The Star Wars thread - "Chewie, we're home."
  • Well yes buuuuuuut the more Realism/Seriousness of Tone a narrative is saddled with the more everything has to keep up. It's not surprising there's more of a bone to pick with magical shit now.
  • Like honestly I don't really buy the idea that the sweeping epic format (which is to say sans watertight writing) really works in the 21st century any more unless it's music video-tier graceful (which is to say nigh stream-of-consciousness.) There's a community knowledge gap that stuff relies on which has been completely stuffed now thanks to websocial activity. You're doing bloody well if you can avoid the primary source and all the noise around that source. In that context it's not reasonable to expect the average punter not to raise an eyebrow at minutiae, it's part of the conditioning.

    I guess it may work if you're a literal infant who doesn't know how to work a browser or something. Or you're bladdered during the show. I don't intend to watch this film sober that's for fucking sure.
  • I keep hearing of how a black actor responds to criticism of their being a storm trooper who isn't white. Where is this criticism? I've seen countless references to how ridiculous it is, but can't actually find it anywhere. Can anyone point me in the directions of the lols?

    I don't think there was much of one really. Comments here and there as to be expected (it's the internet afterall.) then #Blackstormtrooper started trending and everyone started talking about how ridiculous it was, but I didn't seen any comments about it myself bar on a YouTube video or two.
  • Tempy wrote:
    This is how it works: it is Star Wars.

    It's like that Morrison quote on Batman. Who pumps up the batmobiles tyres? No one, it's a fucking made up story.

    I wonder if such a stance holds water when the creators themselves try and incorporate science! Into the body of the works though. Hello midochloriabs!
  • fuck midichlorians. fuck them all. what was GL thinking??? The force is meant to be this mystical, magical thing not some easily measurable thang. Lawks tis a good thing the emperor didnt think of having force sensitive " detainment camps" My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • Tempy wrote:
    This is how it works: it is Star Wars. It's like that Morrison quote on Batman. Who pumps up the batmobiles tyres? No one, it's a fucking made up story.
    I wonder if such a stance holds water when the creators themselves try and incorporate science! Into the body of the works though. Hello midochloriabs!

    Well, yeah I think it does. Take Interstellar

    Nolan's Batman is far too serious for its own good, but using the Tumbler as a "logical batmobile" doesn't ruin the bit where the pod bike does that dumb 180, or the truck flips over based on the strength of a handful of lampposts alone.
  • There are good and bad points to the extra, explained stuff.

    Midichlorians are clearly an unnecessary explanation of something that was better left untouched.

    The lightsaber is an extension of the user's personality and can be used as a visual clue therefore a bit of background explanation doesn't go a miss.

    There is still no reason you can't look at that lightsaber and go "sweet epic lightsaber" like you were 12 still.
  • Also is it not really obvious who inflates Batman's tyres? Seems an odd example.
  • I think that's part of Morrison's point.
  • Tempy wrote:
    Tempy wrote:
    This is how it works: it is Star Wars. It's like that Morrison quote on Batman. Who pumps up the batmobiles tyres? No one, it's a fucking made up story.
    I wonder if such a stance holds water when the creators themselves try and incorporate science! Into the body of the works though. Hello midochloriabs!

    Well, yeah I think it does. Take Interstellar

    Nolan's Batman is far too serious for its own good, but using the Tumbler as a "logical batmobile" doesn't ruin the bit where the pod bike does that dumb 180, or the truck flips over based on the strength of a handful of lampposts alone.

    I haven't seen interstellar so I won't click that spoiler (deftly avoiding it during the quote). I suspect it's similar to the lines that gravity where the physics are wrong but who gives a shit.

    All i meant was that if a person invites the viewer to some infinitesimal detail then the miroscope is available across all items.

    In fantasy shit no one cares why gandalf is good at what he does but if they properly explained one thing then a whole can o worms is opened.

    Just has a thought. Maybe science force was needed to avoid "feeling" a strong force in a little boy and the meme fun that would have caused.
  • Kow
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    What sort of insurance would he need for the batmobile?
  • Batmobile must be uninsured therefore Batman is a criminal so why doesn't he lock himself up?
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    Now you're just making it up.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • Maybe he got stuck on comparethemarket and gave up as he couldn't find his make or model.

    Also: mr.Wayne, any other drivers? Yes a mr. B. man.
  • I think if you're presenting, for example, a man that can fly by his own power, in a piece of media that's supposedly intended to be consumed by adults, it's not unreasonable to expect them to want some brief explanation as to how it's possible. Otherwise it's just a load of nonsense and resembles, like the Red Media guy said of the Phantom Menace, a story an 8 year old would tell.
  • bad_hair_day
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    If it's Fantasy (LOTR) or Comedy (Noah) machinations don't really apply?
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • The bible had loads of backstory.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • Yossarian
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    Begat story more like.
  • The best and only good things about Star Wars are space magic and laser swords NEEEOOOOOWWW.  No need to question how they work, ffs.
  • monkey wrote:
    Otherwise it's just a load of nonsense and resembles, like the Red Media guy said of the Phantom Menace, a story an 8 year old would tell.

    But using Phantom Menace is the wrong one for Red Media to make that point with. The actual political back story in the prequels is brilliantly laid out. It showed Lucas can provide adult plot lines in his space opera. The rise to power of Palpatine, one man, by using both sides fears and greed against each other is pure Shakespeare and would be an artful way to teach how the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Mugabe etc managed to gain power and how the populations that supported them were caught up in mass hysteria thanks to carefully laid out propaganda. An 8 year old would come up with the plot of the original trilogy, they're so simplistic. But, where Lucas stumbled badly was trying to take that adult story, full of darkness and deceit, and then overlay childish comedy relief like Jar Jar Binks and a godawful love story on top of it in an attempt to increase it's appeal. The prequel trilogy could have been so dark it made Empire look like Frozen but he bottled out. That the cast were so terrible didn't help either. Christiansen I can't blame. He was young, had little training and little exposure in Hollywood and was then thrust into the starring role in the biggest movie saga of all time with a director that even capable actors like Guinness and Ford say is near impossible to get any information out of. But Portman didn't have that excuse. She CAN act, yet she was utterly awful in Star Wars. At times it felt like she was deliberately trying to sabotage the movies she was so wooden. MacGregor wasn't much better either, preferring to do a pantomime impression of Alec Guinness rather than actually make the part his own. It left MacDiarmid to ham it up and steal every scene and Sam Jackson who should have had FAR more screen time to actually show there  were actors involved.
  • Has anyone read about Topher Grace's (lol) edit of the prequels? It's about 80 mins long and opens with the climactic lightsaber fight from Phantom Menace.
  • Kow
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    An adult story needs to actually be a story, not just a garbled mess of incoherent ideas that make no sense to anyone. That's the difference between being a good storyteller/director and just a fat idiot.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Ali wrote:
    The actual political back story in the prequels is brilliantly laid out. It showed Lucas can provide adult plot lines in his space opera. The rise to power of Palpatine, one man, by using both sides fears and greed against each other is pure Shakespeare and would be an artful way to teach how the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Mugabe etc managed to gain power and how the populations that supported them were caught up in mass hysteria thanks to carefully laid out propaganda.

    There is so much wrong in here that I don't know where to start. Actually, yes I do: 'pure Shakespeare'? Have you completely taken leave of your senses?
  • I do tend to agree that the actual plot isn't the problem. That was not hiring a scriptwriter to polish it up, especially the dialogue, then filming it all against a green screen and directing it himself, not managing to get decent performances from most of the cast in the process.
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    TheDJR wrote:
    Has anyone read about Topher Grace's (lol) edit of the prequels? It's about 80 mins long and opens with the climactic lightsaber fight from Phantom Menace.

    Yes, and would love to see his 'edit'.  Don't know why he won't release it into the wild, the Studio's shouldn't give a fuck as they must know all the official versions are freely available on torrents anyway.

    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • But if an 85 minute supercut turns up in "the wild" it'd be easy to pin the blame on Grace as the source of the material that he was only allowed to cut privately and thus he'd find himself against Lucasfilm/Dinsey legal teams, which is the kind of gun no one wants to stare down. Probably better to just avoid all that.
  • Can't see how it will be that good, other than being over quicker.

    Will still have wooden acting and same old camera angles. Can't polish a turd.

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