Do Boardgames Dream of Miniature Porn?
  • Zenithal is near pointless if you follow the GW paint system, leave it to the glazing lads, a year down the line.

    I spent 2 days at WHW playing 40k, somehow only got 4 games in during that time. Jesus. What a bonkers system that doesn't hold up to any serious rules unpicking, yet seems basically perfect in terms of feel/lore adherence.

    People bought DSLR so expect better pictures letter when they're done with them, but here's a handful

    My complimentary Octopus and the narrative booklet one of the people made for us (it has our army backgrounds in)


    My general and Army Background - I posted it in the writing thread too


    Asking my new good friends some obscure rules bullshit.


    Not being convinced by said rules bullshit...


    A shit shot of everything I took to WHW, Mortarion never made it to the table because I was feeling too kind.


    Excellent stuff, would do it again if I ever get another weekend off/get a job that doesn't make me work every weekend.
  • FranticPea
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    Jesus, how many organs did you have to sell to buy all of that?!

    Looks like you had fun, good stuff Tempy.
  • What an army! Looks incredible, Tempy. I'll get on reading your fluff.

    Did someone at GW have a bad day when pricing the Fyreslayers? Love the development of the lore but fuck me if they aren't expensive and lacking in variety. I can only assume they've released the whole range too... :(
  • FranticPea wrote:
    Jesus, how many organs did you have to sell to buy all of that?!

    Looks like you had fun, good stuff Tempy.

    I bought it all over the course of a year so it's been fine really. I scrimp and save on deals here and there, because i've not got the finances that some people have. As such it's all very wonky, and because I prefer the painting side I have lots of inefficient stuff, squads that need better load outs etc.

    My least favourite part of the hobby community is the people who post pictures of the massive stack of new boxes comprising a whole army that they've bought in one go. They're the usually the wankers that turn up with grey/primed plastic and tournament lists. Each to their own but it's no fun being trounced by someone who only put in money rather than effort.
  • Hope I didn't come across as insensitive with my 'arhagh paints bought' post Tempy. I typically spend very little money most of the time so - given I'm lucky enough to be paid reasonably well - can justify the odd bit of mad spending. Can see how that might have come across a bit twatty.

    Your attitude and pics are the reason I've gone in on the painting side, however. Very inspiring and I want to take a similar route - pick up a couple of models at a time, paint them up, and go from there. I've always been very anti-tournament list shit. Always much more interested in thematic armies.

    Never painted much when I was a boy because I was worried about ruining the models with my ineptitude!
  • FranticPea
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    Guy at club has bought an obscene amount of Armada stuff, 3 of some ships just to get specific cards. He doesn't even enter competitions. He should, because nobody will play with him anymore and now he's sat on about £1500 worth of ships that he never uses.

    I don't get people like that. Just enjoy the game and have a laugh FFS.
  • What? No not at all! There's a difference between buying paints to do hobby and buying £300 of boxed minis and sticking them on a facebook post expecting some kind of pat on the back. People's spending limits are par for the course, it doesn't bother me, I just dunno how people expect others to get excited for boxes that are straight off the shelf, but each to their own I guess.

    I've seen so many people recently who, since the release of things like the Tau and Tyranid codex, have pulled out whole unopened armies they bought back in the late 90s/early 2000s, so I can't help but raise an eyebrow.

    On the table behind me on sunday there's was a guy crowing about how great his army was with Mortarion and a great unclean on, and he max strength squads of poxwalkers and big blobs of plague marines and a few tanks and so on, but it was all grey or primed green. Conversely I could have used Morty in my doubles game but chose not too because of the imbalance. Different strokes in the end, but at least my stuff looked killer, even if it lacked teeth.

    As for dwarves and stuff, sadly Fyreslayers and Kharadrons are the only "currently supported" factions. You can still buy old stuff, but no one knows how it's going to fair in this year's handbook revision and stuff, and if you're into the idea of playing pickup games, supported stuff is so much easier to get on with. If you just wanna paint a few, your most economical option with dwarves is to buy the Chosen Axes shadespire expansion, 4 blokes for around £15 from any third party store online.
  • Looks like fun Temps. I look forward to seeing more photos.
  • FranticPea
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    £7 for a full warband, plus the pennies for bases.


    15mm is the future.
  • 15mm is a crime!

    Heroic or bust, cheers
  • Amen to all that, T.

    Will likely pick up the Fyreslayer box soonish as my first main project. I just wish they had a little more variety in unit type. I have so much old stuff that I kind of just want to sell it and start afresh.

    Fuck min-maxing. One of my favourite things was Steve Anastastoff (?!?) and his wholly goblin army. Much more interesting to see that sort of thing.
  • Any advice on basing? I have some texture paint to try out.
  • FranticPea
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    Tempy wrote:
    15mm is a crime!

    Heroic or bust, cheers

    OMG miniature elitist.

    Least the rules systems I play are decent.


    (actual winky jest, for clarity :))

  • Lots of good WHTV stuff on basing but for line troops you just want to use texture paint (put it on with a sculpting tool) let it dry, wash it with agrax or nuln, drybrush it with something lighter. Tends to be more than enough. For marines upwards I leave them off the base and superglue them on later, for daemons I just mess up their feet.
  • Just sayin' Tiger 60120705001_ChosenAxesENG02.jpg

    FranticPea wrote:
    15mm is a crime! Heroic or bust, cheers
    OMG miniature elitist. Least the rules systems I play are decent. ;) (actual winky jest, for clarity :))

    I want my minis massive and my rules engine conspicuously absent from under the hood
  • FranticPea
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    GW minis are stunning. Works of art.

    Got my toes in too many rulesets to even consider 40k though.

    Still considering an ECW army, loving the Pikemans Lament rules. Playing with other peoples forces but..... I want my own!
  • @Tempy, what was the possible Epic-scale resurgence you were telling me about the other week?
  • Maybe he told me it definitely wasn’t happening, but I’d like it to.  I miss the days of Space Marine and AT.
  • FranticPea
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    I'd be interacted in Epic. Still got a bunch of stuff somewhere.
  • I have an original Adeptus Titanicus in the loft at my parents I think.
  • So James Hewitt who designed Silver Tower (and is now on Hellboy) said that it's done but production schedules are in the way.

    There's also a rumour that the latest Plastic Knight for 40k is the same pattern as a Titan, so it would work in both systems as a kind of dual kit. Titanicus will be fully plastic and eventually have all the current knights and titan kits avail, but it sounds like they've ditched tanks and infantry to focus on really granular mech combat. Still excited as i'd love a dreadnought sized Knight regardless of rules.
  • FranticPea
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    No tanks or infantry? I'm out :(
  • Yeah I wouldn't hold them to that. I think they mean that Adeptus Titanicus will be Titans Only. Give it a year and it it's sold well enough I can see them expanding it with more. The main throttle at GW is the production pipeline, they simply have more things they want to make than they can feasibly manage.

    Kill Team is what I am most excited for though.
  • AT was always Titans only, except integrating with SM right?

    I worry my early 90s knowledge is a mess.
  • FranticPea
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    Shadespire is pretty much the only GW I'm interested in, rules are sound and it plays brilliantly. Could be tempted by epic though.
  • FranticPea
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    Yeh, actually I'm thinking of OG Space Marine. AT was after my teen GW era, I'd moved onto booze by that point.

    Edit: Or did AT come first? I forget. I'm sure something else Epic came out after Space Marine.
  • I can’t remember anything Epic apart from those?
  • FranticPea
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    Ah, was AT then Space Marine. Then 3rd edition with just Epic 40k. Think that's what I was thinking of that came after Space Marine.
  • Right, more photos, not all of them yet, but here are a few

    Spam apologies

    Michael took the photos, here are his awesome flap men:

    Drew, the guy who wrote the campaign has a stunning Ultramines Army, it is really special - here's a nice group shot:

    Tom, who organised the event has spent a year salvaging old and new minis to create a cool Black Legion army, that is also really nice


    Alex is my regular opponent in Glasgow, he has some love Raven Guard successor Primaris


    Pete is a good pal who got me through a bunch of stuff with the GW application, he has a lot of armies but he brought Skaven and Death Guard


    Then there are some misc shots of the rest, cos I am bad with names


    And my Death Guard again

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