yourself. You're just coming across as ill-informed and patronising.
    I am contributing to a discussion on an internet forum. Just because im not a published author like yourself doesnt mean you have to be a twat about it. Its a discussion forum. Dont like my posts? Then ignore them. Btw, if you did read my post you will see i was echoing the comments of killer mikes press conference a few pages back. But as a white dude you probably know better than me (bame) or a black community leader (killer mike).

    Fun fact.
    Did you know black people in the US couldn't vote until the race riots of the 1960's? Not to mention racial segregation like we saw in South Africa till the 90s. Perhaps rioting is exactly what is needed to change the system.
    I'm not condoning violence but sometimes it's necessary to put your foot down and the only option if you want to change the system.

    Rage against the machine?
    Steam: Ruffnekk
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  • Dinostar77 wrote:
    I am contributing to a discussion on an internet forum. Just because im not a published author like yourself doesnt mean you have to be a twat about it. Its a discussion forum. Dont like my posts? Then ignore them. Btw, if you did read my post you will see i was echoing the comments of killer mikes press conference a few pages back. But as a white dude you probably know better than me (bame) or a black community leader (killer mike).
    It's got nothing to do with what I do. Don't bring that into it. And I didn't claim to know better, did I? Maybe I'm as ill-informed as you are. I just haven't been throwing around wild generalisations.
  • b0r1s
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    Dinostar77 wrote:
    b01rs, i dont disagree with you, i just dont see any other way out. what do you think the solution is? Or is that the impossible question? How does change happen?

    I think extreme measures have to be taken sometimes. You need to fight for what you believe is right. History shows that revolution is sometimes needed and yes innocent people will get hurt and die, but thousands are dying unfairly everyday.

    Off the top of my head (you can tell I’m no historian); suffragettes, Northern Ireland, civil rights, Russian Tsars and the ANC. All required violence to varying levels of extent.

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