• It's not that he was asked questions but rather abused when they didn't get their answer.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    You're suggesting that it's ridiculous to ask the most high profile indies for a indies view of now being allowed to self publish on Xbox One. High profile indies who were happy to comment on not being allowed to do so. That my friend is utter bollocks.

    What Matt said. Plus, he did say he was waiting to see what the situation was when the full story was revealed rather than commenting on rumour. His initial comments weren't about rumours, they were about Microsoft's actual policies.
  • You're suggesting that it's ridiculous to ask the most high profile indies for a indies view of now being allowed to self publish on Xbox One. High profile indies who were happy to comment on not being allowed to do so. That my friend is utter bollocks.

    Hello Mr. Fish can I have your opinion on this:
    I'll tell you when we know the proper details
    Mr. Fish is a Tosspot.

    Is how it feels to me.
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    Not Wii - 3DS: 0146-8922-2426

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    Fish knew what Microsoft's polices for indie publishing on Xbox One were?

    That's funny, I could have sworn none had been announced. Not that that stopped him issuing his "NOT XBOX" proclamation.

    He was also keen to shoot off about not being told about the dropping of the update charges. He probably should have checked his emails before running to the social media's.

    Basically, he ran his gob off about how shit they were, then when he got what he wanted he was asked what he thought, and faced an awkward response. So gummed up.

    That's what happens when you run your mouth before waiting until "we know the proper details"
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Mod74 wrote:
    Fish knew what Microsoft's polices for indie publishing on Xbox One were? That's funny, I could have sworn none had been announced. Not that that stopped him issuing his "NOT XBOX" proclamation.

    He hadn't heard this policy announcement?
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    Not Wii - 3DS: 0146-8922-2426

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    Fish should read more than the headline
    He did add that "I would also expect that for this new generation, that we're going to continue to explore new business models and new ways of surfacing content.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Now you're just talking nonsense.
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    Not Wii - 3DS: 0146-8922-2426

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  • I'm shocked that after a guy spoke out against MS, Mod has sided against him.
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    Not Wii - 3DS: 0146-8922-2426

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    mod loves xbox lol
  • http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/7831-Go-Fish

    Jim Sterling has made a very nice contribution to the discussion of Fez/Annoyed Gamer/gaming community discussion and ways discussions happen in terms of this industry.

    Worth a watch in my opinion.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
  • Surely it's not whether guy is/isn't knob that's the issue, but the correct repsonse to it. The correct response is for some people to say to themselves, 'ok, that guy's a bit of a knob' and then nothing else happens. 'Ah, maybe I won't buy his game, the knob.' The incorrect response is, 'ok, this demands an internet hate campaign, and I wanna be part of it', or suchlike.
  • Only ever looks like a campaign because we're able to observe a whole bunch of people doing the same thing of their own (probably misguided) volition at once.
  • There must be those who see it and react as well, preferring to be voices in a crowd, no?
  • People have always received hatemail for shit but we weren't always privy to the contents so yeah, possibly. It doesn't help.

    Just think "campaign" describes a level of intent/deliberateness/coordination which is rarely appropriate. That's as much to bandwagoneers as defendants I suppose.
  • Eagerly awaiting my 'Death to Indie Blowhards' fan pack, I get an organiser and a sweet button.
  • It's not even as if Fish or whoever else is exactly capable of Blowing Hard, which makes the response to him even more hilaritragic.
  • Mod74 wrote:
    Fish knew what Microsoft's polices for indie publishing on Xbox One were? That's funny, I could have sworn none had been announced.

    No, he didn't. But, he did know what MS' Indie policy was, as he had first hand experience, and MS had given no indication of changing it at all. As such, considering the way things stood he was able to comment.
    As soon as they flip flopped on that stance he was asked for his opinion, but refused as he wanted to know all the details first. I can't see any problem with that myself.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • Brooks wrote:
    People have always received hatemail for shit but we weren't always privy to the contents so yeah, possibly. It doesn't help. Just think "campaign" describes a level of intent/deliberateness/coordination which is rarely appropriate. That's as much to bandwagoneers as defendants I suppose.
    Yeah, it's not co-ordinated as such, but when you see the uniformity of abusive comments it's hard to put it down just to lack of imagination. I should also imagine there's an intent from some people to make a point of expressing their 'anger' loudly in order to get a ball rolling, with the hope of creating an unstoppable Katamari style nerd-sphere.

    And having said that it occurs to me there must be an 'angry nerds' meme by now for things like this, else the internet is getting lazy.
  • The people who make the memes are angry nerds so it'll probably make them implode.
  • Maybe the answer is just to have a highly diffuse or actually baffling social media presence. As a stopgap til all the angry dorks are dead.

    It's entirely possible to make necessary statements as a PR entity without having to commit your actual person to the exercise.
  • If you look at Fez though it's easy to see why Fish did commit his all to twitters etc

    Would like more gamedevs to post like Dril though

    *trashes neck around wildly*
  • I find Jaffe a lot more normal in his tweets than any journo soundbite ever allowed him to be.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • Tump: It's working for Tales of Game's, at any rate.
  • Re; Jaffe Then he writes a blog post and shits his own retarded brain over the wall, man's an idiot.

    @Brooks am I just searching Tales of Games on twitterz for that?
  • Sasukekun wrote:
    As such, considering the way things stood he was able to comment. As soon as they flip flopped on that stance he was asked for his opinion, but refused as he wanted to know all the details first. I can't see any problem with that myself.

    He and Blow moaned about even being asked in the first place.
  • The cool thing about passive-aggression is that when done smartly, most bozos will completely miss the aggression bit.
  • Tangenital: Cara Ellison being in charge of RPS for a week has been brilliant, the amount of people who hate her over 'soup gate' is silly, and she just does not give a fuck and posting is whatever she wants, i.e games about Sex, which is breaking a lot of nerdos brains. This girlm am LIKE sex?!!.
  • Stop me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Fish/Blow wouldn't even go to Kotaku, Giant Bomb, et al, when they want to spread info on their games. They'd put a notice on their website and let the war for click-baitiest headline begin.

    I don't know where this idea that these particular devs turn up at Polygon's door with their puppy-dog eyes, a basket full of seasonal fruits and nuts, and their latest game screencaps on USB stick comes from.

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