Misogyny and other gender issues.
  • Yossarian wrote:
    Something just struck me here:
    Yossarian wrote:
    I'd suggest that by taking that position you are writing off the entirety of a very large, generally well-intentioned, and largely positive movement which has helped improve the day to day lives of many marginalised people because of the actions of a few of its fringe elements, myself.

    Yup, pretty much. Fuck 'em.

    Isn't this exactly the same as the all leave voters are racist meme that annoyed you so much?

    Nope. Because I both explicitly acknowledge it's not all of them and admit I don't care.

    That's pretty much the exact opposite of "all leave voters are racist". That explicit denies that there could be a reason why any leave voter could vote for non-racist reasons and continues the pretense of wanting to engage in political "debate".
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Fair play.
  • Yossarian wrote:
    Something just struck me here:
    Yossarian wrote:
    I'd suggest that by taking that position you are writing off the entirety of a very large, generally well-intentioned, and largely positive movement which has helped improve the day to day lives of many marginalised people because of the actions of a few of its fringe elements, myself.
    Yup, pretty much. Fuck 'em.
    Isn't this exactly the same as the all leave voters are racist meme that annoyed you so much?
    Nope. Because I both explicitly acknowledge it's not all of them and admit I don't care. That's pretty much the exact opposite of "all leave voters are racist". That explicit denies that there could be a reason why any leave voter could vote for non-racist reasons and continues the pretense of wanting to engage in political "debate".
    Yeah, but no one ever said that, so it seems pretty much exactly the same tired/exasperated nihilism to me.

    But, well, if you're looking for vids of sensible and interesting debate on youtube - aye, you'd soon figure "fuck all of these people, and fuck all of this"
  • Yossarian
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    TBF, that was my mischaracterisation rather than his.
  • Naw, I've certainly said things along those lines before. I was bothered by the inclination towards dismissing desenting votes are being the result of racism, misogyny etc. and still am - whether it's Brexit or Trump. That's not always aimed at people here - it's just a general reaction to the tone of discussion on the Internet.

    That said, this stuff may be sticking out to me because of confirmation bias, so it's by no means a predominant trait of people arguing against Trump or Brexit voters online.
  • Incidentally, I don't know how much they've improved the lives of marginalised people

    Starter for 10: 

    LGBT rights

    2000 - Openly gay people allowed to serve in the military
    2001 - Equalising age of consent
    2002 - Transsexualism declassified as a mental illness
    2003 - Workplace discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation prohibited
    2005 - Civil Partnerships
    2005 - Trans people able to legally change gender
    2005 - Same sex adoption allowed
    2009 - All discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation prohibited.
    2014 - Same sex marriage
  • Yeah, I should have been clearer - I'm talking about the identity politics and anti-free speech fascism that's seemed more prominent since about 2013/4 or so...
  • Yossarian wrote:
    Incidentally, I don't know how much they've improved the lives of marginalised people
    Absolutely massively. Women's suffrage is considered part of the progressive movement. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Era It has only continued and grown since then.

    Yoss you can't seriously be drawing direct lines between the suffragettes and today's suffering bloggers?
    Wind Waker is a bad game
  • kneecap wrote:
    Yossarian wrote:
    Incidentally, I don't know how much they've improved the lives of marginalised people
    Absolutely massively. Women's suffrage is considered part of the progressive movement. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Era It has only continued and grown since then.

    Yoss you can't seriously be drawing direct lines between the suffragettes and today's suffering bloggers?

    Na - it's my fault for not really being clear on who I was referring to as "progressives".
  • Ahhh, and my skim reading.
    Wind Waker is a bad game
  • I think the Anti-Freespeech stuff is largely overrated myself. 

    We had a rector election here at Glasgow, two of the nominations were Milo Yiannapolous (known Grimace at a funeral looking ass) and Jordan Peterson (vaguely famous "true liberal" psychology professor from Canada). A lot of their campaigns were based around fighting against the fascism of feminists and such on campus, and they both tanked in the polls.

    Peterson's campaign specifically outlined a whole angle about how the University screwed them out of a room to organise a Q&A with Peterson in. The truth is, no one got a room. The university remains non-partisan. The QMU refused them, but they also refused Milo's team and a few others, as they are totally allowed to as a privately funded organisation. Also he fucked himself prior to his campaign by 1) having a shite gimmick "self authorship program" that had no tested worth, and 2) got on the wrong side of the LGBTQ+ community by saying trans people had to earn his respect to use the right pronouns, rather than just using them and not being a massive dickhead.

    One thing that gets me riled up is reading uninformed articles about Universities banning free speech, how they're turning us all into snow flakes and so on, and then frequent;y seeing some of the older types I follow on twitter lament about how awful and mollycoddled university must be. It frequently fails to take into account that a lot of this is down to National Student Council, and not the actual university - yes there are shithead members at these things (see the Edinburgh "hand gestures" debacle for stuff about that) but that's just dickheads gaming a system with their dickhead pals. University departments, especially the arts, are frequently heavily Left leaning as that's the critical space they occupy, but Glasgow have Right Wing lecturers in other departments. I am perhaps conflating your issue with my issues here, but in my perception it's not as big of an issue as the Right make out, and the people who do the most policing are just flat out dicks usually.
  • So you've given up on a specific strand of arseholes rather than the progressive movement as a whole?
  • Yossarian
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    Tempy wrote:
    I think the Anti-Freespeech stuff is largely overrated myself. 

    Indeed. In fact, I'd say that the overblown reaction to a handful of generally pretty minor incidents has been more ridiculous than the incidents themselves.
  • Yossarian
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    This has got me reading up about the history of identity politics. Looking at that, I think it's hard to argue that they haven't improved people's lives.

  • Yeah, to Tempy's point, a lot of this Universities anti-free speech stuff has been nonsense, and sometimes outright lies.
  • Mostly whipped up fauxrage from alt-right goons as well IMHO - like that whole gamergate shenanigans.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Hi lads I haven't been in here in a while but I like to keep on top of things in case any faux pas happen, so is misogyny a good thing now or still a bad thing?
  • Pretty much The Best TM
  • Dark Soldier
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    Thank you for your quick response, I shall continue looking at a woman's tits whilst she talks to me.
  • Years of ebay have taught me well
  • A point where Matters are documented and bad enough to generate a lot of cathartic and involving self-exercise but not bad enough to actually create like the Black Panthers II.

    Well played, capitalism.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Gotta keep the proletariat busy somehow
  • Brooks wrote:
    A point where Matters are documented and bad enough to generate a lot of cathartic and involving self-exercise but not bad enough to actually create like the Black Panthers II.

    Well played, capitalism.

    So on point.

    Was it this thread I posted film crit hulk rant?

    To me, that's the counter to left self loathing and nihilism.

    Jon on point about collectivism vs individual.

    FWIW, no matter how many links to debacles like the one I just posted I read or link to, I'm still left, could still live with being called progressive, and refuse to fall into the trap of thinking everyone is just as bad as everyone else.

    Identity politics has some ok ideas amongst it, but damn if the collective doesn't need to be accounted for more.

    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Facewon wrote:
    http://birthmoviesdeath.com/2017/02/23/p.c.-culture-vs.-the-big-joke FILM CRIT HULK goes H. A. M. Amazing piece. So much meat.

    Yeah, it was this thread.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • I prefer Juri Han
    Wind Waker is a bad game
  • She seems quite pretty fashie too I guess.
  • Well, if he can get it.
  • Escape
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    Tempy wrote:

    I'm still against this kind of matryoshka-dolling because it strikes me so strongly as self-sabotage — condensing a human's-worth of thoughts, inclinations and emotions down to a labelling gun's click. I understand the need for an umbrella term for the shat upon, and though disabled's not the nicest one to use as an example, it's done the job for decades. I don't buy the argument that these increasingly exacting definitions are required as a defence against the wider public, because all I've seen them do is increase divisions.

    What manner of empowerment is knowingly fruitless provocation? If openly challenging objectors makes you feel better, sure — go ahead, but I've never seen that kind of personal catharsis do the cause much good; it's fighting fire with fire. Sexualtarianism.

    (I'm not saying that the hundreds of disabilities — or indeed sexualities — shouldn't be defined, just that there's been no real outcry against ‘disabled’ as a catch-all. You're Able, for example.)

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