Recreational Drugs
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    Not Wii - 3DS: 0146-8922-2426

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    Depends what you take pleasure from.
  • Are we discussing heavy use or use? It's pretty obvious that heavy use of any drug, legal or not, is going to fuck you up in some way.
  • Feeling a bit high at the weekends. Walking around a club or festival location with other like minded people. Lots of smiling, dancing and socialising.
  • Feeling a bit high at the weekends. Walking around a club or festival location with other like minded people. Lots of smiling, dancing and socialising.

  • Dark Soldier
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    Feeling a bit high at the weekends. Walking around a club or festival location with other like minded people. Lots of smiling, dancing and socialising.

    I hate being stoned in public so for me its smoke a couple, chill at home with a mate, watch shit films, play some MP, laugh for hours.
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    Not Wii - 3DS: 0146-8922-2426

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    So we're legalising good drugs but keeping the ban on bad ones.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Yes, but all drugs are good, so that's okay then.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    That was a joke, BTW.
  • Yossarian wrote:
    These are effects on an individual, not society. If someone is educated about these risks and chooses to do it anyway, that should be up to them.
    You need to scroll further down the page.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Effects on work performance? Don't think so.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Well yes but we're discussing lunatics who smoke it from the am to the pm, not general people who like the odd smoke.
  • Yossarian wrote:
    Effects on work performance? Don't think so.
    Are you arguing with the many research studies that have been carried out which have consistently come up with such findings?
  • Dark Soldier
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    Workers who smoke marijuana are more likely to experience increased absences, tardiness, accidents, workers' compensation claims, and job turnover.

    Workers who test positive for marijuana use have 55 percent more industrial accidents, 85 percent more injuries, and a 75-percent increase in absenteeism compared to non-smokers.

    Heavy marijuana abusers self-report that their use of the drug had negative effects on their cognitive abilities, career status, social life, and physical and mental health.

    Replace heavy marijuana with severe lack of sleep and you're probably looking at similar stuff. If you use anything to absolute, insane excess, you'll be a fuck up. Where's the studies on occasional use?
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    No, I'm saying it's still about the individual. If their work performance suffers and dips below what's expected of them, they're likely to lose their job. If they can still handle their duties whilst smoking every day, that's up to them although it may make it harder for them to get a promotion. If people know this and choose to smoke every day, it's up to them.
  • If it were to be legalised, would drug prices go up, down, or not change?
  • Dark Soldier
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    If they went up people would just still buy from dealers. Needs to be roughly the same to work.
  • Ftr, 'heavy' marijuana use - as defined for the purpose of the scientific research in the link I provided - is simply using on an almost daily basis (27 days from 30), irrespective of quantity consumed.
    I wouldn't define that as 'insane excess', not if you compare it with, for example, drinking a beer with your evening meal every day, or several cups of tea or coffee as part of your diurnal routine.
  • There are some people who are fucking terrible with alcohol. I know a couple of people like that myself. They drink themselves into oblivion, are often in fights, and many have had their stomach pumped on more than one occasion. But we wouldn't say alcohol should be banned for everyone else, would we?
  • Kinda missing the point I was making there. Also, I think excessive alcohol consumption should certainly be considerably less tolerated by society than it is at present.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Ftr, 'heavy' marijuana use - as defined for the purpose of the scientific research in the link I provided - is simply using on an almost daily basis (27 days from 30), irrespective of quantity consumed. I wouldn't define that as 'insane excess', not if you compare it with, for example, drinking a beer with your evening meal every day, or several cups of tea or coffee as part of your diurnal routine.

    I smoke very close to that amount. I feel I'm entirely able to work without causing a massive incident/kicking off/being absent.
  • Kow
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    Smoking weed every day will make you an idiot.  Smoking occasionally will make you laugh.
  • Smoking vary rarely will make you whitey
  • There are high/normal-functioning addicts out there but the general pattern is pretty damning evidence against habitual drug use. Btw DS, I didn't know you'd got back into work. Nice one - I hope it works out for you.
  • I smoke only on about 80% of weekdays and only when socialising isn't required. I don't smoke much, mind. 10 euros probably lasts me close to 2 weeks. For me the best thing about smoking weed is it makes thinking just that little bit more fun. Hate smoking in clubs, but  always like the smell there.
  • Dark Soldier
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    There are high/normal-functioning addicts out there but the general pattern is pretty damning evidence against habitual drug use. Btw DS, I didn't know you'd got back into work. Nice one - I hope it works out for you.

    Looking for, not employed :) thanks though. When I state I smoke near that amount, you're talking one to two joints a day, not continuous day in day out. Plus I take spells of two-four weeks without, oftenish.
  • Something of a war of attrition is taking place between the uppers and downers in my bloodstream right now over whether I should be hyper-awake or fast asleep. This, while not exactly intended, not at all unpleasant occurrence is taking the form of light, very peaceful naps infused by the music of Sufjan Stevens which last around thirty minutes each, interspersed by pleasantly confused periods of wakefulness in which I decide what to do next, finally opting for more neo-folk based power-napping. I may switch to Six Organs of Admittance. Or this time I might try and stay awake and watch something and see how that flies. I may also take my socks off, they feel damp. I am riding roughshod over my own rule not to post while high, and tomorrow I will be reminded of the wisdom in that self-penned piece of advice. For now though, whatever you are all doing on this Friday night as it bleeds in Saturday morning, I hope that you are all well, and I hope that you are all happy.
  • I used to get a similar feeling with vodka redbulls. An odd sensation as the depressants don't really cancel out the stimulant stimulants a your body can't figure out what it wants.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    I must say Igor, your objections to even soft drugs, seem to be, much like many others', based on a vague moral objection to them which fails to hold up under any sort of scrutiny.

    This whole moral aspect to this debate does seem to be something which exists only in relation to people liking to get high and which seems to distort the general debate. It seems mental to me that you can not find an equivalency between getting stoned and getting drunk and somehow come to the conclusion that one is worse than the other simply because one's socially acceptable.

    I hope that made sense, I'm quite drunk.
  • I used to get a similar feeling with vodka redbulls. An odd sensation as the depressants don't really cancel out the stimulant stimulants a your body can't figure out what it wants.

    Indeed. In your example a CNS depressant (alcohol) is in indirect competition with a CNS stimulant (caffeine) but those drugs are working on completely different receptors in the brain - the GABA antagonism from the alcohol and and the dopamine and ephedrine release (or maybe reuptake inhibition) from the caffeine do pull you in different directions in terms of wakefulness, but are doing so through completely different and therefore non-mutually exclusive mechanisms. So it's therefore possible to feel simultaneously sleepy and wired, or to bounce back and forth between the two states. People seem to think that mixing uppers and downers is dangerous, but it's not really. I'm not condoning it of course but there is a reason that people enjoy and generally survive speedballs ie. cocaine stimulation plus opiate sedation in a single hit (I'm indulging in a far, far more tame version of that at the moment by the way - I've never injected myself with anything in my life, nor will I).

    It's much more dangerous to mix stimulating drugs, as that can lead to a strain on the heart and to psychosis. And worst of all is mixing CNS depressants, which is the number one cause of overdose as you do not want to give your body signals over more than one channel at a time that it should relax - as that eventually tricks it into thinking that it doesn't need to worry about breathing too much.

    If one message should be made made absolutely clear in any discussion of poly-drug use, it is that nobody should ever mix opiates, opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates (if you can still get 'em and I recommend you don't try), alcohol or any other a-typical central nervous system depressants, as by doing so you are basically encouraging your body to stop breathing, and that is probably the most common cause of death from drug use. Mixing stims might make you crazy and therefore cause you to do irrational things and get yourself killed in the process, but please for the love of god do not give your body multiple chemical messages that it is okay not to breathe. That is harm reduction 101, and I'm going to copy paste that into my original post right now.

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