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  • hylian_elf wrote:
    They must have memorised the layout of the game to do that? Impressive but also sad how much time these people have to waste away!

  • I saw someone doing the final level and it was mesmerising. No way I could do it.

    When I play my brain is still thinking "yay, I managed to press jump at the right time" and then I die. It should have moved on to "press grab, press jump, hold diagonal, press dash" to not die. etc, etc
  • I can never understand how people don't get so incredibly bored of a game after playing it that much to learn every inch and perfect even the most basic starter levels etc.
    then again i get bored of games so easily now that I'm clearly on the other side of that spectrum
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • It's such a good game to play though.
  • hylian_elf wrote:
    They must have memorised the layout of the game to do that? Impressive but also sad how much time these people have to waste away!


    I requested a pic origins explanation on whatsapp and can now confirm this is Top Work.
  • b0r1s
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    That was a wonderful moment in television history :-D
  • davyK
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    I can never understand how people don't get so incredibly bored of a game after playing it that much to learn every inch and perfect even the most basic starter levels etc. then again i get bored of games so easily now that I'm clearly on the other side of that spectrum

    It's what 2D shmups are all about if you are going to get anywhere with them; especially the modern ones. The same 5 or 6 levels over 20 mins or so.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • Glad to see my work appreciated. Cheers chaps.
  • I had to do a Google Lens on it and it was well worth it.
    Live, PSN & WiiU: Yippeekiyey
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    I had not seen this either. But yes, excellent.
  • Managed to borrow Little Nightmares II from a colleague (which bizarrely he'd bought for his 7yr old), so far it's pretty much as expected - a bit clunky, slightly annoying whenever you die but creepy as fuck with an irresistibly ghoulish vibe.
  • Djornson wrote:
    Thought i'd give Outriders another chance. It's... ok. Something about the shooting feels off

    I gave it a 3rd chance and now i really like it. I thought you were supposed to use the cover but nope you are supposed to use your abilities keep moving and flanking, it's really fun now.
  • Panzer Paladin. Indie platformer I've had my eye on since launch, does the Shovel Knight/Cyber Shadow 8-bit-on-steroids thing. Lots to like but not a whole lot to be hugely impressed with so far. Solid [7] incoming.
  • Potential [8] now. Pretty good game once it gets going.
  • Looks decent. It’s got pogoing so I’m sold.
  • Yep. It's not a vintage pogo though tbh. Not versatile enough for platforming anyway, but it is useful for killing things. It's quite easy too - not an absolute pushover but I haven't died anywhere near as many times as I did in Cyber Shadow and checkpoint distances aside it's rarely mean.
  • It Takes Two. I haven't read the Edge review yet, but at this stage (6hrs?) even an [8] feels harsh. More of you lot should play this, it's fantastic.

    Such a shame it's not quite suitable for my daughter, otherwise I'd buy it for sure. The story is absolutely bonkers, I have no idea what age group it's aimed at but just like A Way Out the cutscenes are so almost deliberately shit they've won me over.
  • I've been playing through A Way Out with a mate over the past couple of weeks and it has been absolutely hilarious.
    I have no idea how much of the hilarity was intended by the devs.
  • I might get It Takes Two to play with a friend. If I can convince him to get it.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Only one of you needs to buy it to play mp online.
  • Oh wow! I’m buying, then. (He doesn’t work and has little money.)
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • LivDiv wrote:
    I've been playing through A Way Out with a mate over the past couple of weeks and it has been absolutely hilarious.
    I have no idea how much of the hilarity was intended by the devs.

    Having played three of this guy's games now I'm willing to stick my neck out and say none of it. It Takes Two tries to be funny and earnest, and still manages to be unintentionally hilarious. It's quite a talent.
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    It Takes Two. I haven't read the Edge review yet, but at this stage (6hrs?) even an [8] feels harsh. More of you lot should play this, it's fantastic. Such a shame it's not quite suitable for my daughter, otherwise I'd buy it for sure. The story is absolutely bonkers, I have no idea what age group it's aimed at but just like A Way Out the cutscenes are so almost deliberately shit they've won me over.

    Why not suitable?  Is it the themes or how hard it is?  I’m gonna get this for me and my daughter to play together but I’d like to know if I should be playing with an adult instead of a kid.

    To be clear; i have no worries about her emotional intelligence so if it’s to do with adult themes, scares, allusions to sexy times then she can play it.  If its not suitable due to being hard then there’s no way I’d waste the time.  She’s not too great at trad games so if its tricky I might need to rope one of you lot in as an upgraded gaming Evie.
  • Dad of the fucking year, right here.
  • Mine's still 6, some of the jumps and tasks are quite fiddly and I expect she'd struggle in more than a few places. It's not a straight run and jump thing, there's plenty going on and with bumpers, stick clicks, co-op timings and third person shooting too. She can crush most of Odyssey, but this is definitely less straightforward. Plus I expect we'd bicker while playing.

    She's also quite sensitive with certain things, and one particular (intentionally hilarious and genuinely amusing) scene would either tickle her or decimate her, and I wouldn't fancy gambling on which. She can handle a bit of blood splatter and whatnot (we've played Huntdown with the gore set to low, for example), but creatures hurting other creatures' feelings might be too much.

    It deals with THEMES, but only in a Kramer vs Mrs. Doubtfire way. It'd be PG all the way on the big screen.
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    It Takes Two.

    I'd like to play if you need somebody
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Moot’s playing with me. More people should find others to buddy up with though, it’s a great game and only one of you needs to buy it for two to play together (cross-gen but not cross-platform).
  • Yossarian wrote:
    Moot’s playing with me.

    Alright calm down :)
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Re: the questions about whether you should play with your kids or not, minor story spoiler below:


    That spoiler also neatly sums up the weird tonal issues that this game has. Surely that wasn’t written with kids in mind. Surely.
  • That was the point where I realised it might be GotY.

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