Resident Evil
  • Re difficulty, the early village siege is probably the hardest part. Play on normal and it doesn't offer up much resistance after that, mainly because Ethan can take so much damage.

    I think it gets better after the castle, personally. The next section is a change of pace at least.
  • Finished, think the game is at its best in the middle stretch. Found the finale quite weak, which is a shame as it's usually a high point in Resident Evil games.
  • I was just coming in here to ask what was wrong with the lighting in this with its complete lack of detail in dark areas and a weird click in lighting style/quality when moving between inside and outside, and instead I find all the pros complimenting it so now I’ll just wonder if it’s just me.

    I’m not too far into it because it’s making me REALLY FUCKING TRAVEL SICK JUST LIKE THE LAST ONE but my hot take is that it seems to be riffing on the action from 4 without understanding what made it so tense and exciting.
  • I’m now in house Bienivento, and I’m uncomfortable in house Bienivento.
  • I didn’t mind it as the whole game is basically a horror anthology, and I am glad they paid service to that style of horror. The main enemy there had me laughing though, imagine it will be too much for a lot of people but it gave me a major Stuart Gordon vibe.
  • I’m not too far into it because it’s making me REALLY FUCKING TRAVEL SICK JUST LIKE THE LAST ONE but my hot take is that it seems to be riffing on the action from 4 without understanding what made it so tense and exciting.

    RE7 and 8 both have a really heavy sense of physical presence - it’s genuinely impressive how they manage to cover the feeling of a body, head and hands. So, I like that - don’t know many devs who have achieved what the Resi team have.

    The problem is how often they they pull control away from what you’re looking at, and sluggishly throw your attention around. It doesn’t make me feel travel sick, but I can see why it does affect some, and I find it utterly obnoxious.

    Also yes, they completely fluffed the Resi 4 opening throwback. There’s a lot of riffs on the horror genre in general and also past entries in the series, the problem being that the original inspiration points were all done better...

    I enjoyed it more last night and realise I was maybe a little hard on it to begin with (that opening hour or two was not fun, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes multiple times) but it’s probably the 2nd or 3rd weakest Resi game for me and, some nice ideas aside, it’s genuinely disappointing.
  • Put a few more hours in last night, really enjoying it but then again I don't play many AAAs anymore at all so I do tend to go all in on those I choose (aside from YakLad which I strangely played all day over a 3d weekend but haven't gone back to since, will get back to that at some point tho).

    Looking forward to playing more of this every evening.
  • I’m not too far into it because it’s making me REALLY FUCKING TRAVEL SICK JUST LIKE THE LAST ONE but my hot take is that it seems to be riffing on the action from 4 without understanding what made it so tense and exciting.
    RE7 and 8 both have a really heavy sense of physical presence - it’s genuinely impressive how they manage to cover the feeling of a body, head and hands. So, I like that - don’t know many devs who have achieved what the Resi team have. The problem is how often they they pull control away from what you’re looking at, and sluggishly throw your attention around. It doesn’t make me feel travel sick, but I can see why it does affect some, and I find it utterly obnoxious.
    It's the narrow field of vision that makes it so bad. And there aren't any options to adjust it or turn off motion blur, which I would generally do when this happens.

    It did fade in the end anyway for me. I generally get it when starting a new first-person game and by about the 3rd session it goes. It just took a bit longer in this case.
  • I think I'm getting close to the end of Village. Majority of the Lords are gone and I've just spoken to a character in a way that makes it sound like I'm on the final stretch. This has been exactly what I expected and wanted from a sequel to 7.
  • Kow
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    Would playing this on a ps4 in 1080p be pretty much the same in terms of graphical quality as playing in 4k on a ps5? Obviously 4k is better but you know what I mean. Would it look more or less the same game?
  • I'm playing on base PS4 and it's fine for me, I'm not a shinies man though.
  • I haven't got the game but I saw a graphical comparison thing on twitter and the difference between PS4 & PS5 was minimal. I played the demo on a PS5 in 1080p, and that looked very good.
  • Kow
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    Great. I love a bit of Resident Evil but I don't like making graphical sacrifices. But also, I don't have a 4k tv.
  • Kow wrote:
    Would playing this on a ps4 in 1080p be pretty much the same in terms of graphical quality as playing in 4k on a ps5? Obviously 4k is better but you know what I mean. Would it look more or less the same game?

    PS4 doesn't run at 1080p so will look a little softer. Also framerate in the village was a bit irritating, but better in the castle. No idea if the final game is much different.

    PS5 will be better (going by the fact that the PC demo looked better than PS4 demo) but probs not massively. Framerate would be the main issue for me. Pity the demo is gone now so I can't go back and check the PS4 version again - as I was considering getting that version due to the PC version framerate issues.
  • The PS5 version is tracing rays, but it's a subtle effect. The frame-rate has been pretty much a solid 60, with a few small stutters.
  • Heisenberg is way better than Lady D, but props to Capcom for realising they could market the shit out of the latter.
  • That’s the end for me. Really enjoyed it. Solid new entry into the series, a few nods to its history too.
  • TheBoyRoberts
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    The Boy Roberts

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    I’m hurtling towards the end at a rate of notts now. I have a suspicion I’m on the last boss, and only minutes away from the end but Roberts’ was a tired boy last night and I had to call it quits.

    There’s been some truly amazing twists and turns and I’ve really enjoyed the reduced backtracking through levels which this entry in the series has offered.

    Looking forward to seeing how it all ends.
  • TheBoyRoberts
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    The Boy Roberts

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    Done and dusted!

    Really enjoyed this from beginning to end. Story was enjoyable and there were just enough scares to keep me playing without terrifying me too much. 

    Most enjoyable of the series since Code Veronica me thinks. 

    If anyone is interested, I’m up for sending it to a good badgers home for a reasonable price. Anything to prevent me from going to CEX!
  • Finished 8, enjoyed, will post detailed thoughts later, but would agree with those saying the first act is the strongest.

    What would be the best resi to play next, for someone who enjoyed 8, loved 4, but never really got on with the originals?

  • Resident Evil 2 remake would be the best one to try next I think, or 7. Don't bother with much else.
  • I was leaning towards 7 despite I gather it's more survival. I think the first person and associated characters will be a winner. Cheers Temps.
  • Again it’s a very strong first act if you go with 7. Agree with Tempy there as well, remake of 2 and 7 and all the rest can wait.
  • Sick, thanks lads.
  • Bit drunk but yeah... remake 2 and 7 are the best RE games since 4.
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