  • Uncharted 2 is generally regarded, not by me, as the best in the series. Yet, as far as I recall, this is the one that had the most shooting and running away from stuff in. Exactly what was in the trailer that people are complaining about.
  • Edit: Skondo knows.
  • All of the complaints people had about the first 2 games were fixed by U3, but still people slate it whilst holding 2 to be the best despite it being the most flawed.

  • So the general consensus in here is that the thing that sucks about the new Uncharted game is that it resembles the other Uncharted games.  I have no issue with this.

    Would I like to see a relic hunting adventure game that had the slightly more considered approach to environment traversal of The Last of Us, with a similar approach to combat?  Absolutely.

    Is that what I want the ending of this series to be?  No.  ND can do that (hopefully) with a new IP (hopefully) once they've put Nathan to bed.  I'm sure they're reading this and taking notes...

    Meantime, colour me enthused.
  • Everything that I've read seems to indicate they're going in the right direction with it.

    It's going to change everything.
    The Forum Herald™
  • As limited as the gameplay in Uncharted games undoubtedly is, that fifteen minute chase sequence of Uncharted 4 is astonishing. That game will shift more PS4's than anything else. I'd love to play it.

    All those little details and the hundred different things going on every second, most of which you'll never notice whilst playing, all stack up to make quite the spectacle.

    Undeniably gorgeous.
  • They sure piled on a huge amount of cinematic debris from each collision :-)
    Top work from the physics and VFX folks.
  • The bit with Drake on the back of Sams bike was just woah.
  • Looks great, but I do wish it was more punchy and less shooty.

    More Indy, less Arnie.
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • More brain than brawn is needed.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • To be a fair a brainless action packed romp is all I'd require from the Uncharted series. If it looks that good then fuck it.

    I'm imagining showing that to my mum or dad and seeing their reactions.
  • b0r1s
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    adkm1979 wrote:
    So the general consensus in here is that the thing that sucks about the new Uncharted game is that it resembles the other Uncharted games.  I have no issue with this. Would I like to see a relic hunting adventure game that had the slightly more considered approach to environment traversal of The Last of Us, with a similar approach to combat?  Absolutely. Is that what I want the ending of this series to be?  No.  ND can do that (hopefully) with a new IP (hopefully) once they've put Nathan to bed.  I'm sure they're reading this and taking notes... Meantime, colour me enthused.

    Watching the beginning where they view the crowd and city for the first time just made me think ND would be perfect to reboot Broken Sword using this engine. It would be perfect for a more cerebral game and still have wow factor. I'm also certain ND would have the chops to pull off the characterisation.
  • I haven't posted this video in a few days.

    I don't mind the 4th installment in a series being stuck in the past but a new ND game, in fact all new games, should make gunfights with one or two dudes be a major battle and fill the rest of he time with new gameplay.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • Eagerly showed the Sam chase sequence to the missus who promptly rolled her eyes when the shooting started in the marketplace 30 seconds in. 

    "Seems like every big game has to have people getting shot to death in it. Why?" she said.

  • regmcfly
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    She's fuckin right you know.
  • Hopefully, this is where the tide turns.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • I always use this example but it's so good ima do it again. Full Spectrum Warrior is a war game in a war zone where you control 8 soldiers and the entire aim is to kill enemy soldiers. In the fight to what you might call the end of level 1, about 10 enemy soldiers die and I think you only kill 6/7 of them. That's like one every 2 mins.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • Yeah but that was touted as a kind of pseudo miltary-sim at the time, where UC has always been more a pulpy, adventure-matinee inspired thing with some smart characterisation - totally different beasts.

    I believe ND when they say that they're going to make this one more sandboxy, giving the player more gameplay approach options to a lot of situations but I still think there'll be quite a few mandatory shooty bits and Drake'll mount up a considerable body count by the game's end.
  • Look at the body count of Indy, times that by 4 cos it's longer and the body count is still out of whack.

    Stealth Drake into a museum, do some platforming and investigating while solving switch puzzles and elaborate see-saws, notice some dodgy plaster work around the chandelier, a massive fish tank & a rusted chain holding the totem pole against the wall, alarm goes off, guards rush in, shoot the fish-tank, the chandelier and the totem pole, squirt 3 guys with a fire extinguisher and punch a guy that falls into 2 other guys then swing through the window with the love interest holding onto you.

    Bodycount = 0

    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • It's primarily a TPS Hamlett, it may include sections as your post above, but sadly or nae lots of baddies gonna die 'cause that's just the way these third person shooters play out, as illustrated by the previous games in the series and everything we've seen of this one so far.
  • Like I said above, I don't mind it being stuck in the past. But the TPS parts of it are the weakest parts and I don't think I've ever heard any criticism of the series that hasn't focussed on its overreliance on TPS mechanics.

    All the clips shown so far have looked good to me and I'm not worried that it will be like this all the way through because no game from a series that hasn't broke the 4 million mark could possibly afford to do that.

    Uncharted, and a lot of other games, would be better if the body count was lowered.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • I don't know what to say to you here Hamlett; it's like you've not read a single word I've typed and you're just engaged in some kind of trance-induced, narcissistic monologue.

    Good luck with that shit, it's well past my bed-time.
  • Thanks for replying.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • IanHamlett wrote:
    Look at the body count of Indy, times that by 4 cos it's longer and the body count is still out of whack. Stealth Drake into a museum, do some platforming and investigating while solving switch puzzles and elaborate see-saws, notice some dodgy plaster work around the chandelier, a massive fish tank & a rusted chain holding the totem pole against the wall, alarm goes off, guards rush in, shoot the fish-tank, the chandelier and the totem pole, squirt 3 guys with a fire extinguisher and punch a guy that falls into 2 other guys then swing through the window with the love interest holding onto you. Bodycount = 0 indy/10

    If the whole game is like that for 10-20 hours itll be boring as fuck.
    How would they even implement all that without instant fail states or heavy sign posting?

    I like uncharted how it is, the actions great FUN. 
    Dosnt need to be too serious, its popcorn videogaming.
  • Apart from the fact that the body count is massively out of whack, the gunplay has always been the most tedious aspect of the Uncharted games. There are a multitude of shooty bits that outstay their welcome several times over. I've only played the 2nd one and watched play through vids of the 1st, but I'd find myself groaning every time the genocide kicked off because it was clearly only there to lengthen a very short game.
    Each to their own peeps, but it was the brilliant exploration and headfuck puzzles that made the early Tomb Taider games sell like gangbusters, the shooting was always an afterthought. Me? I'd buy a PS4 in a heartbeat if this was a return to that.

    different times

    Come with g if you want to live...
  • See, what I did there was loosely describe a 20 min segment off the top of my head, not 10-20 hours. I'm also fine with it how it is but I think there is generally too much killing in videogames. I like killing in videogames, but I like it more when it doesn't clash with everything else in the game.

    "Here's Nathan 'Nate' Drake 'Drake', the happy go lucky funboy adventurer that has killed somewhere upward of 800 people in one game."

    We're not stuck with this clash. FullSpec style fighting isn't right for everything but it shows that a game can be full of peril and action with a low body count. And it's not like there's nothing to shoot at when there's nothing to kill. Shooting a lock while running towards a door, shooting a beam so a platform drops, shooting the glass out of a window so you can jump through. Enemies could be more like the truck in the U4 vid, stopping you from catching your breath and constantly making you change tactics.

    Enemies in FullSpec (2004) can be bypassed with cover fire. Just shoot in their general direction and they'll stay behind the dumpster. In Black (2006) you can make a group of soldiers duck by shooting 2nd story windows out and raining glass on their heads.

    With proper implementation of some of the things I've come up with in off the top of my head, they might be able to drop the body count to a less laughable 100 and I think the entire industry would be better for it.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • IanHamlett wrote:
    See, what I did there was loosely describe a 20 min segment off the top of my head, not 10-20 hours. I'm also fine with it how it is but I think there is generally too much killing in videogames. I like killing in videogames, but I like it more when it doesn't clash with everything else in the game. "Here's Nathan 'Nate' Drake 'Drake', the happy go lucky funboy adventurer that has killed somewhere upward of 800 people in one game." We're not stuck with this clash. FullSpec style fighting isn't right for everything but it shows that a game can be full of peril and action with a low body count. And it's not like there's nothing to shoot at when there's nothing to kill. Shooting a lock while running towards a door, shooting a beam so a platform drops, shooting the glass out of a window so you can jump through. Enemies could be more like the truck in the U4 vid, stopping you from catching your breath and constantly making you change tactics. Enemies in FullSpec (2004) can be bypassed with cover fire. Just shoot in their general direction and they'll stay behind the dumpster. In Black (2006) you can make a group of soldiers duck by shooting 2nd story windows out and raining glass on their heads. With proper implementation of some of the things I've come up with in off the top of my head, they might be able to drop the body count to a less laughable 100 and I think the entire industry would be better for it.

    This could be said about a great many games.
  • g.man wrote:
    Apart from the fact that the body count is massively out of whack, the gunplay has always been the most tedious aspect of the Uncharted games. There are a multitude of shooty bits that outstay their welcome several times over. I've only played the 2nd one and watched play through vids of the 1st, but I'd find myself groaning every time the genocide kicked off because it was clearly only there to lengthen a very short game. Each to their own peeps, but it was the brilliant exploration and headfuck puzzles that made the early Tomb Taider games sell like gangbusters, the shooting was always an afterthought. Me? I'd buy a PS4 in a heartbeat if this was a return to that. different times g.man

    Its not tomb raider though, the last tomb raiders had plenty shooting in them albeit with a bow.
    And sold lower than expected and become free on ps+/gwg. 
    I enjoyed the shooting personaly, i doubt it were there to pad out the game at all possibly 90%  of the game is shooting and thats not including the excellent multiplayer.
    (uncharted 3 don't count ;))

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