Cyberpunk 2077 - new CDProjekt Red
  • I've seen nothing in any of the gameplay demos that convinces me this is more than just fairly pretty, generic NPC back and forth guff we've seen a thousands times before. The actual action - combat, movement, exploration, etc, looks about as bog standard as any game of this ilk in the last few years. It's looking clunky as all hell in many respects. The melee combat looks truly woeful.

    It'll review amazingly I'm sure, despite being full of bugs and glitches.
  • I've typically played one open world game per gen and enjoyed them. I think that's the trick (for me).
  • I never clicked with Witcher 3 but saw the merits. The main issues were that regardless of if true or not I always had a nagging feeling that it was wrong to start on the third game, Also that I'm not a massive fan of fantasy settings, I certainly prefer the look of this in that respect.
  • I don't tend to go near open worlders nowadays. They don't last for me when I do. Red Dead 2 was actually painful, the last two Ass Crud games held my attention for a couple of hours. The Witcher 3 - I piled hours into at various points, until I realised I was spending much of my time looking at badly animated talking heads with silly voices and the combat and other guff was crap and the loading times on Xbox sucked.

    It was the same for me when Skyrim came out on 360 - everyone going wild about it meanwhile me jumping diagonally up a mountain with some dick NPC nearby wittering on endlessly and me thinking fuck this. Took me 30 hours to realise I wasn't enjoying myself. Don't want that again but I'll probably day one this FML.
  • RDR2 was my open world of this gen and is comfortably in my top 5 games ever, just brilliant. I like how I can see the crunch on the screen.
  • All that detail couldn't make up for dated gameplay and hackneyed controls. My god that game is a dog to play. So bad. Also about 20 hours too long.
  • I loved the story and found the controls sluggish yet fine once I knew them tbh.
  • You know, they patched Geralt in Witcher 3 so he'd have a bigger turning circle.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • High in the snowy mountains of RDR2's opening, I was threatened by a pack of hungry wolves. Running to my horse to get my rifle, I pressed the wrong button, punched my horse, which promptly ran off (with my rifle still attached to it of course), and abandoned me to be eaten by the wolves. 
    Game went in the bin shortly after.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Top 5 games ever.
  • I bounced off it.
    Went back and got back into it but never really felt comfortable playing it.
    Kept playing poker and shooting people who I decided were cheating. This was the best part of the game and fair play to Rockstar because I did feel like I was in a world doing that.
  • b0r1s
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    Yep the poker was ace. 

    If you haven’t punched your horse you haven’t played it properly.

    I’ve started it twice, not sure I could again. Wonder if my PS4 save will transfer to the PS5?
  • The poker is hilarious. You can win loads playing tight passive, like the opposite of RL. And it takes ages and you hate yourself.

    Bounced right off that game, not going back. A real disappointment really, GtAV was so fucking tight.
    Don't wank. Zinc in your sperms
  • Dark Soldier
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    Ive started RDR2 again just recently. Started twice before but wasnt up for a massive game.

    Its a masterpiece. The characters,, the world, the sense of immersion. Handles brilliantly on m&k too.
  • I'm guessing with the poker there is some rng with the ability of the players and that is where it shines because if some cunt is too good you can brutally beat them to death.

    You don't get that on
  • Dark Soldier
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    I spent three hours this afternoon just playing poker tbh.
  • Ive started RDR2 again just recently. Started twice before but wasnt up for a massive game.

    Its a masterpiece. The characters,, the world, the sense of immersion. Handles brilliantly on m&k too.

    I imagine keyboard is much better because of more keys.
    Controller always felt like a bit of contortion and remembering of multiple buttons to do things.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Yeah it has a button for everything so no pressing four buttons to massage your horse or whatever. Right mouse button then whatever key. Tab pulls weapon, tap to put away, hold for the wheel.

    Arthur still handles slightly sluggish but I like the heft behind it.
  • Ive started RDR2 again just recently. Started twice before but wasnt up for a massive game.

    Its a masterpiece. The characters,, the world, the sense of immersion. Handles brilliantly on m&k too.

    Yes m8.

    I never punched my horse once.

    Doing any maintenance to your horse is RT/LT (err, whichever one) to lock on (same as anything in any third person game ever) and press the corresponding button that's shown to you on screen to do the thing you want to do.

    I get it's a forum meme, but you lot are well shit at games.

  • What doesn't help is I bought it digital so no manual.
    Pausing to look at controls is also far from snappy.

    Being its nature the game is also somewhat slow (not a criticism) but that means while an hour in GTA might see you drive a car helicopter, jet ski, shoot a gun out the window, on foot while running etc etc.
    An hour in Red Dead can be taken up with walking.

    Practice makes perfect and Red Dead doesn't give those immediate opportunities to practice. It chucks a huge amount at you early on then says "take it easy and chill".

    First time out I just did the snow prologue. Second time I pushed on from the very start all the way through the train robbery, got drunk in town and several side quests. I got better grip of it but left it a few weeks and it was gone again.
  • nick_md wrote:
    Ive started RDR2 again just recently. Started twice before but wasnt up for a massive game.

    Its a masterpiece. The characters,, the world, the sense of immersion. Handles brilliantly on m&k too.

    Yes m8.

    I never punched my horse once.

    Doing any maintenance to your horse is RT/LT (err, whichever one) to lock on (same as anything in any third person game ever) and press the corresponding button that's shown to you on screen to do the thing you want to do.

    I get it's a forum meme, but you lot are well shit at games.

    I'll punch your fucking horse m8
    Don't wank. Zinc in your sperms
  • I got RDR2 because we’d had a great time on the first’s MP - this one though was terrible, never went back.

    May pick it up for the SP in a sale at some point on PC though, I’ve heard it looks great on an ultrawide.
  • It’s probably my game of the gen but then I’m always out of kilter with the rest of you.  I think CP looks a bit shitty tbh.  I’ll probably try it next gen if it ever goes cheap but it all just looks like it’s too proud of itself to me.
  • Schrier reports on recently enforced mandatory crunch at CDPR, which directly contradicts what he was told by them in the past.

    CDPR head responds.

    Hmmm. I'm Larry David indecisive gif just now.
  • Have we asked nmd what he thinks about crunch? In my own work crunch used to be real. I had a panic attack once because of it. Nowadays it's less real. But the quality suffers, or there is delay. I'm genuinely not sure about this. I do think unionisation is a must. My guess is if you do get unionisation, crunch will abate OR people will voluntarily submit because they feel more secure at the back end/ have better pay and conditions.
    Don't wank. Zinc in your sperms
  • Yeah I keep coming back to "well, crunch is still crunch". Not everyone can work at CDPR.
  • It maybe that crunching is inevitable. In this case they’ve avoided it up until now but they also delayed the game for about a year as well.

    It could also be that the game leads are demanding way more than is reasonable for the time available.
  • Have we asked nmd what he thinks about crunch?

    Ups and downs innit. Sustained periods of heavy crunch isn't acceptable, causes burnout and other MH issues. Accepting that you need to push to get over the line at the end, I understand. I think you'd be hard pushed to find many creative industries that don't have an increase in pace/hours as a deadline approaches.

    I also have a weird masochistic pleasure in crunch sometimes - those midnight hours when the team gets some horrendous junk food in, takes time for a cig, a cold beer etc. There's a sense of camaraderie, we're all in this together, it's been x years etc, we can do this guys yadda yadda, although this will fully depend on how well you like your colleagues and employer, for sure.

    What I do think should be there is adequate pay for crunch.
  • My masochism would undoubtedly be less if I had a family / kids ofc.

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