Apex Legends - Battle Royale by Respawn (OP updated with players)
  • Aye the win was just funny.
    To think we respawn him to get that 8 damage kill!

  • Won my first round after not playing it for a while, I got four kills with a random who carried me with 13 kills, other team mate was pointless with 60 damage in total. Then I had a run of games with Franny and Goobs where I couldn't get a kill except for one stand out round where I somehow managed to get a few. Just endlessly spraying into people and they laugh it off and obliterate my shield within the blink of an eye. The lads clocked off for the night (sick of my moaning no doubt, apologies) and I think fuck it, one more game. Both randoms die straight away, I wipe a squad and before I can even respawn them one of them has quit. The non-arsehole team mate and I go on to win, circling the edges of the map and getting a bit of luck with the last few rings. But the main thing is that it's like night and day, I'm shooting folk and they're dropping, six kills to me(!), one to my faithful partner, I was even kill leader for a brief time at the start but didn't have time to admire the banner as I was getting the respawn in. I don't know what it is about playing in a party that completely fucks my game, it's not losing focus by chuntering on about shite, or a lack communication and tactical play as we were had some sound strategic calls going on, but when it comes to pulling the trigger I might as well be firing paintballs. I'm completely at a loss to explain it, but I've won four games out of about 12 with randoms and not won a single one with the lads, and can't seem to get a kill to save my life. Inexplicable, and fucking infuriating.
    I find it my personal effectiveness is about 90% due to which gun and which attachments I have for it - I seem to do okay laying fire down a corridor with the Devotion MG, but up close I need Wingman or a shotgun because if I have a rapid fire SMG like the R-99 (which is supposed to be good) I'm missing most of my shots and the ones that do land just tickle. I probably need to learn the character skills better so that I can use the skills better, as I tend to forget about them in the heat of a firefight.
  • Shotty's or a Wingman up close for me too, wouldn't thank you for an SMG unless it's rocking all the high tier attachments possible. Level 3 extended mag is the most essential, try fighting someone with decent armour with a stock mag in your SMG and you might as well be kicking dirt on their shoes.
  • After the amazing run we had on Friday which included the first time we've won 3 back-to-back, this weekend has been brutal. We've played every night since launch, and last night was the first session since day 1 that we've come away without a win. And honestly, we were never close. Feelsbadman.
  • I'm really enjoying this now, despite only playing with randoms. Some are as useless as I am, some are very good but what I've noticed is that they've all pretty much been helpful and supportive. There's mostly a lack of lone wolf leetness that plagues other FPSs.

    Got a 2nd place yesterday and I'm getting mild more regularly. I'm maining Bangalore but I'm useless with abilities.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Have now downloaded this. Didn’t actually know it was on console as well as PC till the other day.
    GT: Knight640
  • You'll love it Knight, the gunplay is so good
  • Knight wrote:
    Have now downloaded this. Didn’t actually know it was on console as well as PC till the other day.

    It's like Halo 3 on cocaine.

  • Subbax
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    Am I late or does everyone know that if you trigger Mirage's ultimate in mid-air that his clones will start running?  I think it's a bug.

    It's awkward but makes the ult 100% less shit.

    Also works if you trigger his ult and the clone spawns over a drop, doesn't matter how big a drop.
    It's a goddamn snoozefest out there.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Do they run in mid air, or do they drop to the ground and then run?
  • Dark Soldier
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    Just watched Shroud decimate five teams while his two team mates are down. With R-301 and R-99. Insane.
  • I like this. Tank for the win
  • Good laugh there Sean.
    Weren't sure if you were going or not so waited 5 and left.

    Clipped a vid from earlier today got game winning kill with the kaber.
    1 kill and 10 damage.
  • I was down for another game but we seemed to get split up.

    Really poor games tonight, quite frustrating. Not sure I'll get on tomorrow night, maybe for an hour or so.
    PSN ID - s-revill
  • SeanySean wrote:
    I was down for another game but we seemed to get split up.

    Really poor games tonight, quite frustrating. Not sure I'll get on tomorrow night, maybe for an hour or so.

    Ah thought you'd gone in again.

    I really enjoyed some of the gun fights,
    the squad I wiped where I ran out of shotty ammo and just picked them off from close with a scout and an 8X scope was fun and funny.
    Especially because I died about 3 seconds later.
  • New patch out.

    And also, if you have Amazon Prime, and by extension of that, Twitch Prime, you can get a free bunch of loot for this now.

  • Nice!  Got the London Calling Lifeline skin from those Twitch reward boxes, one of the very few decent skins in the game as of yet.
  • Subbax
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    Do they run in mid air, or do they drop to the ground and then run?
    They drop down and start running.

    Like someone else said, it's almost like this is how it's supposed to work anyway and it's currently bugged to not do anything.
    It's a goddamn snoozefest out there.
  • Subbax
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    New gun released, looks like some sort of laser rifle called Havoc. Fits either of two hop-ups for single shot or spin up reduction.
    It's a goddamn snoozefest out there.
  • Just messing around with it in the training ground.  Really hope they tweak the energy ammo drop rates. 

  • Ahhhh, that makes sense. Spotted one of those earlier on and wondered why I hadn't seen it before. Energy ammo is a pain in the arse to find so probably won't get much use out of the Havoc.

    Will be back on tonight around 10pm.
    PSN ID - s-revill
  • Caustic or Mirage?? I have enough points to buy one now
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Wait and see who the next two are
  • Neither are very good imo.
  • I unlocked Mirage and switched to him from Gibraltar. His ultimate is much better than Gibraltar's shield when you're in a pinch, and the quick recharge on the decoys is handy - you can pretty much spam one in for any new area you enter. Def having a bit more fun playing as him, feels like I'm gaining more kills. Do miss that airstrike though...

    Had a really memorable game tonight. Started off at Slum Lakes, got in a tight firefight with a rival squad, one of my teammates down and the other on half health. Ran over from where I was looting and managed to pick two of the opponents off with some EVA-8 action, and the other one seemed to scarper. We got our shit together and slowly made our way to the raised platforms above the Thunderdome area; by this point there were only a few squads left and some distant gunfire and airstrikes. We were all pretty well kitted out and scanning the horizon from up high by the time the last squad finally appeared. We were in a long distance shoot out for a few minutes, three of us vs two remaining players. We ran out of shield batteries so dropped down to ground level, my teammates laid down suppressing fire while I flanked. Managed to knock down one of the two, and take maybe 90% of the final guy, before I got KO'd and my mates moved in for the kill. 

    Winning rounds of this game is the best buzz I've ever had in online gaming.
    PSN ID - s-revill
  • Well I got a couple of kills yesterday. That was good.
  • Also Franny, I am ShabsMcCrab on PC and ShabbyMcCrabby on PS4
  • SeanySean wrote:
    We were all pretty well kitted out and scanning the horizon from up high by the time the last squad finally appeared. We were in a long distance shoot out for a few minutes, three of us vs two remaining players. We ran out of shield batteries so dropped down to ground level, my teammates laid down suppressing fire while I flanked. Managed to knock down one of the two, and take maybe 90% of the final guy, before I got KO'd and my mates moved in for the kill. 

    Winning rounds of this game is the best buzz I've ever had in online gaming.

    Funnily enough we lost a game at Thunderdome last night under almost those exact circumstances. We were a trio though.
  • Love reading these Apex war stories as well, keep 'em coming guys.
  • MuseChick
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    MattyJ wrote:
    Caustic or Mirage?? I have enough points to buy one now

    Mirage! He's great imo. The decoys work a treat and his ult is quick to recharge and super handy. Haven't got the hang of Gas Dad yet.

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