MK's weekday Question - 102
  • Unlikely wrote:
    Or heddicks or ibuprofendick.. what was the first game you remember staying up until stupid o'clock playing - would / have you played revenge of shinobi again? This isn't aimed at anyone ...
    Now THIS is a good question, although frankly it doesn't make a lot of sense.  I HAVE played Revenge of Shinobi recently, and it remains awesome to the max! PS maria ur a fagort

    did you play it until silly hours in the morning Unlikely? either the first or second time?

    I remember getting up early the next morning and playing it... 
    It was just the game that kept on giving. 
    Did you play Spiderman as well? That was pretty decent too.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • How dare you I have not got the horn for maria.
  • Think you do, a bit. His ropey questions get you going.
  • I ignored the fact that it was a dumb question until he really pushed it, just like I've ignored the rest of the dumb questions in this thread.  I only got involved because I wanted to clarify whether BD v DN was a cross up wake up mash up game thing.  Which apparently it wasn't.

    Basically, everything has worked out well and everyone can go home happy.
  • Bollockoff
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    I remember playing Strippers vs Hookers some evenings. It's a bit like twister.
  • Skerret
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    Unlikely wrote:
    I ignored the fact that it was a dumb question until he really pushed it, just like I've ignored the rest of the dumb questions in this thread.  I only got involved because I wanted to clarify whether BD v DN was a cross up wake up mash up game thing.  Which apparently it wasn't. Basically, everything has worked out well and everyone can go home happy.
    I'm already at home, but I'm not happy.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • You don't count because you're very small/far away.
  • I was playing Wind Waker late at night one night at the bit in the game where you're looking around the houses on Outset Island and one of the signs tells you not to play videogames late at night it's like it was talking to me and saying stop playing me and I said but if I don't play you then your sole function is not being fulfilled you may as well not exist at all and it said it was a mass produced item and will continue to exist even if I don't play it because someone else will be playing it in a non-late time zone and even if no one did ever play it it will still exist because whilst play is intangible its physical presence is very much tangible and I said yes you will tangibly exist but you needn't tangibly exist because if you don't serve any purpose beyond existence for existence's sake then you nullify that existence and it said so if someone lived alone on an island never seeing anybody else or contacting any society beyond that solitary island then they may as well not exist either even though they may be perfectly happy and fulfilled and I said that's different because that person is a sentient being and life is existence for existence's sake and one living creature's existence actually validates all other living creatures' existence because awareness is life and without it nothing need exist and it said so all those countless stars and planets out there compared to which Earth is infinitesimal and insignificant need not exist if there's no other life out there since you probably think they serve no purpose other than to look pretty and I said of course I don't think that don't be crass in fact astronomy is very much driven by a uniquely human desire to understand its role in the universe and it said speaking of self-awareness and necessary existence are you really going to post this comment it barely holds any water as an existential discussion I think people are going to be a bit unsure of whether or not they're even supposed to read it or if it's existence as a block of rambling text is its sole point it's a bit like in a film when someone's holding a letter and you aren't sure whether or not you're meant to be reading it or if a voiceover's going to come in or what so you decide to read it anyway just in case and then it cuts away and you think you may have missed something important oh yeah I hate that but you're right and since I don't really have any idea how to properly end this we should probably do the cut away thing now.
  • tl/dr

    Edit: that's unfair, I take it back. It's the lack of punctuation that's killing me.
  • Like Escape, I sometimes wish krs would just break method and post.
  • I played Wind Waker late at night once.
  • Skerret
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    Unlikely wrote:
    You don't count because you're very small/far away.
    I'm only small cos I'm... oh yeah.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • Skerret
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    krs wrote:
    I played Wind Waker late at night once.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • Skerret wrote:
    krs wrote:
    I played Wind Waker late at night once.

    Genius! Perhaps...
    You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!
  • Skerret wrote:
    Unlikely wrote:
    You don't count because you're very small/far away.
    I'm only small cos I'm... oh yeah.

    Upside down too
  • krs wrote:
    it's a bit like in a film when someone's holding a letter and you aren't sure whether or not you're meant to be reading it or if a voiceover's going to come in or what so you decide to read it anyway just in case and then it cuts away and you think you may have missed something important

    It's worse when it's a newspaper.  It's probably only the headline you're meant to see but in these HD days I desperately try to read the articles in full, and always run out of time.  Then I realise I've missed the dialogue that took place while the newspaper was on screen and turn the stupid film off and play Wind Waker late at night.
  • (Was it Soleil?)

    Yep.  Great games.
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    (Was it Soleil?)

    Yep.  Great games.

    I've only got Story of Thor on Saturn.

    360 - optimark prime PSN - optimark_prime twitter - @optimark_prime
  • I got completely stuck on that and traded it in.  That still annoys me, I must've been quite far in.
  • I picked it up fairly cheap, so I've hardly played it.
    360 - optimark prime PSN - optimark_prime twitter - @optimark_prime
  • Which is the easiest boss in a game you've encountered?

    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • There was a fish in a bowl, in Earthworm Jim, on the Mega Drive.

    I'm fairly sure he didn't do anything at all.
    360 - optimark prime PSN - optimark_prime twitter - @optimark_prime
  • Skerret
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    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • while we're at it i'd be interested in hearing about anyones longest boss fight. Mine have mainly been when i've not known how to kill them but some bosses are a fucking grind.
    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • I punched Zeus in the face for ages on GoW3 until I finally realised I could stop, t'was satisfying mind.
  • mk64 wrote:
    while we're at it i'd be interested in hearing about anyones longest boss fight. Mine have mainly been when i've not known how to kill them but some bosses are a fucking grind.
    Final Fantasy 7.
    The dice ones tooook ages.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • One of the dragons in Panzer Dragoon Saga took me about an hour and a half to beat.

    It was an epic fight.
    360 - optimark prime PSN - optimark_prime twitter - @optimark_prime
  • krs wrote:
    I was playing Wind Waker late at night one night at the bit in the game where you're looking around the houses on Outset Island and one of the signs tells you not to play videogames late at night it's like it was talking to me and saying stop playing me and I said but if I don't play you then your sole function is not being fulfilled you may as well not exist at all and it said it was a mass produced item and will continue to exist even if I don't play it because someone else will be playing it in a non-late time zone and even if no one did ever play it it will still exist because whilst play is intangible its physical presence is very much tangible and I said yes you will tangibly exist but you needn't tangibly exist because if you don't serve any purpose beyond existence for existence's sake then you nullify that existence and it said so if someone lived alone on an island never seeing anybody else or contacting any society beyond that solitary island then they may as well not exist either even though they may be perfectly happy and fulfilled and I said that's different because that person is a sentient being and life is existence for existence's sake and one living creature's existence actually validates all other living creatures' existence because awareness is life and without it nothing need exist and it said so all those countless stars and planets out there compared to which Earth is infinitesimal and insignificant need not exist if there's no other life out there since you probably think they serve no purpose other than to look pretty and I said of course I don't think that don't be crass in fact astronomy is very much driven by a uniquely human desire to understand its role in the universe and it said speaking of self-awareness and necessary existence are you really going to post this comment it barely holds any water as an existential discussion I think people are going to be a bit unsure of whether or not they're even supposed to read it or if it's existence as a block of rambling text is its sole point it's a bit like in a film when someone's holding a letter and you aren't sure whether or not you're meant to be reading it or if a voiceover's going to come in or what so you decide to read it anyway just in case and then it cuts away and you think you may have missed something important oh yeah I hate that but you're right and since I don't really have any idea how to properly end this we should probably do the cut away thing now.

    How do you know that you that the people you think that will read this exist and it is not just a very clever program that has pretend posters and you are the only really person on the forum and that we are recording your reactions because you are part of some big experiment to see how human beings really work because you are the only one left you are alone
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • How do you know that you that the people you think that will read this exist and it is not just a very clever program that has pretend posters and you are the only really person on the forum and that we are recording your reactions because you are part of some big experiment to see how human beings really work because you are the only one left you are alone

    What if you are the last human and in fact krs is part of the clever program but has contracted a virus and become sentient and posted the original post in order to try to warn you that this is all make believe but had to do it in a cryptic way so that the rest of the program didn't realise oh fuck it I can't do this anymore
    You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!

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