Work - The pros and the cons...
  • b0r1s
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    I did not know you and Elf worked together.
  • b0r1s
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    I really deserved that.
  • Escape
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    Classic b0r1s.
  • I've got a telephone interview tomorrow for an IT commercial team coordinator, does anyone have any buzzwords I can use?

    My confidence is a bit shot at the moment really, I've had 5 interviews since around May last year when I realised I really didn't enjoy my current role anymore, but yeah didn't get any of them!

    I'm glad it's a phone interview though as I can't stand zoom ones! Want to go back to face to face interviews soon, that was my strength as I've got a great memory and could go into an interview with no notes and be fine. Seems redundant now as people can just have sticky notes on their screens.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    "The cloud"

    the job is basically yours
  • GooberTheHat
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    "Continuous improvement"
  • When they ask for the inevitable "tell us about a time when you had to solve a problem" remember the STAR method.

    Situation - there I am in Sri Lanka, formally Shrilon and I had to find 1000 brown m and ms to fill a brandy glass or Ozzy won't go on stage.

    Task - locate and resource enough M&Ms.

    Action - me, Keith moon and Jeff beck locate a little sweet shop.

    Result- we got the M&Ms and Ozzy went on to do a great show.

    However the shopkeeper and his son were a different story all together...
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Well, I have a second interview next week, thanks for your help!
  • I had an interview on Wednesday. Main reason for wanting the job 1. They work on cool technology 2. Its 15 minutes from my house 3. It's across the road from a Mcdonalds, KFC and starbucks. 4. I do 4 technicians jobs and get paid tesco night shift wages. 

    Smashed the interview but doubt I'll get it. The dream of a job with a foosball table in the canteen will have to wait.

    Oh and when it comes to interviews I use the STAR technique. 

    Situation, Task, Action, Result. Whenever they ask you about previous experience you structure your answer in that order.
    The next generation doesn't start until MAG comes out. 

    PSN: Naemuckle
    STEAM: Naemuckle
  • Also if you don’t feel sick about elevating your contribution you’re being too humble.
  • davyK
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    I sit on the other side of the table quite a lot now. Most common mistake is people talking quite a bit, perhaps even intelligently, but not answering the question.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • Fuck that question "What is your weakness." I totally forgot about it and sat in silence for about 5 seconds. I then told them I'm really scatty in my thoughts and it makes me start too many things at one time. As a result I've learnt to write lists of every task I require and structure them in order or priority. 

    They ate that shit up like caramel.
    The next generation doesn't start until MAG comes out. 

    PSN: Naemuckle
    STEAM: Naemuckle
  • I'm so glad my industry doesn't do all this stuff.
    Helps that ability can be shown in a portfolio or showreel of course but I'm yet to have an interview that was anything more than a chat/meet and greet type thing.
  • The weakness question is pure piss.
  • b0r1s
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    I don’t ask that question but I do ask what skills in the requirements in the job description do you think you could do better at/require more training. I want people to be honest so that should they get the job we know what gaps to plug/where to focus training.

    In our industry there are too many skills to be great at everything but at the same time we want some proficiency in most key skills.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    I actually find it quite useful these days, I can say that I have dyspraxia, it affects my organisational skills, that certain types of tasks may take me longer than other people but that I’ve mostly learnt strategies to deal with it and that deals with disclosing my disability right at the start of my employment so any potential employer cannot say that they weren’t warned.

    Of course, I’m not sure many people still ask it these days, we don’t, all it usually does is allow people to provide a pat answer that they prepared beforehand.
  • I’ve just been out for my first night of post-work drinks since the pandemic. It’s really fucking awkward. The team all want me to start my own company and take them with me. They don’t quite get that I don’t have the financial security to do that. I have nothing to start a company with. The only way I could do it would be by raising private equity as backing, which would leave us all chasing the almighty dollar, for ever.
  • b0r1s
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    I’d definitely point out that we could be going into a recession right now. Starting a business with staff overhead would be a risky move even if you have cash.
  • Yeah, I don’t want to do it. Never have wanted to run my own place, or I would have done it decades ago.
  • There’s plenty of times I’ve wished i was on the other side of the payroll for sure.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Would starting a co-op be any more feasible? It could help spread the risk.
  • I’m too old and too heavily mortgaged to take the risk, I think. I’ve chosen the nice house over independence.

    Fucking hell, that sounds quite Tory, doesn’t it?
  • poprock wrote:
    I’m too old and too heavily mortgaged to take the risk, I think. I’ve chosen the nice house over independence. Fucking hell, that sounds quite Tory, doesn’t it?

    Naw. Not everyone has that burning desire to start their own company - there's nothing wrong with wanting less responsibility and pressure so you can, you know, enjoy your life. Especially if you already have enough on your mental and financial plate. I'm like you - give me a decent job, house, car etc. in exchange for being, you know, like, a wage slave man, any day of the week.
  • I don't know why you'd want to run a business. When I go home I don't even think about work. All my work emails go to my work laptop which I leave at work. You run a business and you're always working or worrying.

    Fuck that
    The next generation doesn't start until MAG comes out. 

    PSN: Naemuckle
    STEAM: Naemuckle
  • Yeah, I've actually sold out and gone client-side as an in-house designer. Joining a multinational later this month. Gotta love those corporate benefits.

    I could start my own studio, but Jesus I don't want the stress right now!
  • A lot of self employed people have gone to staff since the pandemic
    It's what is massaging the employment figures Johnson keeps banging on about.

    I've done it.

    Running a business where you are responsible for the livelihood of staff is huge. Those who do it well are a special breed.
  • I ran a small business for a while and it was a pain in the arse.
    So happy that I have a salary, benefits, paid holiday, sick leave and the ability to close my laptop at 5pm and completely leave work behind.
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • b0r1s
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    As to Scots question as to why there are many reasons beyond the hopeful financial benefits, which for most business owners take years to come to fruition. The reality is running a business with staff is a massive responsibility and cash flow is really all that matters.

    My reason was I was trying to do something a bit different with the web agency model and also in the early days of rock star web devs who were all appearing in TED talks and writing books on proper coding practices, I think me and my business partner considered ourselves good enough to do something similar.

    It never happened, and with 1 in 3 businesses going to the wall in less than three years I think we had a good shot at 5. But it never really got big enough. And it was hard work. I wouldn’t have the energy now. Lots of late nights lots of juggling not only projects but admin, invoices, office space, clients, kit and more. Was it worth it? Probably not but at the time I enjoyed the challenge and the relative freedom it brought.
  • My dads been retired for 4 years and is in his 70s. He along with his best mate for 50 years have decided to start a business training oil and gas salesmen in the technical principles of offshore drilling. They've been at it 4 months and won two contracts already worth 20K each. Which considering he's just knocked up a few powerpoints on his HP laptop is not bad going. 

    But the thing is neither of them need to work, they're both just doing it because they got bored. Those would be about the only conditions i'd consider something like that.  Hats off to anyone that puts their entire security on the line and makes it as a boss.
    The next generation doesn't start until MAG comes out. 

    PSN: Naemuckle
    STEAM: Naemuckle
  • As a LTD company contractor, I find it a happy medium between “permie” stability and independence. Best of both worlds.

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