General Games News
  • Roujin wrote:
    I suppose in its favour, you just needed a table top, no scenery, so it was convenient in that regard but 20 genestealers skullfucking a landraider on turn 2 making someone so salty they almost rage quit irl it was not.

    I remember my brother destroying 60% of an Undead army on Turn 2 with some High Magic that annihilated Nagash. Shit was tight.

    I always rated the Tyranids as cool things.
  • I got into Wh40k via Eldar, then Tyranids, then Tau, Then a grey Knights/Space Wolves split army that I built from free shit I got from a neighbor who worked at Lenton. For the amount of stuff I had, I rarely actually played.
  • They used to be cool. I think the new look they have is way too try hard and just too generic modern scifi geiger alien. Gimme back my big pink carnifexes and bright blue lictors and shit.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • I really liked their re-invention, it brought the idea of the devourer together quite nicely, and being Tyranids you could mod the shit out of them. The old carnifex is a classic, but the update really hammered home their whole shared genepool thing. I remember a lot of 'nid players in Lenton modded their centerpiece models with components from the old set to make some excellent chimeras.

    The issue for me lies i the fact that modular kits brought the prices down and improved what the casual could do with a set (buying a box of just 'guants that you could go either way with was great) but then later on the prices all just hiked and it felt redundant.
  • All basic minis looking the same. Classic days. That's the first Warhammer I ever owned. £5, iirc. 


    Then on my birthday I got the full game boxed set, Ungrim Ironfist (Some of the special characters in those days were brilliant - They really fucked that in later years) and the Dwarf army book. Possibly the best day ever.
  • Yeha I had plenty of Skaven heroes like Ikit Claw and Deathmaster Sknitch, some of the races had great heroes - Eldar Lords were some of the best as they had real personality. Just had alook at the board game section on their site. It's a real mixed bag. The Lost Patrol one is only £35 which seems great, but the new flying machine one for 40k is £60 per box (3 boxes) presumably because the light aircraft work in regular armies too?
  • I didn't like the Eldar when I was young as I just saw them as space elves and elves can fuck off because dwarves are teh best but as I've grown to like the aspect warrior stuff. Swooping Hawks and Warp Spiders and those Harlequin guys are cool. Striking Scorpions, not so much.
  • Striking Scorpions for life bro, mandiblasters would fuck you right up.

    Eldar are space elves, but they get past the shiteness of that by having craftworlds, soulstones and wraithbone (and the constructs that entails), their connection to the warp and webway, and the fact that aspects of their destroyer god bring to life molten metal avatars of destruction.
  • Well, they are, but as you say it's mitigated by cool stuff. Squats? Ficking Squats?!
  • General Games News has now become so general, it encompasses tabletop.
  • There's probably something interesting to be read into the similarities and differences of the Space Marines and Eldar tbh. The former are all pomp and cirucmstance. 

    Space Marine: Ah oooh a dreadnaught is the machine sustained corpse of a fallen battlebrother covered in silly prayers and trinkents aren't we impressive

    Edlar: a wraithlord is a construct of living metal powered by the psychic anguish of the myriad dead eldar that are housed in it to prevent Slaneesh from eating their souls. 

    Space marine: Ah hm, we are truly humbled but our emporer stopped chaos from taking over everything and we must fight it every day

    Eldar: we broke the universe and we will eventually wink out of existence into eternal torment because of this
  • Paul the sparky
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    General Games News has now become so general, it encompasses tabletop.

    And yet my derail sense isn't tingling.

    I'm enjoying this discussion, always good to listen to folk talk about stuff with passion, but I'd prefer a few more pictures to go along with it.
  • I was going to mention the idea of making a specific thread but I doubt this will sustain itself for much longer
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Pictures Tempy!

    I loved Panty's work in the board game thread.
  • Bollockoff
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  • I never ended up getting into Warhammer sadly. Really want to play the Total War game though, still waiting on a discount somewhere.

    Funnily enough I saw this guy tearing it up the other day when I was watching this -

    (At 14:40)
  • Ok.

    Lizardmen were my 2nd army. They were cool and new and different. Warhammer always based the majority of its armies on some culture or another (for good or ill or indifference). Lizardmen went all Aztec. Dinosaur Army is obviously great.

    Check that model. Games with this stuff please.

  • Man, I need Total Warhammer.
  • Yeah I've been waiting for it to go on sale and for the inevitable performance and stability patches. Looks amazing though.
  • Why the fricking heck there's no offical Lord of the Rings Total War game yet I'll never understand.

    This is a mod for Medieval II I think -

    Has this been posted? I saw it on someone from here's FB so thought it might have been.
    Could be good.
  • Another one bites the dust. Launch sales of Watch Dogs 2 plummet in comparison to it's predecessor.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • I think everything is down though except FIFA. Even cod is down (with a free nostalgia game to boot). Dx was down

    Trips A is looking really shaky.

    I think the only real success has been hitman and that created a new aaa model (albeit pinched from Lower tier games)
  • Whilst I'd blame the fucking awful adverts (might as well have just used Poochy), the original launched on previous gen as well, so that would have padded sales.

    COD has been on a downward trend for years, since Modern Warefare 3 I think.
  • Must have been all them vaginas
  • We're at the stage where digital is probably having some impact, although not enough to make up the shortfall. I've actually been wondering this week what the effect of MS having such a big digital sale on AAA will be next year.
  • It will have made up some difference, but not 300k difference for Watchdogs.
  • It does seem like the a sequel that people didn't wan't. I'm surprised Ubi haven't got around to simply doing a proper GTA clone yet. That would sell, and although it would be a bit harder to do, they'd have more chance of success than they've had with The Crew, The Division or Watchdogs.

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