Destiny 2 - Developed by Bungie
  • There's a new ign video showcasing some of the open world stuff.

    Haven't watched it yet but GAF seems happy.
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • legaldinho wrote:
    The titan wall

    What crazy button setup do you use Face?
  • Wow that looks brilliant.

    Patrol finally looks like it's worth playing.
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • That looks great, but he never actually states that all of those activities are available without a loading screen. I really hope so. That will be awesome.

    The adventures look cool, like the idea of finding a little cave with a huge secret area. Just hope you don't have to warp out after you beat the boss and get the loot.
  • I'm still not sold on the new weapon system in PvP after playing the beta. You can't ever roll with a sniper, shotgun or fusion as a secondary. You have to get power ammo, which only spawns occasionally, and it can't be shared with others. I like running round with all three weapon types, but it'll be bloody rare in this game unless they change the spawn rate of power ammo.

    The game is happy for you run around with two pulses or scouts, for instance, but no sniper? Plus you lose all your ammo of you die.

    It's a questionable decision I think. Not sure I'm keen on it. Fairly sure they'll have some No Land Beyond type weapons which you can rock in others slots.
  • You played Halo right?
  • I love this game and cannot wait for it to come out. The objective gametype is pure joy. Great maps, much flanks, so many teamshoots and been able to clutch a fair few times, including a four v 1(albeit with super). But the main fun has been with just one other bloke (Davies's mate Chuky) figuring alternatives at 3-0 down and winning it 6-5.

    Mainly been playing dawnblade but today the blink warlock has been a joy, as for the arc titan, well. Fucking amazing.
  • legaldinho wrote:
    The titan wall
    What crazy button setup do you use Face?

    see further posts, I was mashing.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • You played Halo right?

    Halo is quite a different game to Destiny online. Bungie seem to want to make it harder to use weapons that we could previously use very frequently. It might turn out a great idea, but after a few games, I was missing my shotty.

    I see the attraction of having two primaries, but relegating three of the most enjoyable weapon types in the game to infrequent, opportunistic ammo spawns seems a bit mean to me.
  • But my point is that this change is to make it more like Halo. It's a power weapon game now.
  • The shotty etc situation is very similar to current d1 sitcho. It's clearly the path they're taking. 

    I tend to agree they've maybe gone one step too far, but we'll see. 

    In control, see above re gonz's desciption of the play, tactical, flanking, team shooting etc. And then, if the timing is shitty, it's suddenly Darksiders 2.

    Anyhoo, beta, there'll be changes, and perks etc on guns and armour will make a difference.

    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • It's perfect. You gotta earn your shitty /snipes by positioning around the map. Using those walls, shield Regensburg they gave you, your radar, and precious grenade charges to zone enemies, get the first pick, and grab that heavy. It's how shooters should be. Gears was all about fighting for power weapon spots, halo has ALWAYS been the same, and now this is too. No more sniping down lanes first thing. No more three player teams covering all lanes on the map with snipes. There is freedom to move if you pick the right spots. No more shitty rushers from the get go. It's perfect.
  • I'd basically agree, but how do the supers fit into that. Especially given how long they last now. They are all mobile, etc etc. 

    It may well balance out, I may not just have worked stuff out, but again, all you've described is perfectly balanced and yes, movement, tactics etc, great, but then you add HAM mode, that tends to drop at a similar time for a number of players, and that can all go out the window.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • If you're playing mostly charge and I'm playing mostly control the discussion may be a bit sideways, as I'm not sure the supers time the same way, and given no respawn, you won't have 4 supers going off at once.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Speedhaak
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    So it's good then but not really? :)
  • I thought the PvP was both fantastic and ridiculous in equal measure (teaming up with random does not always make for great teamwork or coordination). What gonz says is very true, changes to the weapons and ammo load out will upset current players, as they will have to change and adapt their tactics. Supers on a timer is a bit daft, as as face says, the end of control matches can decend into a spam first.

    The hunter supers and ability provided are terrible in comparison to the other classes.

    PvE felt like the same kind of thing available at the end of D1. Strike with a bullet spong boss at the end, a couple of secret doors to open later in the cycle, etc. Story mission was ok.

    So yes, it's good. D1 v3.0 with updated graphics? From what we have been provided with so far, it looks like we run and grind in the same way as last time. Which is a worry for me especially. Later on in the cycle I got behind the grind and fell behind on levels and gear. I was therefore unable to play with the raid and strike groups, and also, to my disappointment a few invites thrown out were ignored whilst people ground out the gear. I therefore just stopped playing in the end.
  • Facewon wrote:
    I'd basically agree, but how do the supers fit into that. Especially given how long they last now. They are all mobile, etc etc. 

    It may well balance out, I may not just have worked stuff out, but again, all you've described is perfectly balanced and yes, movement, tactics etc, great, but then you add HAM mode, that tends to drop at a similar time for a number of players, and that can all go out the window.

    Supers happen once a game and are more predictable. Get your "charged" weapon out and teamshoot, or bait then hang back. Some supers are more dangerous than others. At any rate, the super situation is much improved too
  • I haven't played that much control, so maybe my positive impression is from countdown.
  • Harmless, are you on PS4 or xbone? I need to add u
  • Speedhaak
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    I thought the PvP was both fantastic and ridiculous in equal measure (teaming up with random does not always make for great teamwork or coordination). What gonz says is very true, changes to the weapons and ammo load out will upset current players, as they will have to change and adapt their tactics. Supers on a timer is a bit daft, as as face says, the end of control matches can decend into a spam first. The hunter supers and ability provided are terrible in comparison to the other classes. PvE felt like the same kind of thing available at the end of D1. Strike with a bullet spong boss at the end, a couple of secret doors to open later in the cycle, etc. Story mission was ok. So yes, it's good. D1 v3.0 with updated graphics? From what we have been provided with so far, it looks like we run and grind in the same way as last time. Which is a worry for me especially. Later on in the cycle I got behind the grind and fell behind on levels and gear. I was therefore unable to play with the raid and strike groups, and also, to my disappointment a few invites thrown out were ignored whilst people ground out the gear. I therefore just stopped playing in the end.

    Interesting points. Thanks.
  • legaldinho wrote:
    Harmless, are you on PS4 or xbone? I need to add u

    You've got me on Xbox already gonz. Can't remember my exact psn name but I'll be on Nick's, jrpg's, etc lists. Not sure what platform I'll pick this up on yet. Not pre-oreered so far.
  • Lol I just clicked on your connections,right there.

    Based on beta activity, more PS4 players already so I would go with that. I have the beta on xbone too so if you want some countdown games this eve let me know
  • Wouldn't mind. Countdown with randoms is horrendous.
  • Been hammering Control. Must have played 10 to 15 hours of it.

    Convinced now that this is the best version of PvP so far.

    No random insta-death, much more focused. The chaos has been dialed back considerably, but it's still very much destiny but slightly shifted towards halo.

    Guns feel great and the double primaries mean much more moment to moment variety.

    I properly, properly love it.

    legaldinho wrote:
    Harmless, are you on PS4 or xbone? I need to add u

    You've got me on Xbox already gonz. Can't remember my exact psn name but I'll be on Nick's, jrpg's, etc lists. Not sure what platform I'll pick this up on yet. Not pre-oreered so far.

    There's a right and wrong answer here.

    Time to come home.
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • Actually got a couple of caveats to that. Things that really do need to be addressed.

    Supers are way too infrequent. Mostly, everyone gets their supers at pretty much the same time and about 30 seconds from the end of the match. They really need to adjust this. I can live with one super per round, but they need to be slightly staggared and ready at around the half way point so they can actually effect the outcome of the game better. 

    Power ammo timings seem really good to me, but the way things are fusions are the only real option. It's not that it's crazy OP - it's a power weapon and should feel strong (especially as trying to pick it up ammo is pretty risky now), it's more that the other options feel too weak. Shottys are OK, but range it too small and there's actually less ammo given than with the fusion. Grenade launchers are way off, and rockets - although fairly strong, could do with at least doubling the ammo. 

    Pretty much my only issues with it I think.
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • I agree fusions should have 4 in the mag max.
  • The fact that the same connection issues are still present is my biggest problem with the pvp. Still loads of kill trades, still dying around corners/behind cover. I was hoping to see that improved.
  • MoesTavern wrote:
    The fact that the same connection issues are still present is my biggest problem with the pvp. Still loads of kill trades, still dying around corners/behind cover. I was hoping to see that improved.

    Yeah, was mostly fine, but still p2p fluctuations.

    I'm still great and you still love it.

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