The TV you like thread
  • LarryDavid wrote:
    Travels in Trumpland. Gah, these fuckwits. Working class hillbillies taking the Uber-capitalist and silver-spoon fed rich boy as one of their own.

    Is that the Ed Balls thing? 
    Worth a watch?
  • Gremill wrote:
    Yossarian wrote:
    Caught up with last week's Cats does Countdown. The entire studio utterly losing it at Joe Wilkinson's poems was one of the funniest bits of TV I've watched in a while.
    Oh god, I was crying with laughter at that. Brilliantly funny.
    I love Joe W. 
    What's going on with Sean Lockes voice?
    He is sounding odd, this week as well.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • Isn't he ill? Or is that just a rumour my wife keeps trying to start?
  • I just had a look, there's some chat on mumsnet but I don't think anything's been confirmed.  Hopefully nothing serious.
  • That's either where she got it from, or she's spreading her influence.
  • I hope she's JustHereForThePooStories or AvonCallingBarksdale.
  • Fukunaga's latest - coming sept 21st: 

  • WorKid wrote:
    LarryDavid wrote:
    Travels in Trumpland. Gah, these fuckwits. Working class hillbillies taking the Uber-capitalist and silver-spoon fed rich boy as one of their own.

    Is that the Ed Balls thing? 
    Worth a watch?

    I’d say so. Ed’s not too bad, although he’s a bit of a pound shop Louis Theroux. It’s like Louis’ Weird Weekends (mild mannered Brit politely quizzes American nutters), but loosely tied around Trump and his supporters. And not as good.

    It does at least point out what a terrible candidate Clinton was, that she could turn off so many of these people and send them into the arms of an incoherent blustering bullshitter.

    I was hoping for a few more crazy evangelical Christians, but they’re probably saving them for a later episode. I think it was Fox News that had some hysterical evangelical preacher talking about how Trump was clearly being used as a vessel by God to spread the word. That kind of insanity is always good for a laugh.

    He related it back to some Bible passage about God communicating through the voice of a donkey - which made me think: ‘was the donkey not available to run for President?’ as he’d have been a better candidate, more articulate and left less shit lying around for the rest of us to clear up.
  • I couldn’t face watching Balls on Trump - I’m depressed enough as it is about the state of the world.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Bloody hell Grem, that’s gold. Why didn’t they call the show Balls on Trump?
  • Balls up Trump.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • poprock wrote:
    Bloody hell Grem, that’s gold. Why didn’t they call the show Balls on Trump?

    I’m wasted in my current job.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Better call Saul starts next week
  • Better call Saul starts next week


    Also means the podcast is back
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Just when I thought that Elizabeth Moss couldn’t get any more incredible after last weeks harrow-fest in the Handmaids Tale, fucking hell here comes another performance in this weeks episode that she knocks so far out of the park as to put her entirely in a class of her own. Nearly wordless (apart from flashbacks) and completely compelling from beginning to end. She’s amazing.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Agreed. This was the first episode where I’ve found myself frustrated with her character though. Proper shouting-at-the-telly stuff. “FFS don’t do that! Do this!” etc.
  • The only thing that bothered me about the episode was the amount of blood that they think someone could lose and still be capable of doing what she did.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    GLOW is brilliant, I watched two eps on my own then had to stop and get Danielle into it. She wasn't keen on the short description I gave her but she was won over instantly. I love the way it fucks with expectations
    Thoroughly enjoying it, Sam is the star of the show for me but I'm loving just about every character.
  • Agree. My only issue with Maron so comfortably knocking it out of the park as Sam Sylvia is that I always feel like I'm not doing the rest of the the cast a service. Alison Brie and Betty Gilpin are both incredibly good in it, and they get even better in season 2. The documentary about the real GLOW is quite good too.
  • I enjoyed Good Girls. Anyone else seen it? Suburban moms take to a life of crime.
  • I tuned out of GLOW immediately when they took the first opportunity they could to show Alison Brie's tits.
  • I've just finished S2 of Handmaid's Tale.

    I was saying near the beginning of the series that I wasn't sure if there was any need for it to continue, despite the quality.

    I take that back. It turned out to be some of the most gripping drama I've watched. I think it might even be better than the first series, as with the book out the way they've been able to focus on really developing the characters and the world. The main character is obviously amazing, but Serena in particular is also fascinating the writing and acting conveys it so subtly.

    I've no idea where they'll go from here, but I'm up for more.
  • WorKid wrote:
    I enjoyed Good Girls. Anyone else seen it? Suburban moms take to a life of crime.

    Yeah we finished that the other day. Thought it was good fun throughout really. The main three were all very good as well which helped, especially as it was always finely balanced between sensible and ludicrous!
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • JonB wrote:
    I've just finished S2 of Handmaid's Tale.

    I was saying near the beginning of the series that I wasn't sure if there was any need for it to continue, despite the quality.

    I take that back. It turned out to be some of the most gripping drama I've watched. I think it might even be better than the first series, as with the book out the way they've been able to focus on really developing the characters and the world. The main character is obviously amazing, but Serena in particular is also fascinating the writing and acting conveys it so subtly.

    I've no idea where they'll go from here, but I'm up for more.

    YES! My man. My feeling exactly - I haven’t finished the season yet but it’s been absolutely stupendous so far. Yvonne Strahovski (Serena Joy) has been phenomenal - the episodes where she and Offred ‘work’ together are amazing, second only to Moss in her ability to convey multiple emotions in her eyes and facial tics but without really saying much at all. It’s in my top 3 GOAT TV.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Guy Martin in Chernobyl. Fascinating.
  • Gremill wrote:
    YES! My man. My feeling exactly - I haven’t finished the season yet but it’s been absolutely stupendous so far. Yvonne Strahovski (Serena Joy) has been phenomenal - the episodes where she and Offred ‘work’ together are amazing, second only to Moss in her ability to convey multiple emotions in her eyes and facial tics but without really saying much at all. It’s in my top 3 GOAT TV.
    The quality of it is off the charts really. Writing, acting, directing, design, it's all incredible.
  • Kow
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    I'm enjoying Dark Tourist on Netflix, even though the guy seems to be ripping Louis Theroux off entirely, even in appearance. This sort of thing is right up my alley though. I particularly enjoyed the tour inside the Fukishima area.
  • Kow wrote:
    I'm enjoying Dark Tourist on Netflix, even though the guy seems to be ripping Louis Theroux off entirely, even in appearance. This sort of thing is right up my alley though. I particularly enjoyed the tour inside the Fukishima area.
    Agreed on every point. He's a shit Louis Theroux* but the subject matter is interesting enough (particularly the Fukishima one).

    *Have you watched the Charlie Manson one? I'll say no more but it'll make you laugh.
  • Kow
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    I'd say that's the next episode.
  • Raiziel
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    Almost done with Parks and Rec (☹️), so might make that my next watch.
    Get schwifty.

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