Playstation 5 - It's For The Payers
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    b0r1s wrote:
    Yeah but… streaming is shite. The combination of streaming trying to become mainstream at the same time that all (?) next gen console games are 60fps just highlights it’s limitations even more.

    60FPS is supposed to be a boon for streaming as it helps reduce input latency. I’ve heard pretty positive things about the current iteration of streaming, there’s a bit of input lag, but less than some TV setups can introduce, but YMMV based on what your network connections are like and your distance to the data centre.
  • b0r1s
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    I’ve had zero positive experience from OnLive, PlayStation Now, Stadia and Xbox Cloud Gaming. Can only go from that not the hypothetical it’s much better now line.

    Tbh it’s a moot point for me. I’m happy to download and play games locally.
  • FranticPea
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    I've been playing alot of Valheim on Geforce Now and it's been absolutely brilliant so far.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    b0r1s wrote:
    I’ve had zero positive experience from OnLive, PlayStation Now, Stadia and Xbox Cloud Gaming. Can only go from that not the hypothetical it’s much better now line.

    Tbh it’s a moot point for me. I’m happy to download and play games locally.

    If they’re all rubbish for you, that could point at a network setup issue on your end, not that it matters hugely.
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    Ironically, as far as we know, Microsoft are now done with cross-gen games (aside from the full release of Grounded).
    Has streaming made this less of a thing?  I know you can stream games on an OG Xbox One....but does that include next gen games? i.e could The Medium be played on an original Bone?

    The Medium shouldn’t be played on anything ever again, streamed, locally or beamed through the sky.  It’s turgid and has a weird masochistic edge that makes it all even more unpleasant.  Pick nicer games to stream plz.
  • I've got a Series S and don't fancy it in the slightest, was just wondering from a tech POV.
  • b0r1s
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    Yeah a few pages back Davie dropped a clip of the presentation. I'll be getting it definitely.
  • I'm also in for VR2. Really enjoyed VR gaming whenever I've tried it and been holding out for this update.
  • The new headset will aim for 2 x 4k displays running at 90-120hz.

    I sense a PS5 Pro in the works.
  • Fuck them in the ear and out the other if that happens.
  • drumbeg wrote:
    The new headset will aim for 2 x 4k displays running at 90-120hz. I sense a PS5 Pro in the works.

    I imagine it's the inclusion of foveated rendering that makes the 2 x 4k thing feasible. It'll be fine.
  • isanbard
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    3DS 0361-6861-4525

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    I thought it was just one 4K panel so 2k per eye? Could easily be wrong as I’ve only really scanned the articles in this reveal. Has it been confirmed as 2 panels? That’s more expensive. We’ve not seen the headset yet so I’ve no idea if they’ve gone for the more expensive mechanical ipd solutions either or just using the less effective digital spacing stuff from the first headset. I’ve got a huge head it seems so I ideally need the good mechanical ipd systems cranked out pretty darn wide (68mm 69? odd if memory serves?) or it is less effective and tiring generally for me. The quest headstrap doesn’t quite really fit at full extension round my head for example.

    I’ve also not seen anything to confirm that it’s fancy foveated rendering either. The quest does foveated rendering after all.. fixed foveated rendering. It’s just blurry at the edges all the time if they want to.
    Psvr 2.0 has eye tracking but I only saw that that was being advertised as a social thing to show a simulation of real eye movement. There’s an awful lot of crap that comes with the actual tracked foveated stuff.. to reasonably have your eye tracking that fast and nigh on 100% reliable to push the engine renderer to react in time was certainly a very very high power and high spend item back a few years when I was more interested in vr stuff. Perhaps Sony can do it with their camera and TV panel teams? You need very reliable and fast eye tracking cameras that work under all conditions with people wearing all sorts of glasses inside the headset and then the ability to use that info. I’m not sure that they can get that into a supposed full mass market item with cost as a very significant driving factor.
    It has a usb cable so no need to worry about expensiveish and heavy batteries though so? Maybe?

    It can’t be more than £400ish £450? given the console price with the two expensive sense controllers costed in there as well now. They’ve got a lot of fancy sensors and batteries in them so they’ll be pricey too.

    Lots of questions left unanswered to my mind but it’s got a good chance of looking lovely in something like gt7 so I’m all in…again…
    GT: isanbard PSN: DAQster DS-FC: 0361-6861-4525 AC: Bumdirt
  • You’re right on the resolution I think - it’s a 4K display at 2000 x 2040 per eye.
  • isanbard
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    3DS 0361-6861-4525

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    Ah. Thought so. Still a big step up and will look lovely I’m sure. Do Sony still actually manufacture oleds or will they just get a Samsung or LG to cough up a panel I wonder? Their motion handling stuff that they do on their Samsung? Lg? panel Oled TVs is considered some of best in class isn’t it?
    Their camera optics teams were always great at working on the lenses so the fresnel stuff should be ok I’d imagine? I do hope they can spend on decent ipd and head band solutions as well…more just for me and my 95th plus percentile noggin mind…
    GT: isanbard PSN: DAQster DS-FC: 0361-6861-4525 AC: Bumdirt
  • Sony use LG panels in their TV's, so probably the same for this.
  • Lg manufacturers all OLED tv panels currently
    PSN - minkymu
  • A mere 2k? Pathetic. I'll stick with the real world.
  • A mere 2k? Pathetic. I'll stick with the real world.

    Yeah it’s already +22 better than 2k.
  • Escape
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    I just want more 1080/120 modes. 900/120, even. Up to 4x closer to VR's motion clarity on a screen.

    I think Tekken 8 should have 120fps animation with the same move timings, justframes doubled and so on, looking almost as good in motion as it did on CRTs. Reduced input lag, too.

    It's more work, but not a huge deal to append to their 60fps keyframes. And it could look fantastic. Ditto Street Fighter VI, and most of all, Calibur VII.
  • Last night's play:

    Played a bit more of Dirt 5 - it continued to be rubbish so got deleted.

    Tried Deep Rock Galactic. Couldn't find the stuff to get out of the tutorial so skipped it. Impressed to see mouse and keyboard support but let down by a mouse cursor that runs at around 1 dpi in the menus - main game is fine. Controller was too slow at max sensitivity (with no acceleration). Ran around the hub for a bit. Didn't give it a fair chance but still deleted it.

    Godfall. Started off bad in that's it's online only. That instantly puts it at 90% on the hate meter. Messed around a bit. Couldn't work out how to equip the stuff right at the start - but had lost interest by then as I'd determined there was no precision to the movement or attacks. Deleted.

    Played Death Stranding for an hour.

    All ended well.
  • mrsmr2 wrote:
    Last night's play: Played a bit more of Dirt 5

    You made it through the 10,000 lines of online Ts&Cs at least.
  • I'd forgotten about that. I remember scrolling (slowly) through some utter bollocks like that. And I had to be on line to get past that. So that should be starting at 50% on the hate meter. edit: Dirt's Terms of Shite
  • mrsmr2 wrote:
    I'd forgotten about that. I remember scrolling (slowly) through some utter bollocks like that. And I had to be on line to get past that. So that should be starting at 50% on the hate meter. edit: Dirt's Terms of Shite

    I actually liked the gameplay, but the bad taste left by the terms and online shit was enough to make me put it down quickly.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    DrewMerson wrote:
    mrsmr2 wrote:
    Tried Deep Rock Galactic. Couldn't find the stuff to get out of the tutorial so skipped it.

    I had the same issue. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Quit and delete.

    That's the game though
  • DrewMerson wrote:
    mrsmr2 wrote:
    Tried Deep Rock Galactic. Couldn't find the stuff to get out of the tutorial so skipped it.

    I had the same issue. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Quit and delete.

    That's the game though

    Games loads of fun with mates. Top tier co-op. The tutorial serves it's purpose in teaching you the controls but I'd say your better off getting straight to the good stuff with friends and learn as you go.

    Your missing out on a cracking time if you pass on this one.

  • I didn't get on with it either.
  • Could have done with unlimited ammo. Can’t see myself going back to it.

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