101 Things that get on our tits but don't actually matter in the slightest.
  • My phone couldn't do internetting anyway, was on the wife's.
  • Should've dived for the brick like they taught us in the 80s.  Not sure what to do now.  I was on a monthly contract I got with a Blackberry years ago, but had been using the free back-up phone since I broke the BB maybe 5 years back.  Can I get EE/T-Mobile to send me out a new sim and keep my number?  Could I put that in any other phone?  I don't want to go to into a phone shop, no-one understands the need for buttons, or the lack of desire for anything other than text messages/phonecalls.
  • Yes to both your questions.
  • So long as the other phone isn't locked to another network, obvs.
  • The one I'm looking at on the Argos website says EE, so I should be fine.
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    Should've dived for the brick like they taught us in the 80s.  Not sure what to do now.  I was on a monthly contract I got with a Blackberry years ago, but had been using the free back-up phone since I broke the BB maybe 5 years back.  Can I get EE/T-Mobile to send me out a new sim and keep my number?  Could I put that in any other phone?  I don't want to go to into a phone shop, no-one understands the need for buttons, or the lack of desire for anything other than text messages/phonecalls.

    You can get a replacement SIM yes. If youre still on the same contract from a Blackberry years ago youre quite possibly paying too much and might want to look into that.

    As long as the phone you get is unlocked or locked to EE the SIM will work.

    Feature phones are a growing market, so you'd be surprised at the reaction. I can get some suggestions for you if you like.
  • I got it reduced from £17 to £12 a month when I declined a free upgrade.  It'd probably be cheaper to switch to pay as you go, but I really do abuse my unlimited text allowance.  

    Feature phones?
  • Obviously Whatsapp would be the same as unlimited texts, I did have that on the BB for a while.  Can you get Whatsapp on pay as you go?
  • Feature phones are what they call non smartphones now. Whats the one youre lookingvat in Argos?
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    You can’t get WhatsApp without your phone connecting to the internet, which is good because £12 per month with no data would’ve been a rip off.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Surely go Nokia for the retro cool aspect.
  • Some PAYG contacts have unlimited data allowance for Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp etc.

    Even the cheapest contracts tend to have unlimited texts these days. If that's all you're bothered about, I'd imagine you can get something for £8 or less.

    I know it's not a feature phone, but I was looking at the Nokia 1 today. Seems pretty good for the price.
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:

    Oh, you don't want data at all. Might be able to find a contract for a fiver, then.
  • Nokia 1 looks nice.  It's probably time I gave up resisting touch screen, I've got used to it whenever I use my wife's Samsung.  Will have a think, would be nice to have a camera/whatsapp, if only to avoid the regular bollocking I get for requesting pics to be emailed to me (and missing out on taking snaps of my own on days out).  Ideally I'd like to not be able to access the internet though - not spending my whole commute refreshing this place was probably the main reason for downgrading to the brick.  I couldn't stop.
  • I'm not entirely sure, but I think you can disable the browser on Android.
  • As an aside, nobody lists contracts with no data any more. But you could probably get one by calling them, of you wanted.
  • Cheers all.  I may brave a phone shop tomorrow after all.
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:

    Right, that's about as basic a phone as you can get, so it depends what you want, just a cheap, does the job, or something more.

    The Nokia 8110 4G is one of the new generation of feature phones.  It's a little bit bigger and heavier, but not by much. It's got light dust protection and can survive a little bit of water spray, but don't take it into the ocean again.

    What's the main difference is the operating system. It's running something called KaiOS, which will allow you to use certain apps. The big draw has been the Google apps, but in your case, Whatsapp might be of most interest. Battery will last you a lot longer as well. Think about the old Nokia's battery life, we're talking that. It also has an FM radio, and a camera if that's of use. Build quality is much better as well.

    The but is that it will cost a fair bit more. £50 at Carphone, might find it cheaper elsewhere.
  • WhatsApp's on the way out, from what I hear. Everyone's looking for alternatives since word got out that Facebook are going to introduce ads to it. Even the latest generation of feature phones aren't going to cover that eventuality. Battery life, price and durability are big positives though.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    I suspect that WhatsApp won’t be going anywhere for a while, TBH.
  • I'll pop in and see how much data I get with my existing deal.  I know it's 'some', but we might be talking 512MB.  Cheers Dante, something along those lines might be good but Batfink button shield on that one looks a bit unnecessary.
  • Yossarian wrote:
    I suspect that WhatsApp won’t be going anywhere for a while, TBH.

    Of course not. Some people will stop using it, then it'll merge with Facebook messages, then more people will stop using it. It'll still exist, but you won't be able to use it as a primary way of contacting people because half the people you want to talk to won't be on there any more. Historically, messaging platforms have had very little hold on people; AIM, MSN, Skype...

    Of course, they could manage to pull off really unobtrusive advertising that doesn't bother people, but I somehow doubt they'll even think about it.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    I suspect that it’s become widespread enough and people are used enough to advertising that it’ll stay put for a long time yet.
  • Perhaps. It all depends on the implementation.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    The internet has shown me that most people will put up with all kinds of shit advertising.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Telegram, Signal or Wickr are likely to be the next big messaging apps, WhatsApp is unlikely to disappear though.

    What will be big is when someone creates a properly integrated messaging app that connects to all your messaging apps, including text and social media, and hosts them all in one client.
  • Nah, that's been done before and hasn't taken off, plus it's not going to be possible with a of things because the platform owners won't let it.

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