Resident Evil
  • Curtis
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    Curtis Rolph

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    Don't put yourself through it Reg.  ;)

    Since my OG thread in BluRoom i've always shown my love for RE4/5, so i'm gonna be biased towards this game. That said, i'll be the first to admit it's all over the shop (in every dept), and rips off every action game going, whilst throwing it's own sack of cliched set-pieces on top of your frazzled head.

    Doesn't stop it being immensely entertaining! Sometimes for the right reasons, sometimes for the wrong. I'm certainly not playing it ironically. I know exactly what it'd say on the tin. Difference being; RE6 keeps throwing curve-balls left-right-and-centre. lol!

    Top stuff.
  • Reg: have you played Shadows of the Damned? Got it for a tenner last week and greatly enjoyed it. It's very close to 6 in general combat, both having come obviously from RE4, and makes for an interesting contrast. It's also super heavy on visual delight, is batshit crazy and has super fine creature design and deviancy.
    I'm a Sasquatch man and I'm watching you.
  • Bollockoff
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    I'll have to get a mate to play this with then. Let the power of charisma FLOW through me.
    I'm a Sasquatch man and I'm watching you.
  • regmcfly
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    Chet - I'm on chapter 4 in SotD- need to finish it. Will maybe do that on my gaming marathon
  • regmcfly wrote:
    Chet - I'm on chapter 4 in SotD- need to finish it. Will maybe do that on my gaming marathon

    SotD is easily the most fun I had playing a game in years. The Evil Dead bit made me a little hard.
  • Bollockoff
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    The way Paula hecticly runs towards you actually gave me nightmares. Terrifying and genuinely pant shitting animations.

    On another note, I think i'm always going to remember RE 5 for N'gai Croal and black people.
  • The way Paula hecticly runs towards you actually gave me nightmares. Terrifying and genuinely pant shitting animations.
    Yes, there is a good lot of actually scary stuff in the game, even while it's pulling coarse and absurd humour. There are parts too where that weird sensibility makes it scarier, I think. It's an interesting mixture of things.

    I love the pauses for the story books as well, which are pretty twisted stories. Poor old George and his insatiable appetite.
    I'm a Sasquatch man and I'm watching you.
  • regmcfly
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    The stories are amazing. Particularly Garcia's shite ability to read and their little asides
  • Skerret
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    get tae

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    I might get this it sounds gud
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • I would be happy playing this game for the enemy design alone, it's an endless parade of extreme body horror specimens that tap into the sheer nightmare juice of John Carpenter's The Thing and Cronenberg's work but filtered through some bizarre ultra budget hollywood prism that it can't help but be interesting. The game also has the power to frustrate like no other game in its class. I mean when was the last time there were several segments in a game that you can describe in the briefest of terms and still get across the sheer lack of focus that would allow them to sneak into a major game. LEON ON THE ROPE, JAKE IN THE BLIZZARD, THAT FUCKING GIANT WASP.

     The sheer size of it means there is a lot to enjoy, people worked on this and they clearly cared about what they were doing and while the base game itself actually takes some substantial getting used to, after this investment is input the game improves dramatically along with your enjoyment of the extra modes (Agent hunt is a wonky but really quite fun griefing session in a mainstream game, come on.)

     This for me is Vanquish all over again, separating the patient from the people who want a more laid out experience, something I have no problem with folks seeking but find irritating when the same state it should be an objectively bad experience for me.

    Also, sliding into boxes is great craic, like knifing them back in the day. INNOVATION RIGHT THERE!.
    XBL: DJ Rick Joyce
    PSN: P-BAP
  • You can slide into a shooting position WHILST RELOADING. Capcom clearly watched every action movie in the world in prep for this.
  • A couple of things: yes the rope bit was annoying BUT, there have long been intentionally confusing, restrictive controls in Resident Evil games AND the same point is being used to batter this one. In the same breath as mourning the loss of the old controls, and how they added to the atmosphere/horror/scares, they are ignoring what may be an obvious attempt to introduce similar restrictions on the player in scenes that are clearly a bit frightening, e.g. a big fucking monster about to eat you.

    On that point, I don't think the moderate amount of added mobility reduces any tension, really, given the added challenges in crowd control and the abilities of the monsters. The zombies in Leon's portion are a really good example, they don't have guns - mostly - but you have to fully utilize your skills to keep them under control, in exactly the same way as you ever had to. They leap at you (which is really fucking scary), they spit, they hold you down while others surround you. Also, the rolling, throwing yourself on your back, is sluggish in a good way that prevents this feeling like the easy immediate evasion moves in a lot of third person games - which suit them, naturally but wouldn't this. What they used from Dead Rising, in how the zombies use weapons is brilliant, as well as how the player can use these - but unlike certain reviews have suggested, only through being an accurate shooter first.

    It does feel a good bit like Vanquish in how folks are confusing intentional restrictions with mistakes on the side of the developers, which I don't think is really all that fair, if we're giving the original games the benefit of the doubt as far as how Horror mixes well with messing with the player's mobility, or confusing their ability to keep track of enemies' locations. In Leon's story in particular there is a lovely mixture of the philosophy of the original games with Mikami's switch up from 4 - even more so than was already apparent in that game. 

    And the sheer amount of content shows how much effort they put into this game, and how much they cared to give the people who enjoyed many different things about the series something to love. I still think it's far more coherent in how one moves from different styles though. The greatest uniting thing is unsurprisingly the horror flavour in each, and how the different styles reflect on the different kinds of horror the series has used. 4 did this too, on a smaller scale. And well, I know a lot of people have a bother with what camp actually is (hint, it's not kitsch), but Resident Evil as a series has at its best been camp. And the story here is very likely the most assured in tapping those qualities as any in the series.
    I'm a Sasquatch man and I'm watching you.
  • Someone asked if Mercenaries was good on this, the answer is OH MY FUCKING YES. Just played a few hours on the first map with Rickjoyce, trying to get A Rank and it's opened my eyes up to the combat system, in a similar way to the challenges in Vanquish. The amount of context sensitive moves you can pull off is ludicrous! For example: later on you get these nasty skinless zombies that jump at you and pin you down, and they often come in big groups. Once knocked off your feet you can fire (whilst dual wielding handguns if you wish) and take them down, but the addition of the ability to roll sideways means you can keep dodging on the ground, it's brilliant!

    Also it makes you feel like a proper action hero, sliding across car bonnets, grabbing axes out of zombies chests and taking their heads off, and diving down stairs backwards whilst firing your shotgun, using instant fire quickshots to take out Zombie dogs without aiming, suplexing zombies, smashing their heads into guide rails and concrete walls... the combat is such a perfect evolution from 5, it's brilliant.
  • Yes!
    I'm a Sasquatch man and I'm watching you.
  • Rick was telling me that later on there are some awful bits in the campaign, but it seems like the reviewers are sticking on these instead of focusing on what they've done that is good. It is scary as fuck, being surrounded by zombies that are out for your blood doesn't stop being scary because there are ten of them as opposed to 2, they're still relentless and as hard to take down. It doesn't matter that you can elbow drop them, there are still more of them than you and they are still unnervingly aggressive. 

    Also, death scenes are back from 4 and they are BRILLIANT.

    The reviews for this are fucked up, it is great.
  • regmcfly
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    Tempident Evil Sunday?!?
  • In the afternoon, yep. Wanna see some of the stuff Joyce has been trying to explain to me without spoiling.
  • There were fucking annoying shitty bits in most every Resident Evil. I know for sure that Code Veronica had a heap of them.

    But yeah the reviews are pitiful.
    I'm a Sasquatch man and I'm watching you.
  • 4 was brimming with instant death stuff as well, yet it's the best action game ever?

    Don't get it. Arguments can be made against the coherency I guess, but to me it's 4 separate campaigns, as you've said before it's like the Orange Box of Resident evil. The checkpoints for the instant death stuff are fine as well, it's totally Resident Evil.
  • I'm seriously wondering if the folks in the comments liked 4 at all, to be this angry about 6. Seems like a convenient comparison to make the hyperbole about this representing the end of the series more reasonable.
    I'm a Sasquatch man and I'm watching you.
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    that were me asked about mercenaries mode, 
    im convinced tempy.....i now need this even if only for mercenaries.

    liking the comparisons with the orange box, 
    one of the best game packages ever.

    really wanted to wait till cheaper as i only liked leons missions in demo.

    raziel once wrote..."davie's to nice for this forum"!
  • regmcfly
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    I mean, we were running and gunning in china, creeping over ice , jumping out of helicopters, all in the space of 4 hours. WHAT DON'T YOU GET
  • @davie: There is an issue though Davie, Mercs is standalone BUT to unlock the extra levels you have to play the campaign... so if you're still in two minds maybe wait for a bit of a price drop. I'm still convinced everyone is popping pills though, it's humongous fun.
  • Leon's story is a full game Davie. If you're playing at all leisurely - or on hard - it's a ten hour affair. And Chris' one is way, way better than the demo lets on.
    I'm a Sasquatch man and I'm watching you.
  • Leon's story is a full game Davie. If you're playing at all leisurely - or on hard - it's a ten hour affair. And Chris' one is way, way better than the demo lets on.

    Yeah, it very infrequently plays like a cover shooter, even in chapter one, it's just an option that is there. There was a bit where hiding behind a doorway made it easier to chuck a grenade at a bunch of J'avo who'd hid behind a table, but other than that there is plenty of scope to just run in and stun with a headshot and let Chris break their neck or pick 'em up and chuck 'em head first into a wall/other enemies/off a roof. 

    In co-op as Piers you get a ridiculous sniper rifle as well that cracks heads with impunity.
  • From the very start of Chris' story, I suddenly started loving him. He's such a camp jerk! :D And the body slams are awesome!
    I'm a Sasquatch man and I'm watching you.
  • Oh god that bit in the bar wtf

    Chris's campaign only suffers because there isn't an option to dub in Wesker saying 'Chrisssss' every time someone says his name, but we've been doing that ourselves anyway.
  • regmcfly
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    What bit?
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    so you dont unlock by doing well in the mercenaries its self?
    thats a strange decision....but means il just HAVE to play everyone else's campaign and be 'the master of unlocking'.
    love the mercenaries mode so its a no brainer really.

    raziel once wrote..."davie's to nice for this forum"!

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