Politics of the Free - It’s because Democrats, stupid.
  • Yesterday was certainly a day historians studying America will write about for a long time.
    The first commercial launch of SpaceX while on the ground cities burned with race riots. The best and the worst of the U.S.A.

    It would be interesting to compare and contrast those things with similar events of the 1960s. How far has the country really moved in 50 odd years.
  • Its really kicking off in USA. 1400 arrests. In NY two police cars drove into protestors.

    Check out @pgarapon’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/pgarapon/status/1266885414016688134?s=09

    Not sure how to put a twitter video on here
  • GooberTheHat
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    The police in the US really seem to be fully shitting the bed over this. It's almost as if someone in a position of power has encouraged them to use unreasonable force.
  • LivDiv wrote:
    Yesterday was certainly a day historians studying America will write about for a long time. The first commercial launch of SpaceX while on the ground cities burned with race riots. The best and the worst of the U.S.A. It would be interesting to compare and contrast those things with similar events of the 1960s. How far has the country really moved in 50 odd years.
    Fifty years of progress.


    Sadly, only the picture quality has improved.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • America is truly grotesque.
  • American police are largely not trained in de-escalation, many of them have taken that bullshit warrior seminar and the entirely predicable consequence of that is not seeing communities as people they are there to protect and serve, but as potential enemies any of whom could kill them at any time.

    If you want to stop riots, a good first step is not to dress up like you're in Iraq.
  • b0r1s
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    Powerful images G. Fucking sad.

    More sickening behaviour by the overzealous cops. Permanently blind a journalist by firing a rubber bullet into her face:


    This could be tin hat stuff, but theory that white supremacists are firing up the looting wouldn’t be beyond the plans of an evil cunt like Bannon:

  • GooberTheHat
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    I've seen videos supporting that Boris, and one post that claims to have identified one white vandal as a cop (seen smashing windows with a hammer and followed back to a police station).
  • Check out @ddanpereira’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/ddanpereira/status/1266771755869319168?s=09

    b0r1s, the vid in tweet above shows a white guy dressed in head to tail in balck with a gas mask smashing up a shop's windows. Maybe your onto something...
  • GooberTheHat
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    That's the one Dino. I've seen another with a group of white guys turning up and smashing windows while a crowd of black locals try to stop them.
  • b0r1s
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    Dinostar77 wrote:
    Check out @ddanpereira’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/ddanpereira/status/1266771755869319168?s=09

    b0r1s, the vid in tweet above shows a white guy dressed in head to tail in balck with a gas mask smashing up a shop's windows. Maybe your onto something...

    I’d read about this but didn’t see the video. So fucking obvious how calculating it is. There is no frustration or rage in that guys actions.
  • The scale of america in sheer size is crazy. There are states larger than entire uk. Try to police that. Jees.

  • Kow
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    How many UKs without the republic of Ireland would it be then?
  • The preposterous vastness of the US is something I still can't get past when I'm over that way. I don't entirely understand how the fuck humans grasped it pre-industrially.
  • Brooks wrote:
    The preposterous vastness of the US is something I still can't get past when I'm over that way. I don't entirely understand how the fuck humans grasped it pre-industrially.
    If you are interested in that era The American West by Dee Brown is an excellent read.
  • regmcfly
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    Apologies for this, but I don't really have anywhere else to put it and the past few days have upset me to tears. *

    *To put that into perspective, my fucking white guy tears don't matter. It's great for me to feel bad, but I'm as racist as every other white guy, as are we all. I just needed a place to vent.

    In 1790, Washington wrote that
    "The establishment of our new Government seemed to be the last great experiment for promoting human happiness."

    As the "Great experiment" , America has endured a number of things that have undone many other nascent countries. In the UK we have had full revolutions, guillotines and all, and painful Unions of Crowns, but America, as a young and hardy country, seemingly democratic in all it does, has escaped somewhat unscathed.

    Sure, there was the civil war in 1860 - every country needs a power struggle to assert its try order, but it's important to remember that slavery was the carrot, not the stick. There's an amazing desire to revise history that states the Civil War was about slavery, but that only became a lynchpin at the end of the matter.
    A World On Fire by Amanda Foreman does much to dispel the myth.

    It's a country that was founded by those escaping prejudice, forming a country defined by prejudice towards those they selected to build it, creating a constitutional document that neatly sidesteps a lot of issues.

    Much has been made over State rule, and this is once gain an area where an African American can feel safe in one second, then be confronted by an AR-15 wielding idiot defending their second amendment whilst buying a Subway.

    The American Experiment is a failure in that it failed to temper the initial germs that infected society. There was no "quarantine zone" that allowed a chance for a fresh start because that was counter productive to beating the Brits at their own game. Thus when slavery was abolished it was only because the UK had done the same and there was need to seem as "fair".

    Yet as such a young country, those who had grandparents who owned slaves would feel aggrieved. Whilst in the UK there was a massive history of political overthrowals, even at the top level, this became a strictly political issue. Malcolm X and MLK (in that order) raised awareness for what was an absolutely criminal system .

    And nothing has changed.

    Everyone here knows that African American men are more likely to be incarcerated. Everyone here knows that the police in America are institutionally racist.

    And we are all sitting here, like I have just done for a pile of writing, inept.
    I spoke with a friend of mine in Salt Lake City, where I went to school, who told me they had never seen police marching in phalanx fashion down their street before.

    The American Experiment is a disaster because there has never been a control mechanism. Obama was basically the "release the steam valve" at the top of the pipe. This shit isn't new, it is built into the DNA of America and it's about time the country rebuilds itself.
  • The police response is just... Unbelievable in many ways. Tear gassing and arresting reporters, driving into protesters in cars, going through neighborhoods arresting people in their own gardens... They are openly displaying what many have known for years but has always been kept hushed previously.

    This has to be a landmark moment in the USA.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • b0r1s
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    When your POS POTUS condones brutality it’s an inevitable result.
  • That's the one Dino. I've seen another with a group of white guys turning up and smashing windows while a crowd of black locals try to stop them.

    There are definitely "accelerationists" out there in action..most of them are behind a keyboard. There's a heinous tweet of a white guy who is mobbed, stomped, and then clearly in a bad way. Different angles suggest cut throat, turns out he had a machete bad had stabbed someone then got stoned/ attacked others and I guess.. got stabbed? Or fell on his machete? He's definitely a goner. Anyway, the edit that looks like he got stomped and killed is all over. So many comments like "all white store owners benefited from slavery so this is karma", very suspect.

    A race war is being fanned. Won't end well for blacks if it takes off.

    What shit times.
    Don't wank. Zinc in your sperms
  • Brooks wrote:
    That's got THPS goal written all over it
  • I've seen a lot of ACAB and FUCK 12 written all over things.

    Meanwhile I learned something else today!

  • Dickheads is what we call them.
  • What does looting have to doing with the protests?Nothing at all. Just reinforces negative stereotypes.

  • Front page of Reddit:


    Christ the US is the thing that scares me the most. Wouldn't want to live there.
  • Looting is the price of this shit. You create a hyperconsumer society, worth determined by access to 'luxuries', people are going to want to consume and sometimes that's going to spill under chaotic social conditions. Again, we saw this in 2011 over here, very similar dynamics. Rubbish policing being a specifically Yank thing that is making this instance bigger and worse.

    Dismantle the engines of desire and maybe they'll be less instinct to twoc stuff idk??
  • Why are there demonstrations over his in london? Wasnt our police who killed george floyd

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