Which ailments currently beplague you
  • Play it up lad. "It's needs to be massaged, doctors orders."
  • Dark Soldier
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    The guy who did the scan was the spit of Fedor Emelianenko. I thought some Russian Special Forces had been sent to assassinate me at first, never has my dick shrivelled so quick.
  • Please tell me you uttered the immortal words "Well, it's normally bigger than that... but y'know..."
  • Bollockoff
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    My sleep pattern is an absolute wreck over the last month and I think I'm going someway to developing a grade of insomnia. Got a GP app for Friday regarding right hand RSD and occasional sharp pains on the right side of my head so I'll lump it in with those while awkwardly laughing I must be 1-o-dem-hypkondracs-right-doc.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    I hope none of that weakens your ability to escape rooms, ffs
  • Bollockoff wrote:
    My sleep pattern is an absolute wreck over the last month and I think I'm going someway to developing a grade of insomnia. Got a GP app for Friday regarding right hand RSD and occasional sharp pains on the right side of my head so I'll lump it in with those while awkwardly laughing I must be 1-o-dem-hypkondracs-right-doc.

    If it helps, this is pretty much the advice I give people with insomnia.  Certainly I'd tell anyone with sleep problems to check off everything on this list before going near medication.  (Of those - avoiding back-lit devices, and only using the bedroom for sleep and sex are probably the two most commonly ignored and yet likely to yield results...)
  • Bollockoff
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    I'm about to put most of the above into effect. Cheers. It's nearly midnight but it's still better than 03:00 with alarm at 06:30 am.
  • Had a chest infection type thing for about two days, just over a fortnight ago. Still trying to kick the resulting cough. If it wasn't for the informal study I've carried out since then on the apparently endless variation in consistency and colour of phlegm I have produced, I'd be mightily fed up.
  • cockbeard
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    Can't find the health thread, but I had a big infection near one of my fingernails only a couple of months ago. Now this weekend I've had pins and needles in both hands since Sunday morning, ibuprofen isn't really doing much and it's waking me up at night, feels like my hands are on fire. I can't afford too long off work, any idea whether some other painkillers might give me more joy?
    "I spent years thinking Yorke was legit Downs-ish disabled and could only achieve lucidity through song" - Mr B
  • Jesus. I've just got regular flu. Body aches can get to Fuck though.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • GooberTheHat
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    What is "regular flu"?
  • A cold.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • Lols. I just meant pretty traditional symptoms. Temperature, body ache, etc. As opposed to more exotic issues like fingers that sound like they might fall off..
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • cockbeard
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    Peripheral neuropathy, probably booze related, which is kinds funny as I'd been backing right off it last month. Got to do a bunch of bloods tomorrow, the walk-in doctor started to write a scrip for B12 and Thiamin, then decided that she'd rather I stayed in pain so they didn't affect the bloodwork, I've bought them myself now though
    "I spent years thinking Yorke was legit Downs-ish disabled and could only achieve lucidity through song" - Mr B
  • cockbeard
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    But still flu sucks mega balls, wouldn't wish it on anyone, nor chest phlegm, it sits so heavy on you
    "I spent years thinking Yorke was legit Downs-ish disabled and could only achieve lucidity through song" - Mr B
  • Yep. Least it's not like what I copped last year. Fever so high and aches so bad muscle got destroyed. Couldn't grip anything. Weeks.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Bollockoff
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    Right I'm going to bed.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Sleep well pupper
  • Skerret
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    get tae

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    shut upppp
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • Ffs. Still aches. Off to the docs today.
    Get sick leave from day job, but this is costing me nearly $500 from coaching this week. And we have a try out with a div 1 College coach I'm missing. Fuck.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • If you have low blood sugar levels (hypoglycaemia?), immediately have some sugary food or something to give yourself a spike, amirite?

    What do you do if you have what seems like sudden high blood pressure? Anything you can do to immediately help your BP decrease? Measured mum at home and she has around 165/90. I think that's high? Certainly higher than it normally is.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Have you taken a measurement several times? My mother has to have hers taken two or three times when I take her to the doctor as it comes down dramatically during the course of the appointment.
    Regardless of that, and I'm clearly not a doctor, 165/90 is high, so you should probably take her to see a doctor. There are a lot of medicines they can prescribe to help lower blood pressure, other than that, dietary changes like lowering salt, alcohol and in some cases caffeine should help.

    tldr, see a doctor

    Come with g if you want to live...
  • hylian_elf wrote:
    If you have low blood sugar levels (hypoglycaemia?), immediately have some sugary food or something to give yourself a spike, amirite? What do you do if you have what seems like sudden high blood pressure? Anything you can do to immediately help your BP decrease? Measured mum at home and she has around 165/90. I think that's high? Certainly higher than it normally is.

    What g said.

    165/90 in itself is a high blood pressure.  However it's worth noting that blood pressure can vary quite a bit over the course of the day, and in different situations.  (So for instance, if you think "Oh my God I hope my blood pressure isn't high" just before you check it then, yeah, it'll be higher than if you just happen to do it on a whim.)

    The absolute best way to diagnose a raised blood pressure is to monitor it over 24 hours (you wear an irritating blood pressure cuff all day, and it check it intermittently throughout).  Most GPs should be able to offer this if you go to see them about it.  If not, the second best way is to check the blood pressure twice a day at home for 5 days.  Do it seated, and each time take it twice.  After 5 days, work out the average BP for days 2-5.

    In either case though you're still going to need to see a GP, as what you actually do about that blood pressure depends not just on the reading itself, but what other health problems you have, and overall risk factors.  The good old days where you just said "treat everything over 150/90" have gone...

    Also, it's worth remembering that usually a raised blood pressure causes no symptoms, so if there was a specific reason why you felt it was important to check it, make sure you talk to the doctor about that too - it's rarely the blood pressure on its own.

    As for hypoglycaemia - yes the treatment is to have something sugary.  But again the bigger question is why are you hypoglycaemic?  (As well as "are you sure you are?")  If the answer is anything other than "because I haven't eaten all day, but I won't make that mistake again" then you need to see a doctor.
  • Thanks guys. I always take 2 or 3 readings while she is seated and after I've asked to sit and try and relax for a bit. Measured just now and it has come back down to broadly her usual level. 

    Gonna go GP with her on Monday hopefully. Not exactly sure why suddenly high today, but she has underlying issues too anyway and will need to monitor over weekend and see doctor about it. 

    Why I checked it in first place? She was feeling hot/flush, kinda shakey and weak etc. Hard to explain, but it's what I associate with high BP. Wasn't aware that there aren't specific symptoms!
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Went to bed fine, woke up with a feeling of nausea that won't go away and have vommed several times. The fuck is this?
  • MuseChick
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    Went to bed fine, woke up with a feeling of nausea that won't go away and have vommed several times. The fuck is this?

  • MuseChick wrote:
    Went to bed fine, woke up with a feeling of nausea that won't go away and have vommed several times. The fuck is this?


    I was thinking Ebola but pregnancy also seems legit.
  • If I'm pregnant, it's a long gestation. I've not had sex since the Bush administration.

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