Film/Video Discussion Thread
  • Ok I skimmed it.

    I agree with everything else.
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • wrote:
    Now we can get The Fez to use his powers of being an amusing foreigner to get us passed the guards at the castle gates.
    This made me chuckle.
  • Coming soon from The DC Cinematic Universe...
    Captain String Vs The Holocaust.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • I also had problems with the unevenness of the CGI.

    The animated JL is by far the better product.
  • String?

    How do you become a Captain if string is your...thing?
    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • Wait. You've never heard of Captain String???
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • String?
    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • Gremill wrote:
    Moana, on the other hand, is fucking brilliant.

    Amazing film.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • three1ne wrote:
    Dinostar77 wrote:
    Gremill wrote:
    Mennen Black. I do love Deadpool, even just for the whole hearted way that Ryan Reynolds has completely embraced the character.

    I like Ryan Reynolds. Especially as he stuck to his guns for deadpool2 which meant the director left the project. The director wanted a stylistic sequel. Reynolds wanted to continue to break the 4th wall and do the deadpool jokes etc. Good lad.

    Wondered why director left. Seems odd that he wanted to change the tone. Got anymore info?

    Have a Google dude, there are a number of articles, some from the director himself. Personally as long as we get a sequel similar in tone to DP1 then I have no issue with it.
  • Gremill wrote:
    Moana, on the other hand, is fucking brilliant.

    It’s ok.
    The Forum Herald™
  • Dark Soldier
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    Super Dark Times:

    Absolute fucking belter. Good bit of 90's nostalgia done better than Stranger Things. Great plot, dark as fuck. Get it watched.
  • Bob wrote:
    Kubo and the two strings fits into the small
    Category of films that are so dull I couldn't finish.

    Loved Kubo, thought it was a beautiful film.
  • Just walking out after watching Justice League. Great popcorn superhero movie. Poor film but really enjoyed it. If you’re not a big modern superhero movie fan I don’t think you’ll get anything out of it. I thought it was aces fun.
  • Mudbound is a heavy hitter, well worth a watch.  Excellent performance by Rob Morgan.
  • Hunt for the Wilder People was brilliant.
  • Verecocha wrote:
    Just walking out after watching Justice League. Great popcorn superhero movie. Poor film but really enjoyed it. If you’re not a big modern superhero movie fan I don’t think you’ll get anything out of it. I thought it was aces fun.

    ACES. How do you not tire of this superhero shite?

  • Verecocha wrote:
    Just walking out after watching Justice League. Great popcorn superhero movie. Poor film but really enjoyed it. If you’re not a big modern superhero movie fan I don’t think you’ll get anything out of it. I thought it was aces fun.

    ACES. How do you not tire of this superhero shite?

    Because I like it! Therefore to me it isn’t shite!
  • It's just the sheer deluge of them. They're fucking everywhere. I sigh when I see yet another fucking superhero trailer.

    How do you enjoy a poor film? In your own words!
  • I think you mean deluge rather than dearth.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • It's just the sheer dirth of them. They're fucking everywhere. I sigh when I see yet another fucking superhero trailer.

    How do you enjoy a poor film? In your own words!

    It’s poor in the sense of not having the deepest of stories, it rushes to tell you everything, it’s narrative exposition isn’t very well accomplished, but it’s good fun, and that’s exactly what I want from such a thing.

    The action is good, the visuals and sound are top notch. The casting is very good, and the characters are enjoyable to watch. I’m quite happy to let these characters entertain me for a couple of hours and I enjoy their company. I don’t need not want finer details, a wider more complex narrative, I just want something I can shove popcorn into my face whilst watching big explosions and baddies vs goodies.

    It appears in contemporary cinema everyone has to not just like the thing they are into and dislike what they don’t, but declare their preference as masterpiece’s and the opposite as the worst thing ever, then also seem as if they are offended if somehow others have a different opinion.
  • That’s just the internet, generally, about everything.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • hylian_elf wrote:
    I think you mean deluge rather than dearth.

    The Forum Herald™
  • Justice League
    So very very average. Zack Synder fucks it up again. Spoiler contains a few movie spoilers Btw.

    Also there are two post movie cut scenes ala marvel.

    I agree with the savaging the movie has been getting post the praise that the wonder woman movie got. The director of that movie patty jennings? Should be given the next JL movie. Or give it to Wheddon from the very start. Just no zack synder.
  • Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond on Netflix was just brilliant. Carrey is too good for this world, got me really hard at points. What a guy.
  • I'm watching it at the moment, but had to pause to get a piece of grit out my eye or something.  Never thought I'd get sucker punched by 
  • Yep, good few moments of current day Carrey talking that were like a sledgehammer to the chest. Remarkable.
  • Oops, wrong thread
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  • Expectations were low, but SWEET JESUS Justice League is bad.

    It's not as bloated as BvS and it's not as hateful as SS, it's just...nothing. There's just nothing there! It has no idea who these characters are or what to do with them. There's no tension or heart. It's not exciting. It's not funny. It has the least threatening villain of any superhero movie to date. 

    What it does have is Superman's fabulously stupid CG face. There's something so completely wonderful about a hairy upper lip that causes quite so much trouble to a $100 million dollar movie. And in November, no less. 

    There's a point somewhere towards the end where he smiles and it's truly terrifying. 

    Humiliating for all involved. Affleck's embarrassment practically radiates off the screen.

    The gulf between DC and Marvel has never felt wider.
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95

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