The No Subject Thread
  • If you just drink Guinness like a normal person then you don’t need cheese.
  • Funkstain wrote:
    FINISH THE WINE???? What kind of meal is this

    A French one. Duh.
  • Another French eating habit I like is eating green salad after you've finished your main and before you eat your cheese.
  • My girlfriend finds herself in a super stressful and shitty situation with no end in sight. I honestly don't know what to advise her anymore so thought I'd type it up here to see what other people think.

    My girlfriend aspires to work as a psychologist and finished her masters last year. She began the next part of her training last week at a cost 40,000 euro. She doesn't have this sort of money, so she is also working a full time job as a social worker and effectively paying for each seminar one at a time. She has been working this job since August. In theory it should be 40 hours of work per week, but in reality it's more like 50 with all the unpaid overtime and the fact my gilrfriend isn't actually very good at her job (not for lack of trying. she just finds it hard so every task takes her longer to complete). In combination with her studies this leaves her super stressed and with very little time. She will typically be working 12 days straight before getting a day off. 

    She was also working as a social worker last year, but with a different employer on a part time basis for the first half of the year. During this time she was given a client, a refugee from west Africa. This woman also has a child with her (although several more are stranded in her homeland). She was allocated a certain amount of hours to help her acclimatise to life in Berlin and begin procedures to get her reunited with the rest of her children. This is the limit of help the state will give her, and when those hours run out she's on her own. Unfortunately, due to some mismanagement, those hours all got used up very quickly before any of her problems got fixed. Since then- almost 5 months ago- my girlfriend has been helping this woman for a few hours each week in her own time. My girlfriend does not get paid to do this. 

    Sadly, this woman's problems don't seem to be getting any better, and she doesn't seem able to do anything on her own. 5 months on my girlfriend still has to do all of her paperwork for her each week, in person at her apartment, and there's a lot of it. To make matters worse this woman got roped into some shitty network marketing scam and quickly got herself into a huge amount of debt. She gets letters from bailiffs all the time. She's way behind on rent. The landlord wants to evict her and the bureaucracy keep finding ways to stop her benefits. 

    I have a huge amount of respect for my girlfriend taking this on in her own time, but the fact remains that this was already all too much for her months ago. Like myself, my girlfriend is not blessed with good organisational skills, and her stress threshold is quite low. Back in Autumn she was already frustrated that she couldn't see any way to get this woman standing on her own feet. But now that my girlfriend is working 50 hours per week, has lectures and seminars, plus her own unfolding mental crisis it's all getting a bit too much. Trying (and failing) to find a resolution to this has become a frequent topic of conversation. 

    What should she do? What would you do? I have a lot of sympathy for what this refugee woman is going through. I really do. But my girlfriend cannot carry this weight on her shoulders indefinitely. She's been pushed over her capacity for a while now and it's damaging her health. But equally she can't face cutting this woman loose- understandably- knowing that she has nobody else to turn to and could quickly find herself on the streets.
  • Are there any charities over there that help refugees that you could refer her to instead?

    This definitely seems like too much for your gf to handle and that type of pressure shouldn't be on one person.
  • if I sound like I'm erring on the side of phasing out the help for this woman I'm merely echoing my girlfriend's mood and tone, as I have done from the start. I give her a lot of positive encouragement as I'm really so proud of her for doing this. But then I also see how fragile she has been recently, and knowing/loving her as I do I can't possibly push her to give more when she's is showing so many signs of stress and anxiety.
  • Kow
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    She'll have to gradually cut down on the hours she spends with the woman, telling her she just can't be there as often. It wouldn't be fair to cut her off cold but little by little, giving her time to adapt is possible. At the end of the day you have to put your own health first, and she's already gone above and beyond.
  • There surely must be an actual organisation for this kind of stuff and not just using the kindness of strangers to shore up the state?  Dunno, perhaps I’m wrong.  Could some of the time your girlfriend gives to this lady be used to try and help find a charity or organisation that has more experience in helping out people in these situations?  The hours your girlfriend has committed to - away from this lady - are barely tenable so to then find a further half a day a week is not sustainable surely?  I guess I’d be looking at ways to reduce my commitment were i in her shoes but I’d also be wanting to at least try lead this lady towards more structured help.  Are there West African community groups or some such where there are people who have had to adapt to a new life the way this lady has?  That may be a starting point?
  • My girlfriend says she knows of no other way for her to get help. I presume this includes charities. It's probably something we need to look into again or in more detail as I find it kind of crazy that a woman with child could end up on the streets. But then again I don't know anything about this system.

    My girlfriend has spoken to her many times about needing to cut down on the assistance but it's really hard to say no to someone who desperately needs help, even when it's often. Today she phoned my girlfriend in tears, literally begging for help, so she has gone round to see her now. Hence why I'm posting about it.
  • This honestly seems like something well past your girlfriend's paygrade, but it doesn't surprise me that there isn't anything in place for this woman to get the help she actually requires.

    I dont know if any of these would be helpful, but hopefully there is an organisation shes overlooked due to the stress:
  • Thanks for that! Hopefully this link is something she isn't  aware of. 

    We should have a day free day together on Sunday so maybe we can take this time to look into it thoroughly. Perhaps I did not put enough emphasis on how inadequate my girlfriend feels when doing this sort of work. It seems to be a job tailored to her weaknesses, so perhaps there is a chance she has overlooked an avenue of potential help. I can relate to her not wanting to give the problem more time than is strictly necessary to keep  this woman fed, housed and watered, especially when her free time is so rare, but this might be the only way of bringing this situation to conclusion that doesn't involve acute misery for one or both of the involved parties.
  • beano
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    all the way home.

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    Hey Noxy

    Try dropping [email protected]

    Explain the situation of the refugee.

    This is a migrant antifa network who will be able to recommend organisations and/or sign posting for help.

    On Weisestrasse 53, on Wednesdays between 1830 and 1930 you'll find an organisation your gf could visit in person called Rote Hilfe.

    They may be able to advise on the legalities or provide cover for any the woman may face through financial hardship.

    Sorry can't link to anything, but I imagine rote hilfe do have some online presence

    Edit: rote hilfe have some more drop in centres ... I think they rent spaces on different days of the week
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • Cheers bean . will look into all this for sure. appreciated :)
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Just stumbled across this article on Twitter:

    I’d heard about What3Words - a geolocation app that divides the world into 3m x 3m squares and assigns them all a three word code name - a while ago, but I’ve only just found out that it’s now being used by U.K. emergency services.

    It’s free to download the app and it’s probably worth having on your phone just in case.
  • Helpful for meeting people at festivals too
    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Founded by a school/uni friend of mine! Ridunc clever bloke tbf, can't top of our year in Cambridge maths by a clean 10%! And at age 13 was writing VR code with the bloke who founded MM. Just as I was becoming an accountant ...
  • Yea we used what three words lots in the job.
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • b0r1s
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    I guess it could be useful to know the three words for my kitchen and bedroom, just in case I get lost.
  • I saw a bunch of TV ads promoting What Three Words over Christmas. Not something I expected to get an advertising push!
  • acemuzzy wrote:
    Founded by a school/uni friend of mine! Ridunc clever bloke tbf, can't top of our year in Cambridge maths by a clean 10%! And at age 13 was writing VR code with the bloke who founded MM. Just as I was becoming an accountant ...

    I met the chap, he came and gave a keynote at the place I was working. Clearly clever and lovely elegant premise but didn’t make a strong enough case for the thing, I thought. The basic premise, in emergency cases, is “it’s quicker and easier and needs less signal” than, you know, sharing location via GPS, or calling someone, right?

    MK says great for festivals, but you know send them a group text like “near the pizza van” or just share GPS location down to the metre or so which can’t take much data?

    What am I missing?
  • GooberTheHat
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    GPS data isn't always accurate, and can be easily communicated incorrectly. You might not have data (let's say you're up a mountain) but can get signal to make a call. Three words are s much clearer thing to communicate than a grid reference or a lat/long.
  • The thing I’ve wondered since I first read about this is, if my phone is getting a strong enough signal out in the wilderness for me to get the app to work correctly, then isn’t it also strong enough to provide map data/long and lat/be pinged or triangulated by my heroic rescuers?

    I literally have no idea how modern communications work so forgive my obvious gnorance.
  • GooberTheHat
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    You could have phone signal but no 3g/data maybe. I don't think it's as easy as it is in the films to triangulate a position of a mobile phone in real life.
  • So the app works without a 3/4/5G signal then?  That’s what I didn’t understand behind the whole system.  I presumed you’d need some form of data connection to get it to know where you are and if you haven’t then your just as fucked whether you know you’re in Fork, Hexagon, Beans, or not.
  • GooberTheHat
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    It won't download map data (as in the map image) but it will still give you the 3 word location as long as you have GPS. Similar, if you have data but no GPS as long as you can find you position on the map you can get your 3 word code.
  • Are you saying that if you have GPS, no data, but just enough cellular connection to connect a call, it would work (app loads and gives you 3 words via GPS, you make call and share 'em?)

    if so that seems like the only real use case for it, in emergencies with conditions like that.

    Are there any other uses for it, outside of emergencies with specific cellular coverage conditions?
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    In the U.K., probably not, but in poorer parts of the world with unnamed roads and dwellings without numbers on the front, a three word phrase would be a much easier way to communicate where you live than a set of GPS co-ordinates.

    Really it’s about communicability of location. Latitude and longitude is fine when you can use a computer to share a particular place, but three words are much easier to share in any other situation.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Pretty much. It's just another coordinate system, but one that is more suitable for human understanding. That's it really. Its clever but has limited uses.

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