Assassin's Creed
  • 44091295_10217920002490761_418419768425447424_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_ht=scontent-lht6-1.xx&oh=fe1e91eed227ca1489938f7d2d829c11&oe=5C493412

    Made it all the way to Athens. That's me on top of the giant statue.. Which I think is probably more Game of Thrones than Historically accurate but hey.. I'm not here to learn shit.

    The game has really started to open up now.. Digging the tomb raiding.. and taking down teh bases reminds me a bit of MGS V.

    Couple of minor immersion breakers.. Came back out of a tomb to find a goat waiting for me.. fine.. only when I scared the goat off there was a snake right next to it ready to attack  me.. can't help thinking that wouldn't happen in real life..

    And some ridic high level Puma tracked me half way across the map.. Couldn't beat it (my arrows where whittling tiny bits of health and I've only got 40), couldn't fast travel cos I was in combat.

    Anyway eventually managed to give the pesky fucker the slip.
    The Forum Herald™
  • Is Assassin's Creed Elder Scrolls now?
  • Raiziel
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    I think it wants to be The Witcher 3.
    Get schwifty.
  • And lords of the fallen
    The Forum Herald™
  • And Dynasty Warriors
    The Forum Herald™
  • Speedhaak
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    Raiziel wrote:
    I think it wants to be The Witcher 3.

    The music certainly does.
  • The music is great. I’ve been leaving the music on,

    Spider-Man is ost oF the year though.
    The Forum Herald™
  • 44037823_10217935398875661_3526204244921155584_o.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_ht=scontent-ams3-1.xx&oh=d36a7e473e92a4f613f1c8d06df4a532&oe=5C4F1045

    I'm now quite some distance from the nearest quest and level 13 but most of the stuff around me is to high level. Even the wildlife is deadly. Still satisfying when a location only needs things stealing rather than killing and you can sneak in and complete it. Less so when an angry pig wipes out most of your life in one charge.

    The big pitched battles are fun. Spent most of the time desperately trying to take down a level 12 foe (I was level 11) I wrongly assumed was the big commander only to discover it was some bounty hunter trying to collect my reward. Still I taught him a lesson then one the battle single handedly.

    It certainly pays not to specialize to much in out right sneaky assassinary.. it's nice to be able to deal some big damage on teh go with a few buffs.
    The Forum Herald™
  • I really need to get on this tonight.  It's still sitting there in its shrinkwrap.   I blame it on my decision to start another Skyrim playthrough....

    I think I'll start with the female lead (the voicework is rumoured to be much better) and focus on skill development along the Hunter tree. I like picking off enemies from afar.  Is this a legitimate strategy in this game or is it all close-quarters melee button mashing?
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • No you can and indeed are mostly encouraged to stealth apart from the big pitched battles
    The Forum Herald™
  • More postcards from Ancient Greece.

    It's getting staggering how large ancient greece is. I've been playing for hours and I don't think I've even visited half the map yet. Some lovely sights to see to.

    I've only just discovered that when the enemies glow red you can dodge and that gives you a slow down window for attacking along with the parry of regular attacks that allows an unguarded moment.

    Along with a couple of my special abilities that can turn the tide the combat is opening up. It's also possible to runaway.

    Now off to find a legendary pig for a quest.. the scourge of the internet apparently.. and then I'm going to crack on with the story for sure.
    The Forum Herald™
  • Had a good bash on this last night and I have to say it left me impressed.  The world space is very detailed and I like that fact that incidental npcs blabber on in Ancient Greek. Adds to the atmos.  Barely a few minutes out of the tutorial and I was diving through flooded caves seeking lost treasures and raiding bandit camps.   The stealth mechanics seem a bit clunky but my early failed assassination attempts were probably just a result of my cack handedness rather than the controls.

    Comparisons with Witcher 3 ( a game unduly lionised here for some reason) seem fair, but here's a list of things it does better:

    It's only early doors for me, but the combat delivers a good sense of heft and enemy AI is definitely smarter so far (bandits scatter for cover upon sensing they're under arrow attack).  No 'I'll chase you up to this point and then return to my patrol zone' lameness that so badly afflicted mobs in the Witcher.

    The maps is littered with '?'  just like CD Projekt's game but the use of the Eagle here to scout out areas is inspired.  Soaring high above the landscape to tag enemies and points of interest is suitably epic.  I can't see that ever getting old and you don't get the sense you're just hoovering up '?' on the map, like with the Witcher.

    Horses - mounts just seem so much more natural and the ability to auto cruise on roads works better, with a neat feature to lock onto quest locations.  Boat travel too seems more fluid and traversal by foot and underwater feels vastly superior too.  Loving the ability to scale anything, Zelda like.

    It remains to be seen whether the side quests are of a similar quality to the Witcher, but all the early indications are that this title is setting a new standard in open-world RPGs.  But don't just take my word for it, Biffo liked it too!
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • For me, so far the quests are the weak spot. But I've been having to much fun roaming around. There's so many things to do it's literally stuffed with stuff.
    The Forum Herald™
  • Speedhaak
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    Quests definitely the weak spot. Would prefer a more organic approach the questing like in TES gams - my brain gets overloaded with all the '?' littered around the maps.
  • It's been mentioned before, but why didn't they rip off Monolith's 'Nemesis' system when it comes to the Mercs that hunt you down?  And this 'synchronization' bollocks would have supplied the precedent for 'coming back from the dead' only to find your principal foes empowered by having killed you before.  Seems a certain shoe-in.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Are you going man or chick Block?

    The Mercs system is quite good though. It's nice to be able to pay them off when you don't want to be over run.

    Also you can't hunt down the person that put the bounty on you.

    So far my ships a bit underused but only cos I've traveled so far on foot exploring.
    The Forum Herald™
  • Chick.   A series first.  Seems churlish not too.  Didn't know that about the Merc's system, glad to hear there's a bit of depth to it. Only been on a solo boat, not a full Man 'O War. But from what I understand of Black Flag etc, it's a series highlight.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Blocks100 wrote:
    Chick.   A series first.

    Apart from Liberation.

    And a couple of the 2D ones, I think.
  • Decided to give Egypt Creed a shot and found myself more impressed than I imagined. I started Discovery mode, ran away from the first tour and haven't looked back. No tutorial, HUD, map markers, story or combat. Just walking, running and climbing like an Egyptian, taking in the sights. 

    The world is impressively large and detailed and watching a sunrise from atop a Pyramid is a memorable experience. An impressive amount of work has gone into this, It's very pretty, too.

    Even in Discovery mode the simulation backstory guff feels apt though. There's no sense of weight or believable interplay in the world. It's all so obviously fake, a dusting of character on a beautiful world. Twelve identical boats, spaced at regular intervals, snaking down the Nile.

    Still, worth a shot if you're intrigued.
  • 22 hours in
    The Forum Herald™
  • It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • 44223958_10217957648671892_2508168683621187584_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_ht=scontent.fgci1-1.fna&oh=ed0144d4f77606cd1f812e0a04224e3f&oe=5C52B80F

    Top half of the map showing where I've been in colour.


    Bottom half of the map I've not visited.There's a middle bit I didn't bother with.


    Me taming a legendary wolf to be my temporary side kick. Sadly no trophy for this.
    The Forum Herald™
  • Sorry this is the wolf one

    The Forum Herald™
  • The map is huge alright, and I notice that each region is clearly marked with the level range, presumably to help you straying into areas that are way above your level.  I'm only level 5 currently, and had been putting off a level 4 quest until I had levelled up to 5, thinking it would be fun to give the bandits a proper mauling.  However, when I got the quest location, I noticed that all the enemies had scaled with me to level 5.  Is this a thing?   Not good if it is.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Loads of games do that, but just don't tell you about it, don't they?
  • You can get up to two levels ahead of side quests. The areas show the maximum level that can be seen.

    Generally you'll be ok if you stay around your level.

    I think story quests scale with you.

    It's a good system. I'm pretty unstoppable now.
    The Forum Herald™
  • Had a brilliant moment in this last night when I came across a military encampment that was close to a bandit camp - so I picked a fight with their neighbours, then scarpered off. Sure enough the bandits legged it over to my position only to find a number of heavily armed military types.   In the ensuing melee, I sneaked into the encampment and unlocked a caged tiger that proceeded to maul the survivors of the battle to death.  I was then able to collect all their lovely loot.

    It's a hallmark of a great game when you can set rival AI's against each other.

    Let's not mention the fact that I later happened upon a band of angry huntresses who then proceeded to turn me into a pincushion with their arrows (and I hadn't saved Angry.gif )
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • I've got to sail somewhere and I come across four boats..I can take two down but the at least one gets me before I can finish.. I've not really paid attention to the ship controls.. or tactics

    Any advice?
    The Forum Herald™
  • Pay attention to the ship controls and tactics.
  • Not ok hun?
    The Forum Herald™

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