Destiny 2 - Developed by Bungie
  • Kernowgaz wrote:
    After not really playing this much bar a few times with a mate, Is there a guide that helps with upgrading your armour around? I basically just add more powerful gear/weapons and that’s it. He said I die too quickly as my recovery is low and then said about my other stats being low as well, what’s the best way to upgrade them?

    The easiest way is to add mods for those specific stats to your armour. I can give a more complicated answer but that's the easiest thing you can do.
  • I’m a virtual noob. Mods? Sorry mate.
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Going thru it with my mate, it was like he was speaking a new language as do you guys on some of your posts :-/
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Ooh, right now you're still a blue robed monster. Ignore the mods for now - you just need to keep leveling. Once you hit 1500, which you aren't far off that's when you can start worrying about other stuff.
  • Also what are Artifacts again? Help you get mods?
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Ooh, right now you're still a blue robed monster. Ignore the mods for now - you just need to keep leveling. Once you hit 1500, which you aren't far off that's when you can start worrying about other stuff.

    I’m 1494.

    Also as I bought the Full fat Witch Queen 30th Anniversary bundle, do I have to do things to get the items that came with it or do I pick them up somewhere?
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Yeah, the artifact will unlock mods that are only available for the season. There are mods that are permanently available though.

    On any armor piece press Y, and you'll see a section called Armor Mods. You can equip any mods you have unlocked from here.
  • Yeh what dante said.
    Keep getting higher level blues and purples till you hit 1500 and any purples you get with a total over 60ish for stats is worth hanging on to.
    (These can be upgraded further)

    You get the artfact from the 1st campaign mission of the new Content and its bottom left of your character screen.
    You level that up as you level up too and can basically choose what ones you want from a load of others.
    (Things like overload bow or barrier hand cannon, can't remember exactly what they are right now as still not back from holiday/honeymoon).

    Anytime after you have it you'll see power +1 at bottom of screen and can unlock something else from it.

    You basically want to aim for high stat gear (at least above 60 stat roll) with high stats in the things that matter to your class.

    What class are you?
  • Cheers chaps, I’m a Warlock Davie.
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Took me longer to post that than I thought so may not be helpful sorry.
  • All good, ta
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Kernowgaz wrote:
    Cheers chaps, I’m a Warlock Davie.

    Strength and recovery will be your go to stats then.
    Intellect if you can get a 3rd I'd say.
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    Given the strength of Warlock supers, you can’t really ignore Intellect and Discipline.
  • My Warlock is all about Recovery and Discipline with Intellect in third. Recovery governs their class cooldown so is a must, and warlock grenade builds are insane. I used to prioritize Intellect just as much, but with the changes to super regen I find I'm doing fine using kinetic weapons to build it up. Helps I've been a Necrotic Grips + Thorn main (and now Osteo Striga) for the best part of a year.  

    My build is pretty scuffed atm as I'm still levelling to the hard cap, but I've got Recov at 7, Disc at 9, and Int at 6. Everything else is at 4 or 3.
  • I'm now 0/15 on Ascendant Alloys from weekly story missions completed at both hero and legend since launch week. With Rahool not handing 'em out for me, crafting my Osteo Striga catalyst is utterly fucked. And it sucks.
  • Fucking hell , played for 3 hours tonight and didn’t get a anything above 1500 apart form an emgram - is there a reason for that? Played the Beyond Light campaign solo last night and it was gradually coming up but tonight not one piece of gear higher than 1500

    We played the 3 mission of Witch Queen on Legendary, with just the two is us it was Rock hard, my mate died when matey was on his last bit of health. :-(
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Is the Legendary campaign only for 3 players really or is the difficulty changed for the amount of people playing?
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Kernowgaz wrote:
    Is the Legendary campaign only for 3 players really or is the difficulty changed for the amount of people playing?

    I solo'd the first two missions before helping a mate get them both done before I left on my honeymoon.
    I'm not sure if true but I was told later that they scale to however many are in your fireteam.

    I won't know the answers to the rest or if that's true till I'm back home tomorrow night, happy to help or be helped when I return though and very much looking forward to it.
  • Kernowgaz wrote:
    Fucking hell , played for 3 hours tonight and didn’t get a anything above 1500 apart form an emgram - is there a reason for that? Played the Beyond Light campaign solo last night and it was gradually coming up but tonight not one piece of gear higher than 1500

    Aye, 1500 is the soft cap and it all slows down from there to the hard cap of 1550. Look for activities that reward powerful engrams and turn in any prime engrams you get to Rahool ASAP. Your seasonal artifact will give you a boost as well as you level up. I'm now 1540 from my gear and 1551 with my Artifact boost.
  • Oh, completing the campaign on legendary rewards you with a set of 1520 armour that can really help your power grind.

    And yeah, the difficulty of the legendary campaign scales with the number of people in your fireteam.
  • Cheers, the thing was my mate getting stuff higher than 1509 all the time and he was 1515, luck of the draw?
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • That seems about right tbh. After I hit the 1500 soft cap I didn't start to get blues over 1500 until my power was a few points above that. 1505+ maybe? 

    With my current power at 1551 (inc artifact boost) my best blues are dropping high 1530's, with powerful gear dropping low 1540's, around 4 to 6 power difference.
  • Am into pinnacle grind now. Fortunately I expect my clan'll be raiding a fair bit in the coming weeks, every gear drop from Vow will be pinnacular. Would be nice to get to 1580 for some of the content.

    The blocky Vow arsenal has some pretty cool shit in it, including a legendary kinetic-slot fusion rifle, which I feel I've been hankering for for ages. Takes the shine offa Bastion somewhat, but makes a bunch of build newly viable.
  • I notionally quite like the crafting system but as many have claimed, the droprates for reds and the new golfball for enhanced perking are retrogressive and discouraging. I expect Bung will see the light eventually here, they've done so for a bunch of other stupid gatings.
  • Shit, nice going hitting pinnacle. I really should have tried to do the legendary campaign from the off. As it is it'll be a few weeks before Team Clueless is raid ready I think.

    And yeah, they can't keep all the golfballs to themselves forever. Rahool especially needs to hand some over sharpish. I'm at 18 total story missions done now for 0 ascendant alloy drops.
  • My friend Scant has 2 alloys from 4 missions.
  • That seems about right tbh. After I hit the 1500 soft cap I didn't start to get blues over 1500 until my power was a few points above that. 1505+ maybe? 

    With my current power at 1551 (inc artifact boost) my best blues are dropping high 1530's, with powerful gear dropping low 1540's, around 4 to 6 power difference.

    Cheers. Time to grind.

    Is it worth doing the quests to get pinnacle gear yet or just grind?
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Yeah, the pinnacle quests will give you powerful gear until you hit hard cap so they're worth doing as part of your regular powerful gear grind.
  • If you can, try doing powerful gear drops until your gear is roughly equal, then do a pinnacle activity. Go back to powerful to equal out again, then pinnacle, rinse repeat.

    If you aren't going to be able to do that though, just do whatever you can. It won't be optimal, but you'll keep going upwards.

    This site will tell you the optimal thing to do next if you want to make the most of every increase.
  • Thanks all.
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman

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