The Apple Thread
  • Lord_Griff wrote:
    I thought you could only patent novel ideas or novel applications of existing stuff?[/b]
    As I understand it, its only the implementation that has to be new. Although spurious patents do exist, you can't patent something like a flying car as just an idea. You'd actually have to demonstrate specifically how it would work.
  • I thought minority report everthing was floaty? Hence the lights on the glove fingertips?

    Also you have to ask the question would someone who works in that relevant field be able to make the claimed invention based on the disclosure otherwise it doesn't count as a good enough example of prior art.
  • star trek probably did it first.
    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • google wrote:
    Your credit card, bank details, insurance records, store cards, phone bills, cable bills, internet bills, benefits forms, etc are all being tracked.
    A lot of this information is confidential by law and isn't being tracked, or shouldn't be. My 'problem' (I'm not actually that bothered to be fair, but I do think its a bit shit) with Google's use of data is their process is completely opaque. So I've got absolutely no idea what information of mine they're trading. 

    I also find most forms of advertising a bit irritating so I'm not naturally inclined to really be a fan of business models that are funded in this way. Obviously I can opt out, and with the exception of search and gmail, I do.
  • mk64 wrote:
    star trek probably did it first.

    Simpsons did it
  • Etchasketch must count somewhere?
  • Just taken delivery of one of these!  If you have an iPad then I recommend this over the apple smart cover

  • When did they stop letting you drag media onto iPhones from the library so you have to use the god-awful syncing that it does?

    I love how Apple keep fucking up more and more of the things they make, it's going to make it much easier switching away from them due to the fact I hate the way they act.
  • Just taken delivery of one of these!  If you have an iPad then I recommend this over the apple smart cover


    But it's £40?! Also:

    Pong's new iPad case is proven to reduce your exposure to potentially harmful radiation emitted by your iPad's Wi-Fi antenna by up to 72%, while improving your reception and range. No other iPad case can do this, period.

    I have wifi signals pinging all over my house, is this really going to help me?

    I take it for people who aren't clamouring for ULTIMATE PERFORMANCE that the Smart Cover is acceptable?
  • I would still get a smart cover, the majority of other ones I've seen are too bulky for my liking.

    Oh, and two seconds to figure out how to get a video on my Nexus after giving up with getting on my iPhone.
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    I'm not really sure why people even bother with covers. How scratched is it going to get in the circa 12 months before the new one comes out and you buy that one.
  • Can I just lol for a second that the 'radiation' to which they refer is likely to be the microwave/radiowaves it uses for GSM/local wifi.

    So it can't simultaenously shield you from them at the same time as boosting the reception and/or range of the device.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Moto70
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    Mod74 wrote:
    I'm not really sure why people even bother with covers. How scratched is it going to get in the circa 12 months before the new one comes out and you buy that one.
    My covers are more for typing, turning the iPad on and off and holding it at an angle than they are for covering it. I'm pretty sure I'd not bother at all if it was only for the covering side of things...
  • Do they use Gorilla Glass yet on iPads? Because god damn my phone screen has it and there is not a blemish on it after nearly nine months of normal use. 

    Gorilla glass + one of those really close fitting rubberised sheaths (lol sheath) = mint condition preserved for all time.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Is September still mooted for release of the new iPhone? The battery life on my 4 is now shocking and I'm way past upgrade time with o2.

  • Tempy wrote:
    Just taken delivery of one of these!  If you have an iPad then I recommend this over the apple smart cover PONG!!!!!!
    But it's £40?! Also:
    Pong's new iPad case is proven to reduce your exposure to potentially harmful radiation emitted by your iPad's Wi-Fi antenna by up to 72%, while improving your reception and range. No other iPad case can do this, period.
    I have wifi signals pinging all over my house, is this really going to help me? I take it for people who aren't clamouring for ULTIMATE PERFORMANCE that the Smart Cover is acceptable?

    Wasn't actually bought for the perfmance boost it for the varying options on standing it up.  Probably cheaper options out there but I coudn't be bothered to search any further.   It is quality thoug.
  • AJ_ wrote:
    When did they stop letting you drag media onto iPhones from the library so you have to use the god-awful syncing that it does? I love how Apple keep fucking up more and more of the things they make, it's going to make it much easier switching away from them due to the fact I hate the way they act.

    I don't think they have? I still manually sync my media. I find the drag and drop of Android devices to be a bit primitive, it doesn't help me sort out my stuff much. I tried using Samsung's Kies software and had to uninstall it in rage after barely 2 days.
  • Fair enough Jimmy, I had to do a lol at the radiation thing.

    @Mod: My iPad is an unexpected gift and i'll be at Uni the year after so, uh, case is a must to preserve it.
  • Is September still mooted for release of the new iPhone? The battery life on my 4 is now shocking and I'm way past upgrade time with o2.
    They've got a press conference scheduled for September 12th so I'd expect it a couple of weeks after that. 

    Interestingly / uninterestingly, since they announced the date both MS and Amazon have announced their own press conferences and they're both taking place before hand. MS's is for Windows Phone 8. Amazon's is for a 'mystery' product, probably a Kindle 2.
  • Wasn't actually bought for the perfmance boost it for the varying options on standing it up.  
    Does it actually improve wifi reception though? Mine's always dropping out. I'm trying to wangle a new router out of Sky but failing that, this might be an option.
  • Funkstain wrote:
    AJ_ wrote:
    When did they stop letting you drag media onto iPhones from the library so you have to use the god-awful syncing that it does? I love how Apple keep fucking up more and more of the things they make, it's going to make it much easier switching away from them due to the fact I hate the way they act.
    I don't think they have? I still manually sync my media. I find the drag and drop of Android devices to be a bit primitive, it doesn't help me sort out my stuff much. I tried using Samsung's Kies software and had to uninstall it in rage after barely 2 days.
    Just tried and you can't do it any more.  All I can do is turn on the syncing and deal with all the unnecessary hassle that causes.  Kies is a piece of shit, I'll give you that, but since Android connects with standard protocols, it should work with loads of media managers.  I like the drag and drop, it suits the limited amount of media I use my phone for a lot more than that convoluted iTunes business.
  • monkey wrote:
    Wasn't actually bought for the perfmance boost it for the varying options on standing it up.  
    Does it actually improve wifi reception though? Mine's always dropping out. I'm trying to wangle a new router out of Sky but failing that, this might be an option.

    It's supposed to,  they do a different one for each version of iPad and if it is a wifi only or a wife/3G one.  Haven't had a problem with my wifi or 3G so can't really say if it is working better.
  • AJ_ wrote:
    Funkstain wrote:
    AJ_ wrote:
    When did they stop letting you drag media onto iPhones from the library so you have to use the god-awful syncing that it does?
    I don't think they have? I still manually sync my media.
    Just tried and you can't do it any more.  All I can do is turn on the syncing and deal with all the unnecessary hassle that causes.

    Weird. I've got my iphone plugged in right now, and have selected the "Manually manage videos and songs" check box ticked. I can drag movies and songs (and podcasts etc) directly into the iphone. Also, I have unchecked all the other tabs from synchronisation except apps - maybe that's what you need to do? Then when you click "sync" it just transfers purchases and syncs apps.
  • Just checked the settings again and the "manually manage" one has somehow gotten unchecked, so I guess that's a problem.

    Of course, this being Apple, I can't sort it until I get home because when I try to check it here, it tells me it'll delete everything on my iPhone because it's synced with another library (which I never have, but still).  Why, Apple?  Why?  I think they enjoy making things difficult for people.
  • I had one of these, not bulky at all, but the trim has started to peel off and a couple of the corner clips have started to tear slightly.
    I've now ordered myself one of these.
    Should get it soon hopefully.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • Mod74 wrote:
    I'm not really sure why people even bother with covers. How scratched is it going to get in the circa 12 months before the new one comes out and you buy that one.
    Because the cracked screen when you drop it without a cover is an issue.
  • Getting back to the patent issue for a moment, it's rather hypocritical to sue competing companies for copying the rather trivial ideas they have used when the technology they ultimately use has been built on a foundation of innovation that started with transistors and ultimately led to the modern computer.

    The suing of a company who incorporates the stroking a touch screen that you haven't invented that is powered by electricity that you haven't discovered that is controlled by the microchip that you haven't invented who's main aim is to make phone calls and browse the web that you also haven't invented is, in my mind, being a capitalistic opportunist of the worst kind. Innovation my fucking arse. Pathetic.
  • Fuck you Moto. You're wrong.

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