• acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Yup, last night was fun!  Unlike this morning...  Was good to meet Nick & bro, and great fun to have a play with the game - and to wonder round and see the other people's stuff too...

     - NG+ was definitely the best looking thing there - and the game that looked the most fun to play.  At lot of the others seemed to be thought experiments, a couple looked like the might do OK but were a bit rough around the edges.  
     - Was interesting to meet Mr. Super Hexagon - he seemed a bit peeved when he died as his own game ;p
     - It turned out I wasn't that geeky looking after all!
     - NG+ then, it's that thread after all:
       - It plays really well: graphics are just the ticket, it's nice and smooth, but most importantly it's very well balanced with the players/equipment in there.  It had a nice dynamic of everyone trying to use different tactics against each other, and I definitely was starting to develop strategies the more I played it.  So it was like a bit of a dance on screen, always moving around, never static - and that was even before the baddies got involved too.  So definite depth - but I imagine it's really hard working keeping that balanced across different classes and weapons.
       - I didn't get to play any co-op :-( but that looked cool too.  Obviously a few definite enemy classes in there: I imagine the AI for those can't be easy to write in a fun way (predictable, with a random element etc.) - but from what I saw he's definitely got some good building blocks.
       - Jasper seems very clear in his vision for it, which is great.  And he's lucky to have Nick evangelising by his side :-)  It doesn't sound like a short project!
       - I got a bit confused by the fireballs seemingly going at an angle but the arrows not.  That was to do with homing - where I suggested delaying the homing a bit so it was more obvious what was going on.  I suspect Jasper has already dismissed this idea ;p
        - The locking on worked well; I found the lock-on symbols a bit confusing (and had to decipher what they meant): we talked about having lines and things to help this, but there's a juggle of how clear to make it.
        - Losing the bow when you run out of stamina, and having L1 toggle (rather than hold), both felt unexpected, particularly the former   Not sure if that's just me though.
        - The bomberman analogy was interesting.  Made me thought he should have bombs like Zelda, but acting like bomberman ones.  Would be very funny.
        - The indoors bit worked well.
        - Little tricks (like the hidden cliff) were all quite interesting: sounds like Nick's bro like's a trap or two!
        - Some plants were there, but I didn't really get a chance to use them tactically.  Definitely interesting to see how that line develops.
        - His code was indecipherable!

    So, there's my mind dump for now.  I'm too tired to write anything more coherent, and I think that's about all I'm allowed to say anyway!  

    And, um, sorry for running down to my platform rather than helping your route planning, Nick.  Every man for himself when it's last tube time though, right?!  :|
  • No worries man I did the same thing, then saw my Piccadilly line disappearing in front of me. Night bus, damn.

    Nice write up loving the feedback, I'll write a bit more up tomorrow.
  • This game looks fucking glorious, Nick.

    Kudos to your brother.
  • First time I've paid proper attention to this and gotta say, it's looking great Nico. Congrats to your bro. Any idea about a release 'window' or is this just done when it's done? Wouldn't want to rush something with this much potential. 

    Weapon idea 40,273. The Strong Arm Lance (a sturdy lance with a needle tip - boosts all stats by 15%)
  • Nick, when you land the final blow in multiplayer it needs to slow-mo frame by frame and extend the pxelly death sound.
  • ...and you need to land on a breakable crate.
  • A lance, and maybe mounts to use them with, could be amazing Pablo.

    Tempy on Sunday we were going to go in my bro's studio and record the death sounds, gutted we didn't. Gonna make them a pure homage to the guys in Dark Souls pathetic cries. My theory on those is that the guy you're playing is so weak from fatigue that he can't muster a manly pain cry - my brother offered "he sounds like he's quite enjoying it" which made me laugh.

    Regarding impact slowdown, you gotta have it. I think Jasper will be working on a lot of feedback things next - one awsome suggestion that came from maybe 3 people independantly on Monday was that there should be obvious feedback on your stamina running out. People couldn't understand why they couldn't fire any more arrows for example without constantly checking the stamina bar in the corner.

    Itching to play this all week I wish my bro would employ me.
  • yeah, some sort of Golden Axe-esque beasts would be cool. Could tie it into the idea of the seeds e.g. ones that attract certain mounts. Jump on 'em while they're munching on the cat nip.
  • From what I saw the club handled weirdly... but the guy with the dashing attack was brillo, like a 2D Dante using stinger
  • I'm gonna try and refrain from any more 'you could do this' posts.
  • Nah go for it!
    Tempy wrote:
    From what I saw the club handled weirdly... but the guy with the dashing attack was brillo, like a 2D Dante using stinger

    Yea, needs some tweaking. Motion effects and hit feedback will be getting stepped up which should help. Barb basically gambles everything on his R2 - one hit kill on mage and ranger, just got to make that attack look super joocy.

    Wish I had some footage of me playing - there was this dreadlocked dude who challenged me to knight v knight and we had an epic 15 minute showdown. It's already rewarding those who get on well wth the controls which is a good start. Everyone who'd played Dark Souls especially.
  • The comments are deliriously positive.

    This is not the internet's way!
  • Bollockoff
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    and despite the quality of the camera work,

    He's slagging you off mate duff him up.
  • I saw that shit.

    Shivs to the ready.
  • man why didn't you bring this over like you said you would. best be a ninja in this game ;)
  • Because my brother.

    But shit, if I can get a build for Friday...

    You got 4 controllers that can connect to a 'puter? Ah your laptop..but Crispy could bring his
  • also that ninja needs an izuna drop
  • i have a ps2 pad splitter, lets me connect 2 ps2 pads via usb. past that i only have my sticks.

    oh yeah, and no laptop :(
  • Splitter should be reason a stick wouldn't work either I think. I'll ask for a build, might not get it.

    Fuck, a ninja class, would be really good.
  • yeah, maybe called "Bloke" or something.. ahem
  • not against scantily clad ninja babes either btw
  • that would be a good title for a film, i reckon.
  • Guess the mage is gonna be OP for a bit again ha, have to reign Jasper in (as he does with my Knight), since that's his favourite class.
  • 3.5k views in a day, I've paged RPS and EG they need to get on it!

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